kCura.Relativity.Client Namespace

Relativity Services API
The kCura.Relativity.Client namespace contains fundamental classes necessary to connect to Relativity, and interact with Document and other objects in Relativity.

Public classAPIException
Thrown when there is an unsuccessful API operation.
Public classAPIOptions
Provides a session token and WorkspaceID for creating a connection to Relativity.
Public classAPIParameters
A Key Value pair to pass additional parameters to API.
Public classAppExportRequest
Options for exporting a Relativity Application
Public classAppInstallRequest
Options for installing a Relativity Application
Public classArtifact
Represents an item in a Relativity workspace.
Public classArtifactManagerProxy Obsolete.
ArtifactManagerProxy is used to perform CRUD and other operations on objects in Relativity.
Public classArtifactManagerSettings Obsolete.
Provides the capability for programmatically applying client-side overrides to configuration settings for the ArtifactManagerProxy.
Public classArtifactRequest
Represents a request for an operation to be performed on an Artifact in a workspace.
Public classAuthenticationMethod
Specifies the method of authentication used for this connection.
Public classAuthenticationType
Determines the authentication type to be used for the connection.
Public classBatchFailureException
This exception thrown when the API experiences a fatal error processing during a call to ExecuteBatch.
Public classBearerTokenCredentials
Specifies that bearer token authentication will be used to authenticate the connection.
Public classBooleanCondition
Use a BooleanCondition to query for items by comparing a Boolean Field against a True/False value.
Public classCancelEventArgs
Contains information about a cancelled transfer.
Public classCASearchCondition
Use the CASearch Condition to execute a CAsearch.
Public classCertificateFindValueInvalidException
The CertificateFindValueInvalidException is thrown when there is a mismatch between the server-defined CertificateFindValue and the user-supplied CertificateFindValue.
Public classCertificateFindValueMissingException
The CertificateFindValueNotSuppliedException is thrown when no CertificateFindValue is supplied, but the requested Uri and Authentication Type values require it.
Public classCertificateFindValueNotSuppliedException
The CertificateFindValueNotSuppliedException is thrown when no CertificateFindValue is supplied, but all requested EndpointType values require it.
Public classChoice
Represents a Choice used as a value for Single or Multiple Choice fields in Relativity.
Public classCompositeCondition
A Composite Condition can be used to define AND and OR conditions that combine other Conditions together.
Public classConstants
Defines a static set of constant values.
Public classConstants.APIParameterKeys
Constants used in APIParameter keys.
Public classConstants.Directives
Constants used in place of a field name, which direct the Services API to return a special set of fields.
Public classConstants.Document
Constants related to Documents
Public classConstants.Group
Constants related to Groups
Public classConstants.Group.GroupType
Constants used for the GroupType property
Public classConstants.Tab
Constants related to Tabs
Public classConstants.Tab.TabDisplay
Constants used for the TabDisplay property
Public classConstants.User
Constants related to Users
Public classConstants.User.DataFocus
Constants used for the DataFocus property
Public classCreateCommand
A CreateCommand can be passed into the ExecuteBatch() method, representing a Create call.
Public classCredential
Represents a Credential used as a value for Single or Multiple Credential fields in Relativity.
Public classCrudFailureException
This exception will be thrown when the API experiences a serious problem during a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, or Delete) operation.
Public classDateTimeCondition
Use a DateTimeCondition in a Query to test a DateTime field against a DateTime value.
Public classDecimalCondition
Use a DecimalCondition to test a Decimal field against a numeric value.
Public classDeleteCommand
A DeleteCommand can be passed into the ExecuteBatch() method, representing a Delete call.
Public classDocumentMassDeleteOptions
Options for deleting large numbers of documents.
Public classDownloadCompleteEventArgs
Contains information about a successfully completed download.
Public classDownloadResponse
Provides response from a download operation.
Public classDownloadURLRequest
The DownloadURLRequest class is used to request the URL for download a file from a file field.
Public classDownloadURLResponse
The DownloadURLResponse class provides a response to include the URL for downloading a file.
Public classdtSearchCondition
Use the dtSearch Condition to execute a dtSearch.
Public classDynamicObjectType
Describes a custom object.
Public classEmptyFieldFault
Thrown when attempting to download from a file field or document with no associated file.
Public classEndpointInvalidException
This exception is thrown when the endpoint connection fails during the construction of the RSAPIClient.
Public classEndpointTypeCollectionInvalidException
This exception is thrown when the endpoint connection fails during the construction of the ArtifactManagerProxy and FileTransferProxy.
