kCura.Relativity.Client.DTOs Namespace

Relativity Services API
The kCura.Relativity.Client.DTOs namespace contains a rich set of strongly typed objects that expose the same properties available on Relativity objects available through the user interface.

Public classArtifact
Describes an item in Relativity.
Public classArtifactFieldNames
The string names of fields used on dynamic artifacts.
Public classArtifactQueryFieldNames
The string names for artifact-level properties that can be used in Queries, in a Fields collection, even though they are returned as Fields in the returned artifact.
Public classArtifactTypeNames
Provides the string names of artifact types.
Public classBatch
Represents a collection of documents, which will be assigned to a single user for review.
Public classBatchFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Batch.
Public classBatchSet
Represents a batch set, which contains multiple groups of documents called batches.
Public classBatchSetFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Batch Sets.
Public classChoice
Represents a choice, which is a predetermined value assigned to a single or multiple choice field.
Public classChoiceFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Choices.
Public classClient
Represents a client.
Public classClientFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Clients.
Public classCredential
Represents a credential.
Public classCredentialFieldNames
The string names of fields used on credentials.
Public classDocument
Represents a document.
Public classDocumentFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Documents.
Public classError
Represents an error that occurred in Relativity.
Public classErrorFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Errors.
Public classField
Represents a field, which is used to store document metadata and a coding selections made by a reviewer.
Public classFieldFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Fields.
Public classFieldValue
This class represents the value of a field on an Artifact instance.
Public classFieldValueList<T>
A list for use in FieldValue objects, which tracks changes to itself.
Public classFieldValueListExtensions
Provides extension methods to List of FieldValue to retrieve fields by specific identifiers.
Public classFolder
Represents a folder.
Public classFolderFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Folders.
Public classGroup
Represents a group, which may contain one or more users.
Public classGroupFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Groups.
Public classLayout
Represents a layout, which is a web-based coding form used during a review.
Public classLayoutFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Layouts.
Public classMarkupSet
Represents a markup set, which is a set of annotations and redactions.
Public classMarkupSetFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Markupsets.
Public classMultiChoiceFieldValueList
A list of Choice objects for use in FieldValue objects, which tracks changes to itself, and defines a MultiChoiceUpdateBehavior.
Public classMultiCredentialFieldValueList
A list of Choice objects for use in FieldValue objects, which tracks changes to itself, and defines a MultiChoiceUpdateBehavior.
Public classMultiLineStringList
A list of String objects for use in FieldValue objects, which tracks changes to itself, and defines a MultiUpdateBehavior.
Public classMultiRelativityApplicationFieldValueList
A list of RelativityApplication objects for use in FieldValue objects, which tracks changes to itself, and defines a MultiRelativityApplicationUpdateBehavior.
Public classMultiUserFieldValueList
A list of User objects for use in FieldValue objects, which tracks changes to itself, and defines a MultiUpdateBehavior.
Public classObjectType
Represents a custom object type added to a workspace.
Public classObjectTypeFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Object Types.
Public classQuery<T>
The output of a call to the Query method.
Public classQueryResultSet<T>
The output of a call to the Query method.
Public classRDO
A dynamic object.
Public classRDOFieldNames
The string names of fields used on dynamic objects.
Public classRelationalFieldIcon
The RelationalFieldIcon class provides the contents of the pane icon used for a relational field.
Public classRelativityApplication
Represents a Relativity Application.
Public classRelativityApplicationFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Relativity Applications.
Public classRelativityScript
Represents a script defined through the Scripts tab in Relativity.
Public classRelativityScriptFieldNames
The string names of fields used on RelativityScripts.
Public classResult<T>
A ReadResult represents the outcome of an individual Read operation on a single Artifact.
Public classResultSet<T>
A ResultSet is returned from a service operation
Public classTab
Represents a tab in Relativity.
Public classTabFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Tabs.
Public classUser
Represents a user.
Public classUserFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Users.
Public classView
Represents a view, which uses a set of criteria to control the contents, fields, and sort order of items displayed on list pages in Relativity.
Public classViewFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Views.
Public classWorkspace
Represents a workspace.
Public classWorkspaceFieldNames
The string names of fields used on Workspaces.
Public classWriteResultSet<T>
A WriteResultSet is returned from a service operation that writes to the server.