Class library reference

The class library reference explains the classes, interfaces, value types, and other members that are included in the Relativity SDK. These members provide access to system functionality and serve as the foundation for building Relativity applications.

To view detailed member information, click one of the following namespaces.

Agents API

Namespace Description
kCura.Agent Contains all the base functionality needed to get an agent instance working correctly in a system.
kCura.Agent.CustomAttributes Contains custom attributes that are used to set up metadata for agent instances.

Analytics Index Manager API

Namespace Description
Analytics.Conceptual.DataContracts Contains the data objects for interacting with Relativity Analytics indexes.
Analytics.Conceptual.DataContracts.Exception Contains the exceptions that can be raised when you interact with Relativity Analytics indexes.
Analytics.Conceptual.Service.Interfaces Contains the interface with the methods for interacting with Relativity Analytics indexes.

API Helpers

Namespace Description
Relativity.API Contains all the base functionality needed to establish an RSAPI client and set database connections for agents, event handlers, and custom pages.

Audit APIs

Namespace Description
Relativity.Audit.Services.Interface.Metrics Contains an interface exposing the method used to retrieve the total count and sizes of audits through the Audit Metrics service.
Relativity.Audit.Services.Interface.Metrics.Models Contains the classes used for retrieving audit information through the Audit Metrics service.
Relativity.Audit.Services.Interface.Pivot Contains an interface exposing the method used to run pivot queries on audit data through the Audit Pivot service.
Relativity.Audit.Services.Interface.Pivot.Models Contains the classes used to run pivot queries on audit data through the Audit Pivot service.
Relativity.Audit.Services.Interface.Query Contains an interface exposing the method used to query for an audit record through the Audit Query service.
Relativity.Audit.Services.Interface.Query.Models.AuditObjectManagerUI Contains the AuditQueryOptions class.
Relativity.Audit.Services.Interface.Query.Models.AuditQuery Contains the classes used to query for an audit record through the Audit Query service.
Relativity.Audit.Services.Interface.Revert Contains an interface exposing the methods used to revert audit actions through the Audit Revert service.
Relativity.Audit.Services.Interface.Revert.Models Contains the classes used to revert audit actions through the Audit Revert service.
Relativity.Audit.Services.Interface.ReviewerStatistics Contains an interface exposing the methods used to run audit reports on reviewer statistics through the Reviewer Statistics service.
Relativity.Audit.Services.Interface.ReviewerStatistics.Models Contains the classes used to run audit reports on reviewer statistics through the Reviewer Statistics service.

Custom Pages API

Namespace Description
Relativity.CustomPages Provides the framework for managing custom pages within the Relativity system.

Document Viewer Services API

Namespace Description
Relativity.DocumentViewer.Services Contains classes, enumerations, and an interface used for converting documents to viewer types supported by Relativity, including native, image, production, and transcript types.

Event Handlers API

Namespace Description
kCura.EventHandler Contains base and fundamental classes that define events and event handlers.
kCura.EventHandler.CustomAttributes Contains attribute classes for identifying attribute definitions in metadata quickly and easily.
kCura.EventHandler.PostExecuteAction Contains classes that define the behavior to occur after execution of an action ends.
kCura.MassOperationHandlers Contains the base class that defines mass operation events and event handlers.

Imaging API

Namespace Description
Relativity.Imaging.Services.Interfaces Contains interfaces, classes, and enumerations used for imaging files.

Import API

Namespace Description
kCura.Relativity.DataReaderClient Contains classes for creating, executing, and monitoring import jobs.
kCura.Relativity.ImportAPI Contains all the base functionality needed to create custom import utilities for documents, images, production sets, and Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs).
kCura.Relativity.ImportAPI.Data Contains classes that represent a subset of the Relativity objects that are available when using the Import API.
kCura.Relativity.ImportAPI.Enumeration Provides enumerated types that define various field properties and upload parameters.
Relativity.DataExchange Contains classes and an interface used for updating import and export application configuration settings. It also contains related exception classes.
Relativity.DataExchange.Io Contains classes and interfaces used to identify file types through the File Type Identifier service.

