kCura.Relativity.DataReaderClient Namespace

Relativity Import APIs

Public classFullStatus
Represents a status message provided to an OnProcessProgress event.
Public classImageImportBulkArtifactJob
Provides the functionality required to load data for an import job and to retrieve messages from the OnMessage event.
Public classImageSettings
Provides settings for imaging files.
Public classImageSourceIDataReader
Contains source data for import.
Public classImportBulkArtifactJob
Provides the functionality for importing Artifacts into a workspace, setting import parameters, loading data, and retrieving messages from the OnMessage event.
Public classImportSettingsBase
Defines the base class for the Settings and ImageSettings classes. Provides common properties.
Public classSettings
Provides settings to manage the import process.
Public classSourceIDataReader
Contains source data for import.
Public classStatus
Represents a status message provided to an OnMessage event.

Public interfaceIImportBulkArtifactJob
Describe the functionality for importing Artifacts into a workspace, setting import parameters, loading data, and retrieving messages from the OnMessage event.
Public interfaceIImportNotifier
Describes events that the import process can raise.

Public delegateIImportNotifier.OnCompleteEventHandler
Public delegateIImportNotifier.OnFatalExceptionEventHandler
Public delegateIImportNotifier.OnProcessProgressEventHandler
Public delegateIImportNotifier.OnProgressEventHandler
Public delegateImageImportBulkArtifactJob.OnErrorEventHandler
Public delegateImageImportBulkArtifactJob.OnMessageEventHandler
Public delegateImportBulkArtifactJob.OnErrorEventHandler
Public delegateImportBulkArtifactJob.OnMessageEventHandler

Public enumerationNativeFileCopyModeEnum
Specifies what to do about the native files when importing.
Public enumerationOverwriteModeEnum
Specifies the mode for importing files.