Relativity.Imaging.Services.Interfaces Namespace

Relativity Imaging API
The Relativity.Imaging.Services.Interfaces namespace provides functionality for Creating, Updating and Reading Imaging Profiles, Imaging Sets, and Application Field Codes, and provides read functionality for Native Types.

Public classApplicationFieldCode
Contains information regarding how to handle certain application fields in Imaging Sets.
Public classApplicationFieldCodeRef
Serves as the base class for ApplicationFieldCode instances.
Public classBasicImagingEngineOptions
Specifies the basic imaging engine options for an ImagingProfile instance.
Public classEmailOptions
Indicates the native imaging options set on an ImagingProfile instance used when imaging email messages.
Public classHtmlOptions
Indicates the native imaging options set on an ImagingProfile instance used when imaging HTML content.
Public classImageDocumentJob
ImageDocumentJob - This is used by image on the fly. It should not be used for mass imaging. It allows one document to use an alternate native (ie... for PDF image upload)
Public classImageDocumentResponse
Represents the current status of a running Imaging Job for an ImageDocument request (single document imaging jobs).
Public classImagingJob
Represents a job request sent to the imaging engine to generated a set of documents identified by a specific ImagingSet instance.
Public classImagingJobBase
Base class for Imaging Jobs.
Public classImagingProfile
Represents the settings used to image a group of documents.
Public classImagingProfileRef
Represents a base class for an ImagingProfile object, and contains properties referenced by it.
Public classImagingSet
Represents an imaging set, which consists of an ImagingProfile and a saved search containing documents for imaging.
Public classImagingSetJobStatus
Represents the current status of a running Imaging Job for an ImagingSet.
Public classImagingSetRef
Represents a base class for an ImagingSet object, and contains properties referenced by it.
Public classImagingSetStatus
Represents the current state of an imaging job for an ImagingSet.
Public classNativeImagingEngineOptions
Represents the options set on an ImagingProfile for use with native imaging jobs.
Public classNativeType
Represents document types in the Imaging API.
Public classNativeTypeRef
Represents a base class for a NativeType object, and contains properties referenced by it.
Public classPresentationOptions
Represents the settings for displaying speaker notes and page orientation for presentation slides, such as Microsoft PowerPoint.
Public classSpreadsheetOptions
Represents the spreadsheet options set on an ImagingProfile instance.
Public classStopImagingJobRequest
Represents a job request sent to the imaging engine to cancel an in-progress imaging job.
Public classStopImagingJobResponse
Represents a response from the imaging engine that indicates whether an imaging job was successfully canceled.
Public classUpdateJobPriorityRequest
The request object for updating the priority of an imaging job.
Public classUpdateJobPriorityResponse
The response object for updating the priority of an imaging job.
Public classWordProcessingOptions
Represents the word processing options set on an ImagingProfile instance.

Public interfaceIApplicationFieldCodeManager
Exposes methods on the Application Field Code Manager service used for creating, updating, reading, and deleting ApplicationFieldCode instances.
Public interfaceIImagingJobManager
Exposes methods on the Imaging Job Manager service used for running, stopping, and retrying ImagingSet jobs.
Public interfaceIImagingModule
Provides a module interface declaration for all Relativity imaging services.
Public interfaceIImagingProfileManager
Exposes methods for creating, updating, reading, and deleting ImagingProfile instances.
Public interfaceIImagingSetManager
Exposes methods for creating, updating, reading, and deleting ImagingSet instances.
Public interfaceINativeTypeManager
Exposes a method for retrieving NativeType instances by their ArtifactID.

Public enumerationApplicationFieldCodeOption
Specifies how an application field code is handled during a ImagingJob.
Public enumerationApplicationType
ApplicationType specifies the source desktop application for a FieldCode mapping
Public enumerationBasicCategory
Defines the choices for the BasicCategory property on NativeType class.
Public enumerationDitheringAlgorithm
Specifies the dithering algorithm used for an ImagingProfile instance.
Public enumerationFormatting
Specifies spreadsheet formatting as a multiple choice option on the SpreadsheetOptions instance.
Public enumerationImageFormat
Specifies the image format for images generated from a specific ImagingProfile instance.
Public enumerationImageSize
Specifies the size of images generated from a specific ImagingProfile instance.
Public enumerationImagingMethod
Specifies the basic or native imaging option defined on an ImagingProfile instance.
Public enumerationInclude
Specifies document attributes added by word processing software to include in the imaging output.
Public enumerationIncludeGridlines
Renders the original gridline settings in the imaging output for spreadsheets.
Public enumerationIncludeHeadersAndFooters
Specifies whether to render headers and footers in spreadsheets.
Public enumerationIncludeRowAndColumnHeadings
Specifies whether to render row and column headings in the imaging output of spreadsheets.
Public enumerationNativeCategory
Specifies a grouping of related file types or formats for native imaging.
Public enumerationOrientation
Specifies the page orientation for images generated from an ImagingProfile instance.
Public enumerationPageOrder
Specifies the order used to render the pages in spreadsheets.
Public enumerationPageOrientation
option for orientation of a given page used by ImagingProfile's WordProcessingOptions
Public enumerationPaperSizeOrientation
Specifies the paper size and orientation used to render the pages in a spreadsheet.
Public enumerationPrintArea
Specifies a print area in a spreadsheet used for an imaging job.
Public enumerationSlideOrientation
Specifies the orientation of presentation slides, such as Microsoft PowerPoint.
Public enumerationTextVisibility
Specifies the visibility of the text in a spreadsheet by controlling background and font color.