Integration Points API

Namespace Description
Relativity.IntegrationPoints.Contracts Contains classes and interfaces for building a data source provider and deploying the provider in its own application domain.
Relativity.IntegrationPoints.Contracts.Internals Contains internal interfaces, exceptions, and settings classes.
Relativity.IntegrationPoints.Contracts.Models Contains classes and enumerations for mapping data from source fields to workspace fields.
Relativity.IntegrationPoints.Contracts.Provider Contains interfaces for batching and importing unique identifiers on data fields and the data stored in those fields.
Relativity.IntegrationPoints.SourceProviderInstaller Contains classes and delegates for registering a data source provider with Relativity and uninstalling a provider from a workspace.
(Related reference content is unavailable.)
Contains interfaces that your provider class must implement. The methods on these interfaces control the batching and importing of unique identifiers for data entries. They also control batching and importing the actual data.

Kepler API

Namespace Description
Relativity.Kepler.Exceptions Contains exception types that a Kepler Service can throw.
Relativity.Kepler.Logging Contains an interface for obtaining logging and diagnostic information about a Kepler service.
Relativity.Kepler.Security Contains classes used for the underlying structure of authentication and credentials.
Relativity.Kepler.Serialization Contains classes that Kepler services use for serialization and deserialization.
Relativity.Kepler.Services Contains classes, interfaces, and enumerations used to build Kepler services.
Relativity.Kepler.Status Contains an interface with methods for retrieving the status of a Kepler service.
Relativity.Kepler.Transport Contains classes and interfaces used to manage Kepler streams and HTTP responses.
Relativity.Kepler.Utility Contains utility classes used to extract languages.
Relativity.Services.Exceptions Contains exception types that a Kepler Service can throw.
Relativity.Services.ServiceProxy Contains classes that control and provide functionality for proxies.

Processing API

Namespace Description
Relativity.Processing.Services Contains classes for automating processing workflows.
Relativity.Processing.Services.Interfaces.DTOs Contains classes and enumerations used to work with processing filters.

Productions API

Namespace Description
Relativity.Productions.Services Contains classes for automating production workflows.

Search Terms Report Services API

Namespace Description
Relativity.SearchTermsReport.Interfaces Contains classes, enumerations, and interfaces for managing search terms reports.

