Relativity.Services.Objects.DataContracts Namespace

Relativity Services API
The Relativity.Services.Objects.DataContracts namespace contains the classes and enumerations used to interact with data when performing create, read, update, delete, and query operations through the Object Manager service.

Public classCallingContext
Represents information about the web context from which the event handler is being called, such as the layout or page mode.
Public classChoice
Represents the value for choice fields.
Public classChoiceRef
Represents a key or reference to a Choice object.
Public classCreateRequest
Represents a request to create a Relativity Dynamic Object (RDO).
Public classCreateResult
Represents the results of a create operation.
Public classDeleteItem
Provides information about each item that was deleted.
Public classDeleteProcessStateProgress
Represents the progress object for mass delete processes.
Public classDeleteReport
Contains information about deleted objects as a list of one or more deleted items.
Public classDeleteRequest
Represents a request to delete a Document or Relativity Dynamic Object (RDO).
Public classDeleteResult
Represents the results of a delete operation.
Public classDependencyListByObjectIdentifiersRequest
Represents a request for information about objects dependent on one or more Relativity Objects.
Public classEventHandlerStatus
Contains a message and operation status returned by an event handler.
Public classField
Represents a field used to store metadata, choices, and other information in Relativity.
Public classFieldRef
Represents a key or reference to a Field object.
Public classFieldRefValuePair
Represents a key or reference to a Field object and the value currently assigned to it.
Public classFieldValuePair
Represents a field and the value currently assigned to it.
Public classFileObject
Represents a file used as a value for file fields in Relativity.
Public classLayout
Represents a Layout that contains fields used for coding and other purposes in the Relativity UI.
Public classLayoutRef
Represents a key or reference to a Layout object.
Public classMassCreateRequest
Represents a request to create a multiple Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs).
Public classMassCreateResult
Represents the results of a mass create operation.
Public classMassDeleteByCriteriaRequest
Represents a request to perform a mass delete operation on all Documents or Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs) that meet a specified set of conditions.
Public classMassDeleteByObjectIdentifiersRequest
Represents a request to delete multiple Documents or Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs).
Public classMassDeleteResult
Represents the results of a mass delete operation.
Public classMassOperationsStateProgress
Represents the progress object for mass operations processes.
Public classMassUpdateByCriteriaRequest
Represents a request to perform a mass update operation on all Documents or Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs) that meet a specified set of conditions.
Public classMassUpdateByObjectIdentifiersRequest
Represents a request to perform a mass update operation on a list of Documents or Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs) by modifying each of the specified object fields with the same value.
Public classMassUpdateOptions
Represents information about how a mass update request is performed by replacing or merging field values.
Public classMassUpdatePerObjectsRequest
Represents a request to perform a mass update operation on a list of Documents or Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs) by modifying each of the specified object fields with a distinct value.
Public classMassUpdateResult
Represents the results of a mass update operation.
Public classObjectIdentificationCriteria
Represents a set of query conditions used to identify a RelativityObjectRef object.
Public classObjectRefValuesPair
Represents a key or reference to a pair of RelativityObjectRefs objects and their associated field values.
Public classObjectType
Represents a custom object type added to a workspace.
Public classObjectTypeRef
Represents a key or reference to an ObjectType object.
Public classOperationOptions
Represents information about how an operation for a request is being called.
Public classQueryRequest
Describes conditions, sorts and fields to be returned for a query.
Public classQueryResult
Represents the results of a QueryRequest returned by the QueryAsync() method.
Public classQueryResultSlim
Represents the results of a QueryRequest returned by the QuerySlimAsync() method.
Public classReadOptions
Represents information about how long text fields are handled during read operations.
Public classReadRequest
Represents the request for a read operation on Document objects and RDOs.
Public classReadResult
Represents the results of a read operation performed through the Object Manager service.
Public classRelativityObject
Represents an object in Relativity.
Public classRelativityObjectRef
Represents the minimal information needed to uniquely identify a RelativityObject.
Public classRelativityObjectSlim
Represents a streamlined RelativityObject with values that map to fields on a QueryResultSlim object.
Public classRelativityObjectValue
Represents the value for an object field.
Public classSampleDetails
Contains information used to define a sample set.
Public classSampleParameters
Contains information about how the sampling is performed.
Public classSearchIndexRef
Represents a key or reference to a search provider.
Public classSearchProviderCondition
Contains the parameters used to execute a query through a search provider.
Public classSecuredReflectedFieldValue
Represents a value from a field reflected from a secured object relationship.
Public classSecurity
Represents information about inherited security settings and user permissions on a specific object.
Public classSort
Represents sorting information for query results.
Public classTextFieldError
Represents a value for a text field that could not be properly returned.
Public classUpdateLongTextFromStreamRequest
Represents a request object which is used to update a field value from a stream.
Public classUpdateOptions
Represents information about how an update request is performed.
Public classUpdateRequest
Represents an update request for a Document or Relativity Dynamic Object (RDO).
Public classUpdateResult
Represents the results of an update operation.
Public classUser
Represents the value of a user field.
Public classWordListCondition
Condition generated by Liquid Item List on Dictionary UI
Public classWordListFieldCondition
Filtering condition generated by Liquid Item List on Dictionary UI
Public classWordListSort
Sort generated by Liquid Item List on Dictionary UI

Public interfaceIObjectType
Public interfaceIRelativityObject
Enables a class to return field-value pairs.

Public enumerationFieldCategory
Specifies the category of a field.
Public enumerationFieldType
Specifies the type of a Relativity field, such as fixed-length text, date, single object etc.
Public enumerationFieldUpdateBehavior
Specifies how to update multiple choice and multiple object fields.
Public enumerationLongTextBehavior
Controls the behavior that is used when a Long Text field exceeds the configured character limit.
Public enumerationPageMode
Indicates the step in the page workflow in which a call to the event handler originates.
Public enumerationSortEnum
Specifies whether query results are sorted in ascending or descending order.