Relativity.Processing.Services Namespace

Relativity Processing Services
The Relativity.Processing.Services namespace provides functionality for Creating, Updating and REading processing objects.

Public classBaseRequest
Provides common functionality inherited by other classes, such as the WorkspaceId property.
Public classCancelJob
Represents a request for canceling a job and contains the required fields identifying the job.
Public classDataSourceValidateDeleteResponse
Processing data source validate delete response object
Public classDeduplicationSettings
Represents the settings for deduplication.
Public classDiscoveryJob
This request contains necessary fields for submitting a discover job request
Public classExtractionSettings
Represents the configuration settings for text extraction.
Public classGetDocumentAggregatesRequest
Represents a request object containing criteria for retrieving aggregate information from processing sets in a specified workspace.
Public classInclusionExclusionSettings
Represents the settings for Inclusion/Exclusion.
Public classInventoryDiscoverSettings
Represents the configuration settings used for the inventory/discover stage of processing.
Public classInventoryJob
This request contains necessary fields for submitting an inventory job request
Public classNode
General node class for rendering of parent-child associations
Public classNumberingSettings
Represents the configuration settings for generating control numbers assigned to processed documents.
Public classProcessingCustodian
Represent an instance of a processing custodian.
Public classProcessingCustodianRef
Represents a Production reference.
Public classProcessingDataSource
Represents a datasource that hold documents to be included in the processing set
Public classProcessingDataSourceRef
Represents a Processing Data Source reference.
Public classProcessingEnvironmentCheckResponse
Holds the result of a processing health check to be sent back to the caller
Public classProcessingJob
This request contains necessary fields for submitting a processing job request
Public classProcessingProfile
Represents the settings used for numbering, deNISTing, extraction, and deduplication tasks during a processing job.
Public classProcessingProfileDeleteRequest
Provides information about the result of a DeleteAsync(ProcessingProfileDeleteRequest) call.
Public classProcessingProfileDeleteResponse
Contains information about the result of a DeleteAsync(ProcessingProfileDeleteRequest) call.
Public classProcessingProfileReadRequest
Represents a request for reading a ProcessingProfile instance.
Public classProcessingProfileReadResponse
Provides information about the result of the ReadAsync(ProcessingProfileReadRequest) call.
Public classProcessingProfileRef
Serves as the base class for ProcessingProfile instances.
Public classProcessingProfileSaveRequest
Represents a request used when creating or updating ProcessingProfile objects with the SaveAsync(ProcessingProfileSaveRequest) method.
Public classProcessingProfileSaveResponse
Provides information about the result of the SaveAsync(ProcessingProfileSaveRequest) call.
Public classProcessingSet
Represent an instance of a Processing Set.
Public classProcessingSetButtonStateData
Processing set button state information
Public classProcessingSetDocumentInfo
Contains information regarding the documents of a Processing Set
Public classProcessingSetDocumentInfoSummary
Represents a response object containing information about processing sets retrieved from a specified workspace.
Public classProcessingSetRef
Represents a Production reference.
Public classProcessingSetState
Represents the state of the processing set
Public classProcessingSetSummaryData
General processing set information
Public classPublishJob
This request contains necessary fields for submitting a publish job request
Public classPublishSettings
Represents the configuration settings used for publishing documents to Relativity.
Public classReadinessCheckRequest
Public classReadinessCheckResponse

Public interfaceIProcessingApiManager
IProcessingApiManager interface contains global processing interactions
Public interfaceIProcessingCustodianManager
IProcessingCustodianManager interface contains interactions required to interact with a Custodian
Public interfaceIProcessingDataSourceLayoutManager
Responsible for managing the Data Source layout data interaction
Public interfaceIProcessingDataSourceManager
IProcessingDataSourceManager interface contains interactions required to interact with a processing data source
Public interfaceIProcessingDocumentErrorLayoutManager
Manages calls to properly interact with the Processing Document Error Layout and Event Handlers
Public interfaceIProcessingDocumentErrorManager
Kepler API that handles operations to Processing Document and Job Errors
Public interfaceIProcessingDocumentManager
IProcessing Document Manager interface contains interactions required to successfully get information about a single document.
Public interfaceIProcessingErrorUtilities
Public interfaceIProcessingFilterManager
IProcessingFilter interface contains interactions required to successfully do CRUD operations on different types of filter.
Public interfaceIProcessingJobErrorLayoutManager
Manages calls to properly interact with the Processing Job Error Layout and Event Handlers
Public interfaceIProcessingJobErrorManager
Kepler API that handles operations for Processing Job Errors
Public interfaceIProcessingJobManager
Exposes methods on the Processing web service used for submitting discovery, inventory, and publishing jobs, and for canceling these jobs.
Public interfaceIProcessingJobStatusManager
IProcessingFilter interface contains contract for interacting with processing job states
Public interfaceIProcessingModule
Processing Module Interface
Public interfaceIProcessingProfileManager
Exposes methods on the Processing Profile Manager service used for creating, updating, reading, and deleting ProcessingProfile instances.
Public interfaceIProcessingSetLayoutManager
IProcessingSetLayoutManager interface contains interactions required to successfully work with Processing Views and Event Handlers
Public interfaceIProcessingSetManager
IProcessingSetManager interface contains interactions required to successfully work with ProcessingSets
Public interfaceIProcessingSetQueueManager

Public enumerationAdvancedNumberingPadding
Specifies the padding for an advanced numbering level field.
Public enumerationButtonState
Public enumerationChildExtractionMethod
Determines which items aren't extracted during processing, such as Microsoft Office embedded images and others.
Public enumerationCustodianType
Indicates whether a Person is normal (Person) or a non-custodial (Other).
Public enumerationDeduplicationMethod
Specifies the method used to handle duplicate documents in processing sets.
Public enumerationDelimiter
Indicates the delimiter used during the generation of document control numbers.
Public enumerationDeNISTMode
Controls how deNISTing is performed and is only specified when the DeNIST property is true on an InventoryDiscoverSettings instance.
Public enumerationEmailOutput
Specifies the file format used for the output of email messages.
Public enumerationExcelHeaderFooterExtraction
Indicates how Excel spreadsheet headers and footers are handled during text extraction.
Public enumerationExcelTextExtractionMethod
Specifies the method used for text extraction from Excel spreadsheets.
Public enumerationHealthCheckResponseType
Types of processing health check responses
Public enumerationInclusionExclusionMode
Specifies the mode used for Inclusion Exclusion filtering during discovery.
Public enumerationInclusionExclusionSelection
Specifies the mode used for Inclusion Exclusion filtering during discovery.
Public enumerationNumberingType
Specifies the process used for numbering processed documents that are published to a workspace.
Public enumerationNumberOfDigits
Specifies the length of the numeric component of a generated document number.
Public enumerationOCRAccuracy
Specifies the accuracy of the OCR results and the speed used to complete the job.
Public enumerationOcrLanguage
The language used to OCR files when text extraction is not possible. Thai has been removed because it is not supported.
Public enumerationParentChildNumbering
Specifies the numbering scheme used to determine how parent and child documents are numbered relative to each other.
Public enumerationPowerPointTextExtractionMethod
Specifies the method used for text extraction from PowerPoint presentations.
Public enumerationReadinessCheckFailure
Public enumerationWordTextExtractionMethod
Specifies the method used for text extraction from Word documents.