Services API

Namespace Description
kCura.Relativity.Client Contains the fundamental classes needed to connect to Relativity and interact with Document and other objects in Relativity.
kCura.Relativity.Client.DTOs Contains a set of strongly typed objects that expose the same properties that are available through the user interface for Relativity objects.
kCura.Relativity.Client.DTOs.Attributes Contains classes that describe attributes of a DTO object.
kCura.Relativity.Client.Repositories Contains classes that perform operations on DTO objects.
kCura.Relativity.Client.Repositories.Extensions Contains classes that perform CRUD operations on repository items.
Relativity.Services Contains classes for constructing queries and returning results with Relativity saved search services.
Relativity.Services.Choice Contains classes for interacting with Relativity Choice objects.
Relativity.Services.Client Contains classes for interacting with Relativity Client objects.
Relativity.Services.Document Contains classes for interacting with Relativity Document objects.
Relativity.Services.Field Contains classes for interacting with fields through Relativity service host framework services (Kepler), such as saved search services.
Relativity.Services.FieldManager Contains interfaces used for interacting with specialized functionality for Field objects, such as propagation, overlay behavior, and others.
Relativity.Services.FieldMapping Contains an interface and classes for mapping fields between Relativity and an external data source through Relativity service host framework services.
Relativity.Services.FileField Contains the interfaces used for uploading and downloading files linked to file fields through the File Field Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Folder Contains classes for interacting with folders through Relativity service host framework services (Kepler).
Relativity.Services.Group Contains classes for interacting with Relativity Group objects.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.Agent Contains interfaces exposing methods for performing CRUD, and related operations on agents through the Agent Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.Agent.Models Contains the classes and enumeration used for performing CRUD and other operations through the Agent Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.Document Contains the interface exposing methods for downloading a native file for a document, and retrieving a list of files associated with a document through the Document File Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.Document.Models Contains the class and enumerations used for operations through the Document File Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.EventHandler Contains the interface exposing methods for attaching event handlers to object types, detaching event handlers from them, and performing other tasks through the Event Handler Manager service used in conjunction with the Object Type Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.EventHandler.Models Contains the classes and enumerations used for attaching and detaching event handlers through the Event Handler Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.Field Contains an interface exposing methods for performing CRUD on fields, and includes various helper methods for working through the Field Manager API.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.Field.Models Contains various request and response classes, and enumerations for working with the methods exposed through the Field Manager API.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.InstanceSetting Contains an interface exposing methods for performing CRUD on instance settings through the Instance Settings Manager API.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.InstanceSetting.Model Contains the request and response classes, and an enumeration for working with the methods exposed through the Instance Setting Manager API.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.MassOperation Contains interfaces exposing methods for performing CRUD, and related operations for mass operations through the Mass Operation Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.MassOperation.Models Contains the classes and enumerations used for performing CRUD, and related operations for mass operations through the Mass Operation Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.ObjectRules Contains the interface exposing methods for performing CRUD, and related operations on object rules through the Object Rule Manager service used in conjunction with the Object Type Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.ObjectRules.Models Contains the classes and enumerations used for performing CRUD and other operations through the Object Rule Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.ObjectType Contains interfaces exposing methods for performing CRUD, and related operations on object types through the Object Type Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.ObjectType.Models Contains the classes used for performing CRUD and other operations through the Object Type Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.Tab Contains interfaces exposing methods for performing CRUD, and related operations on tabs through the Tab Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.Tab.Models Contains the classes and enumeration used for performing CRUD and other operations through the Tab Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.UserInfo Contains the interfaces and classes used for obtaining information about Relativity users through the User Information Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Interfaces.UserInfo.Models Contains classes used for interacting with User Information Manager service when retrieving user information.
Relativity.Services.KeyboardShortcuts Contains the interface with the methods for retrieving keyboard shortcuts available in a workspace.
Relativity.Services.KeyboardShortcuts.Models Contains classes for interacting with keyboard shortcuts.
Relativity.Services.LoggingConfig Contains the interfaces used for interacting with configurations, rules, and sinks used by the Relativity logging framework.
Relativity.Services.Matter Contains classes for interacting with Relativity Matter objects.
Relativity.Services.Notifications Contains classes for interacting with Relativity notifications.
Relativity.Services.ObjectQuery Contains classes for performing queries on Relativity objects through Relativity service host framework services.
Relativity.Services.Objects Contains the interfaces and classes used for reading and updating fields on Document objects and Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs), and querying for system types through the Object Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Objects.DataContracts Contains the majority of classes and enumerations needed to interact with the Object Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Objects.Exceptions Contains the class for exceptions thrown through the Object Manager service.
Relativity.Services.Objects.Extensions Contains classes with methods used for working with hydrated objects, including Choice, Field, Layout, and RelativityObject types.
Relativity.Services.Objects.Models Contains the classes used when performing read, update, and query operations through the Object Manager service.
Relativity.Services.PasswordBank Contains an interface used for retrieving document passwords from the Password Bank.
Relativity.Services.Permission Contains classes for interacting with Relativity permissions.
Relativity.Services.Pivot Contains classes for interacting with Relativity Pivot queries.
Relativity.Services.PivotManager.Models Contains classes that define the exceptions thrown when interacting with Relativity Pivot queries.
Relativity.Services.PivotProfile Contains classes and enumerations used to determine how Pivot Profiles are displayed, including settings that control their appearance on dashboards.
Relativity.Services.RelativityApplication Contains classes for interacting with Relativity applications.
Relativity.Services.Search Contains classes for interacting with Relativity saved search services.
Relativity.Services.SearchIndex Contains classes for interacting with search indexes through Relativity service host framework services (Kepler).
Relativity.Services.ServiceProxy Contains the foundational classes for connecting to Relativity platform services.
Relativity.Services.User Contains classes for interacting with users through Relativity service host framework services (Kepler).
Relativity.Services.View Contains classes for interacting with Relativity views.

Structured Analytics API

Namespace Description
Relativity.StructuredAnalytics.Services.Interfaces.StructuredAnalytics Contains the interface with methods used for executing analysis jobs on structured analytics sets.
Relativity.StructuredAnalytics.Services.Interfaces.StructuredAnalytics.Models Contains classes used for errors and operation results.
Relativity.StructuredAnalytics.Services.Interfaces.StructuredAnalytics.Models.Status Contains classes used to represent status contracts.