Relativity.Services.Objects.Extensions Namespace

Relativity Services API
The Relativity.Services.Objects.Extensions namespace includes classes that contain methods for converting fully hydrated objects into ref objects.

Public classChoiceExtensions
Provides a method for converting a fully hydrated Choice object into a ChoiceRef object.
Public classExpandoObjectExtensions
Provides methods for retrieving a representation of an ExpandoObject or its properties based on a corresponding key.
Public classFieldExtensions
Provides a method for converting a fully hydrated Field object into a FieldRef object.
Public classGuidListExtensions
Provides a method for retrieving the GUID from a collection of GUIDs.
Public classIObjectTypeExtensions
Provides methods for working with GUIDs on IObjectType objects.
Public classLayoutExtensions
Provides a method for converting a fully hydrated Layout object into a LayoutRef object.
Public classRelativityObjectExtensions
Provides a method for converting a fully hydrated RelativityObject into a RelativityObjectRef object.