Relativity.API Namespace

Relativity API
The Relativity.API namespace contains all base functionality to establish RSAPI client and set database connection for agents, event handlers and custom pages. All from one place.

Public classDelegateServiceUrisProvider
This implimentation of IProvideServiceUris allows for delegates to fetch the values one demand.
Public classExtensionPointServiceFinder
This is a static provider to find interface for infrastructure information about the system.
Public classSanitizeHtmlContentResult
Result structure returned when Sanitizing HTML based input
Public classSecret
Represents a secret in the Relativity Secret Store. The class is used for interacting with Secret Store using the methods in the ISecretStore interface.
Public classServices
Static class used to access IServiceHelper.
Public classStaticServiceUrisProvider
Implimentation of IProvideServiceUris that returns set values.

Public interfaceIAgentHelper
Provides a mockable interface with helper methods to Agents to programmatically interact with Relativity. Inherits from IHelper.
Public interfaceIAPILog
Logging wrapper of Relativity.Logging
Public interfaceIAuthenticationMgr
Provides a mockable interface with methods to obtain the user specific information and authentication helper methods.
Public interfaceICPHelper
Provides a mockable interface with helper methods allowing Custom Pages to programmatically interact with Relativity. Inherits from IHelper.
Public interfaceICSRFManager
Helper to enforce CSRF(Cross Site Request Forgery) support.
Public interfaceIDBContext
Provides a mockable interface with many common helper methods to interact with a database in a Relativity instance. While the Services API should be used to interact with Relativity, the implementation of this interface can be used to interact with the database directly when appropriate.
Public interfaceIEHHelper
Provides a mockable interface with helper methods to Object Type Event Handlers to programmatically interact with Relativity. Inherits from IHelper.
Public interfaceIHelper
Provides a mockable interface with helper methods to programmatically interact with Relativity from: Event Handlers, Custom Pages and Agents. You can use these methods to create proxys to interact with the Services API, obtain database contexts to query\run SQL against a database and obtain a URL helper to create links to pages within a Relativity Instance. To create reusable code within Relativity, it is suggested that you pass down the generic Helper interaces such as this one into your data access layer project.
Public interfaceIInstanceSettingsBundle
A unified group of Instance Setting values. All values returned from this interface are snapshots of the latest Instance Settings data. You should call this interface every time you need to retrieve a value.
Public interfaceILogFactory
Factory for getting loggers.
Public interfaceIMOHelper
Provides a mockable interface with helper methods to Mass Operation Event Handlers to programmatically interact with Relativity. Inherits from IHelper.
Public interfaceIMonitorSecurityEvents
This interface is used for writing security related events to the security monitor
Public interfaceIProvideServiceUris
This interface is used for finding the Uris to various endpoints inside the relativity infrastructure.
Public interfaceIProvideSystemTokens
Public interfaceISecretStore
Provides synchronous and asynchronous methods for interacting with the Relativity Secret Store.
Public interfaceIServiceHelper
Provides a mockable interface with helper methods to Services to programmatically interact with Relativity. Inherits from IHelper.
Public interfaceIServicesMgr
Provides a mockable interface with methods to interact with the Services API.
Public interfaceIStringSanitizer
Sanitizes string input according to DB defined rules
Public interfaceIUrlHelper
Provides helper methods for manipulating custom page URLs.
Public interfaceIUserInfo
Provides a mockable interface with methods to obtain information about the currently logged in user.
Public interfaceIWebServerHelper
This interface provides an abstraction for rewriting Uris based on the infestructure.

Public enumerationExecutionIdentity
ExecutionIdentity specifies the conceptual role under which an IServicesMgr should create a proxy. The ExecutionIdentity is intended to be used by IServicesMgr-derived classes to select an appropriate AuthenticationType for proxy creation.