Public classEventHandlerExtensions
This class contains extension methods for Event Handlers; it should not be used directly.
Public classExecuteBatchResultSet
Describes the results of the operation passed to the ExecuteBatch method call.
Public classFailureEventArgs
Contains information about a failed transfer.
Public classField
The Field class represents the name and value of a field on a Relativity object.
Public classFieldCondition
Base class for Field Conditions
Public classFieldNotFoundException
The FieldNotFoundException is thrown when an attempt is made to read a non-existent field from an artifact.
Public classFileCondition
Use a FileCondition in a Query to test a File field against a file name.
Public classFileMetadata
Provides the size and location of a file.
Public classFileObject
Provides the size and location of a file.
Public classFileRequest
Provides information about a file to download or clear.
Public classFileSizeMismatchFault
Thrown when the number of bytes written to disk does not match what was specified in the UploadRequest.
Public classFileTransferFault
Generic fault thrown for a variety of reasons during a file transfer.
Public classFileTransferProxy Obsolete.
Performs operations on file fields in Relativity, including downloading, clearing, and uploading files.
Public classFileTransferSettings
The FileTransferSettings object is passed to the constructor of FileTransferProxy. It provides the configuration settings that take precedence over values supplied in an app.config file. For example, you may want to use this object for configuration overrides when using an Event Handler.
Public classFileValue
Represents a file used when creating Relational Fields.
Public classIntegratedAuthCredentials
Specifies that integrated Windows authentication will be used to authenticate the connection.
Public classInvalidFieldIdFault
Thrown when an invalid field id is given in TargetField.
Public classInvalidObjectArtifactIdFault
Thrown when an invalid object id is given in TargetField.
Public classInvalidWorkspaceIdFault
Thrown when an invalid workspace id is given in TargetField.
Public classIsSetCondition
IsSetCondition, used to translate a query from the F# Query Parser to a Query condition.
Public classKeyboardShortcut
Represents a Keyboard Short. Keyboard shortcuts allow you to edit and navigate in the Core Reviewer Interface. Using keyboard shortcuts, you can change viewer modes, populate choices, save edits, cancel edits, and move between and within documents.
Public classLoginFailureException
Thrown when the call to Login fails.
Public classMassCreateCommand
Contains data describing a MassCreate operation, and can be passed into the ExecuteBatch() method.
Public classMassCreateException
This exception will be thrown when a problem occurs during the execution of a MassEdit operation.
Public classMassCreateResult
Provides the results of a MassCreate operation and its status.
Public classMassDeleteOptions
Options for mass deletion.
Public classMassEditCommand
Contains data describing a MassEdit operation, and can be passed into the ExecuteBatch() method.
Public classMassEditException
This exception will be thrown when a problem occurs during the execution of a MassEdit operation.
Public classMassEditResult
Provides the results of a MassEdit operation and its status.
Public classMissingFileFieldFault
Thrown when the specified field id could not be found.
Public classMonthOfCondition
Use a MonthOfCondition in a Query to compare DateTime against a string value that becomes enumerated over MonthOf|1 through MonthOf|12.
Public classMultiChoiceCondition
Use a MultiChoiceCondition in a Query to test a MultiChoice field against an array of Choice ArtifactID values
Public classMultiChoiceUpdateValue
Describes the value and behavior used to update a MultiChoice field.
Public classMultiLineStringCondition
Use a MultiLineStringCondition in a Query to test against a field containing newline-delimited strings.
Public classMultiRelativityApplicationUpdateValue
Describes the value and behavior used to update a MultiRelativityApplication field.
Public classMultiUpdateValue
Describes the value and behavior update (Remove, Add, or Replace) used to update certain MultiObject fields.
Public classNoConnectionRetriesAvailableException Obsolete.
The NoConnectionRetriesAvailableException is thrown when there are no more available retries for a particular service.
Public classNoOverwriteFault
Thrown when a file exists in the file field, but UploadRequest.Overwrite was set to false.
Public classNotCondition
Use the NOT Condition to negate a condition.
Public classNoValidEndpointException
The exception is thrown when none of the endpoint types provided to the ArtifactManagerProxy cannot initialize a connection using any of the endpoint types provided to it.
Public classObjectCondition
Use an ObjectCondition in a Query to test an Object field against an array of ArtifactIDs of items
Public classObjectsCondition
Use an ObjectsCondition in a Query to test an Objects field against an array of ArtifactIDs of items
Public classOperationInProgressFault
Thrown when an attempt is made to upload to an object that already has an uplod in progress.
