Relativity.Services.ServiceProxy Namespace

Relativity Kepler
The Relativity.Services.ServiceProxy namespace contains classes that control and provide functionality for proxies.

Public classBearerTokenCredentials
Specifies that bearer token authentication will be used to authenticate the connection.
Public classCredentials
Determines the authentication type to be used for the connection.
Public classIntegratedAuthCredentials
Specifies that integrated Windows authentication will be used to authenticate the connection.
Public classSecretKeyCredentials
Specifies that secret key authentication will be used to authenticate the connection.
Public classServiceFactory
The ServiceFactory class can be used in standalone console applications to return proxies for any of the service interfaces published by the Relativity Services API, including RSAPIClient and Relativity service manager interfaces.
Public classServiceFactorySettings
Configuration settings for creating a standalone Service Factory.
Public classTokenCredentials
Specifies that token authentication will be used to authenticate the connection.
Public classUsernamePasswordCredentials
Specifies that username-password authentication will be used to authenticate the connection.

Public interfaceIServiceFactory
The ServiceFactory class can be used in standalone console applications to return proxies for any of the service interfaces published by the Relativity Services API, including RSAPIClient and Relativity service manager interfaces.