Relativity.Services Namespace

Relativity Services API
The Relativity.Services namespace contains the classes for constructing queries and returning results with the Relativity saved search services.

Public classAnalyticsSearchFieldNames
The string names of fields used on dynamic objects.
Public classArtifactFieldNames
The string names of fields used on dynamic artifacts.
Public classArtifactQueryFieldNames
The string names for artifact-level properties.
Public classArtifactTypeIdentifier
Artifact Type Identifier.
Public classBooleanCondition
Use a BooleanCondition to query for items by comparing a Boolean Field against a True/False value.
Public classClientFieldNames
Public classCompositeCondition
A Composite Condition can be used to define AND and OR conditions that combine other Conditions together.
Public classCondition
Base class for Query Conditions. Do not use directly.
Public classConditionExtensions
Public classDateTimeCondition
Use a DateTimeCondition in a Query to test a DateTime field against a DateTime value.
Public classDecimalCondition
Use a DecimalCondition to test a Decimal field against a numeric value.
Public classDeleteProcessStateProgress
Represents the progress object for mass delete processes.
Public classdtSearchFieldNames
The string names of fields used on dynamic objects.
Public classFieldCondition
Base class for Field Conditions
Public classFileCondition
Use a FileCondition in a Query to test a File field against a file name.
Public classInstanceSettingFieldNames
Public classKeywordSearchFieldNames
The string names of fields used on dynamic objects.
Public classMatterFieldNames
Public classMonthOfCondition
Use a MonthOfCondition in a Query to compare DateTime against a string value that becomes enumerated over MonthOf|1 through MonthOf|12.
Public classMoveProcessStateProgress
Represents the progress object for mass move processes.
Public classMultiChoiceCondition
Use a MultiChoiceCondition in a Query to test a MultiChoice field against an array of Choice ArtifactID values
Public classMultiLineStringCondition
Use a MultiLineStringCondition in a Query to test against a field containing newline-delimited strings.
Public classNotCondition
Use the NOT Condition to negate a condition.
Public classObjectCondition
Use an ObjectCondition in a Query to test an Object field against an array of ArtifactIDs of items
Public classObjectsCondition
Use an ObjectsCondition in a Query to test an Objects field against an array of ArtifactIDs of items
Public classPermissionFieldNames
Public classProcessStateProgress
Represents the progress object for mass processes.
Public classQuery
The output of a call to the Query method.
Public classQueryResultSet<T>
The output of a call to the Query method.
Public classResult<T>
A ReadResult represents the outcome of an individual Read operation on a single Artifact.
Public classSampleParameters
Public classSearchContainerFieldNames
Public classSearchFieldNames
Public classSingleChoiceCondition
Use a SingleChoiceCondition in a Query to test a SingleChoice field against a one more values. The Value property can be a single Choice ArtifactID value or an array of ArtifactID values.
Public classSort
Describes how to sort Query results.
Public classTextCondition
Use a TextCondition in a Query to compare a FixedLengthText or LongText field against a string value.
Public classUserCondition
Use a UserCondition in a Query to test a User field against a user name.
Public classViewCondition
Use the View Conditon to denote items within a view.
Public classWholeNumberCondition
Use a WholeNumberCondition to test a WholeNumber field against a numeric value.

Public interfaceIArtifact
Represents artifact.
Public interfaceISortAssociable
Defines an artifact that can be associated with Sorts.

Public enumerationBooleanConditionEnum
Defines the comparison operators available against the Boolean field type
Public enumerationCompositeConditionEnum
Defines the type of Composite Logical Operator
Public enumerationDateTimeConditionEnum
Defines the types of comparison operators available for the DateTime field type
Public enumerationFieldType
Defines the field type, used to Create or Update Fields
Public enumerationFileConditionEnum
Defines the types of comparison operators available for the File field type
Public enumerationMonthOfConditionEnum
Defines the comparison operators available against the MonthOf field type
Public enumerationMultiChoiceConditionEnum
Defines the types of comparison operators available for the MultiChoice field type
Public enumerationNumericConditionEnum
Defines the types of comparison operators available for the numeric field types
Public enumerationObjectConditionEnum
Defines the types of comparison operators available for the Object field type
Public enumerationObjectsConditionEnum
Defines the types of comparison operators available for the Objects field type
Public enumerationSingleChoiceConditionEnum
Defines the types of comparison operators available for the SingleChoice field type
Public enumerationSortEnum
Defines the sort direction for a Sort
Public enumerationTextConditionEnum
Defines the types of comparison operators available against Text fields.
Public enumerationUserConditionEnum
Defines the comparison operators available against User fields