Public classOperationResult
Represents the outcome of a service operation.
Public classProcessAsyncInfo
Contains information on the call to run a process asynchronously.
Public classProcessCancelEventArgs
Contains information on a cancelled Process.
Public classProcessCompleteEventArgs
Contains information on a successfully completed Process.
Public classProcessCompleteWithErrorEventArgs
Contains information on a successfully completed Process.
Public classProcessEventArgs
Contains information about a Process.
Public classProcessException
Thrown when the Process Polling API method fails
Public classProcessFailureEventArgs
Contains information on a failed Process.
Public classProcessInformation
Stores the state of a process.
Public classProcessOperationResult
Represents the outcome of a process operation.
Public classProcessProgressEventArgs
Contains information on the progress of a Process.
Public classProgressEventArgs
Contains information about a transfer in progress.
Public classProxySettings Obsolete.
Abstract base class providing settings for controlling connections to Relativity.
Public classQuery
Describes a query or search of the Relativity workspace. It is passed into the Query method.
Public classQueryFailureException
Thrown when the Query API method fails
Public classQueryResult
Provides the output of a call to the Query or QuerySubset methods.
Public classReadResult
Represents the outcome of an individual Read operation on a single Artifact.
Public classReadResultSet
Provides the results of a Read operation.
Public classRelativityApplication
Provides the contents of a RelativityApplication field.
Public classRelativityScriptInput
Represents an input to a Relativity Script as a Name/Value pair.
Public classRelativityScriptInputDetails
Represents an individual script input parameter. Objects of this type are returned by the GetRelativityScriptInputs method.
Public classRelativityScriptResult
Provides the output of executing a Relativity Script.
Public classResourceFileRequest
Options for Creating/Updating a Resource File
Public classResult
Represents the outcome of an individual Create, Update, or Delete operation on a single Artifact.
Public classResultSet
Provides the results of a Create, Update, Delete and ExecuteBatch operation.
Public classRSAPIClient
Exposes the available Services API functionality.
Public classRSAPIClientSettings
Provides the capability for programmatically applying client-side overrides to configuration settings for the RSAPIClient.
Public classSampleParameters
Public classSavedSearchCondition
Use the Saved Search Condition to execute a saved search.
Public classScheme
Specifies the protocol used for this connection.
Public classSearchProviderCondition
Contains the necessary parameters to execute a Search Provider search.
Public classSerializationException
An Exception thrown for a Serialization or Deserialization error.
Public classSerialLicense
Represents the outcome of a get license operation.
Public classServiceInformation
Provides information about the services that comprise the ArtifactManagerProxy.
Public classServiceOperationFailedEventArgs
Contains information about a failed service operation. Accessible when the ServiceOperationFailed event is raised.
Public classSingleChoiceCondition
Use a SingleChoiceCondition in a Query to test a SingleChoice field against one or more values. The Value property can be a single Choice ArtifactID value or an array of ArtifactID values.
Public classSort
Describes how to sort Query results.
Public classTargetField
Describes the target field in Relativity.
Public classTextCondition
Use a TextCondition in a Query to compare a FixedLengthText or LongText field against a string value.
Public classTokenCredentials
Specifies that token authentication will be used to authenticate the connection.
Public classUpdateCommand
An UpdateCommand can be passed into the ExecuteBatch() method, representing an Update call.
Public classUploadCompleteEventArgs
Contains information about a successfully completed upload.
Public classUploadRequest
Used to upload a file via the FileTransfer service.
Public classUser
Provides the contents of a User field.
Public classUserCondition
Use a UserCondition in a Query to test a User field against a user name.
Public classUsernamePasswordCredentials
Specifies that username-password authentication will be used to authenticate the connection.
Public classViewCondition
Use the View Condition to execute a view.
Public classWholeNumberCondition
Use a WholeNumberCondition to test a WholeNumber field against a numeric value.
Public classWorkspaceGroupID
The WorkspaceGroupID class provides the identifier of a Group object in an associated workspace.
Public classWorkspaceUserID
The WorkspaceUserID class provides the identifier of a User object in an associated workspace.
Public classWSDLImportExtension
Implement a way to add/read documentation to/from WCF WSDL service contracts
Public classXmlContainer
Contains a string of Xml.

Public interfaceIProcessMonitorable Obsolete.
Defines the interface used for performing process monitoring operations.
Public interfaceIRSAPIClient Obsolete.
Defines operations offered by RSAPIClient.
Public interfaceIServiceInformation Obsolete.
