Relativity.StructuredAnalytics.Services.Interfaces.StructuredAnalytics.Models.Status Namespace

Structured Analytics API Documentation
This namespace contains classes used to represent status contracts.

Public classEmailThreadingStatistics
Represents the email threading statistics used to generate reports.
Public classJobResults
Represents a summary of statistics for a completed analysis of a structured analytics set.
Public classJobState
Represents general information about the current state of a structured analytics set and its analysis.
Public classNameNormalizationStatistics
Represents the name normalization statistics used to generate reports.
Public classOperationState
Represents information about the state of a structured analytics operation
Public classStatus
Represents information about the status of a structured analytics set and its analysis.
Public classTextualNearDuplicatesStatistics
Provides statistics based on the results of a textual near duplication analysis.

Public enumerationJobOperation
Identifies type of analytics operation.
Public enumerationJobPhase
Describes the phase of a structured analytics set analysis.