Defines operations offered by ServiceInformation

Public delegateCancelEventHandler
Handles Cancel events from a file transfer.
Public delegateDownloadCompleteEventHandler
Handles DownloadComplete events from a file transfer.
Public delegateFailureEventHandler
Handles Failure events from a file transfer.
Public delegateProcessCancelEventHandler Obsolete.
The CancelProcessEventHandler is used to handle ProcessCancel events.
Public delegateProcessCompleteEventHandler Obsolete.
The ProcessCompleteEventHandler is used to handle ProcessComplete events.
Public delegateProcessCompleteWithErrorEventHandler Obsolete.
The ProcessCompleteWithErrorEventHandler is used to handle ProcessCompleteWithError events.
Public delegateProcessFailureEventHandler Obsolete.
The ProcessFailureEventHandler is used to handle ProcessFailure events.
Public delegateProcessProgressEventHandler Obsolete.
The ProcessProgressEventHandler is used to handle ProcessProgress events.
Public delegateProgressEventHandler
Handles Progress events from a file transfer.
Public delegateRSAPIClientServiceOperationFailedHandler Obsolete.
The RSAPIClientServiceOperationFailedHandler is used to handle RSAPIClientServiceOperationFailed events from the RSAPIClient.
Public delegateServiceOperationFailedHandler
The ServiceOperationFailedHandler is used to handle ServiceOperationFailed events from ArtifactManager.
Public delegateUploadCompleteEventHandler
Handles UploadComplete events from a file transfer.
Public delegateUseServiceDelegate<T>
This delegate describes the method on the interface to be called.
Public delegateWSDLImportExtension.ClientSendFromWsdlImporterEventHandler
Custom event delegate that takes an XmlElement as a parameter

Public enumerationAdminChoice
Represents the services that make up ArtifactManagerProxy.
Public enumerationArtifactType
The ArtifactType enumeration represents the various artifact types within Relativity.
Public enumerationBooleanConditionEnum
Defines the comparison operators available against the Boolean field type
Public enumerationCompositeConditionEnum
Defines the type of Composite Logical Operator
Public enumerationDateTimeConditionEnum
Defines the types of comparison operators available for the DateTime field type
Public enumerationDocumentMassDeleteOptions.DeleteType
The available delete type options for use in the DocumentMassDeleteOptions constructor.
Public enumerationEndpointType
Represents available endpoint configurations for establishing a connection between the Services API and a client.
Public enumerationFieldCategory
Defines the field category
Public enumerationFieldType
Defines the field type, used to Create or Update Fields
Public enumerationFileConditionEnum
Defines the types of comparison operators available for the File field type
Public enumerationHighlightColor
This enumeration can be used to set the highlight color for a choice.
Public enumerationImportBehavior
Defines the import behavior for relational fields only
Public enumerationKeyboardShortcut.KeyboardShortcutKey
Keyboard shortcut key
Public enumerationMonth
Defines the Months for when the DateTimeRange is equal to MonthOf
Public enumerationMonthOfConditionEnum
Defines the comparison operators available against the MonthOf field type
Public enumerationMultiChoiceConditionEnum
Defines the types of comparison operators available for the MultiChoice field type
Public enumerationMultiChoiceUpdateBehavior
Defines how a multi choice field should be updated
Public enumerationMultiUpdateBehavior
Defines how a multi object field should be updated
Public enumerationNumericConditionEnum
Defines the types of comparison operators available for the numeric field types
Public enumerationObjectConditionEnum
Defines the types of comparison operators available for the Object field type
Public enumerationObjectsConditionEnum
Defines the types of comparison operators available for the Objects field type
Public enumerationProcessStateValue
An enum representing the state of the process.
Public enumerationRelativityScriptInputDetailsScriptInputType
The types of input taken by a Relativity Script.
Public enumerationRelativityScriptTypeEnum
Defines the type of data returned from a RelativityScript
Public enumerationResultSetType
Defines what type a result set is, used when a ResultSet is returned by ExecuteBatch.
Public enumerationSerializationException.SerializationExceptionID
An enumeration of Serialization Exception ID's.
Public enumerationServiceType
Represents the services that make up ArtifactManagerProxy.
Public enumerationSingleChoiceConditionEnum
Defines the types of comparison operators available for the SingleChoice field type
Public enumerationSortEnum
Defines the sort direction for a Sort
Public enumerationTextConditionEnum
Defines the types of comparison operators available against Text fields.
Public enumerationTransactionType
Defines whether a Command is executed within a Transaction.
Public enumerationUserConditionEnum
Defines the comparison operators available against User fields