Tools and Resources
Review the following topics and links for information about resources and tools to facilitate development on the Relativity platform.
SDKs, APIs, NuGet packages, and templates
- RelativityOne Sandbox
- Set up your developer environment
- Download the SDKs and NuGet packages
- Relativity templates for Visual Studio
- Platform APIs
Developer Toolkit
The Developer Toolkit is a growing set of powerful tools used to streamline the process of building, testing, and deploying an application in RelativityOne. The following list includes brief a description and link to each tool that is currently available under the Developer Toolkit:
- Publish to Relativity tool - a utility that simplifies application development by storing a reusable configuration for updating an existing custom page in an application and adding or updating resource files.
For more tools and applications, see Supporting applications in the Relativity
Developer Support
Whether you're an experienced Relativity partner, a third-party software developer, or you're new to Relativity development, there are several ways for you to engage with the community to get and give advice, exchange code, and share your feedback about APIs and features. Here are some options for obtaining developer support and interacting with our community:
- Ask and answer questions - DevHelp is the place to ask questions, find answers, and discuss solutions with a vibrant and growing Relativity platform developer community. For more information, see Get started with the Relativity DevHelp Community.
- Share code - you can contribute on GitHub (
- Join the community - Join the Relativity Developer Group on the Relativity Community for updates, announcements and other developer news.
- Join the Relativity Developer Partners program – Members of the Relativity Developer Partners program receive an instance of Relativity, tools to build applications on the platform, code samples, access to technical support, and more. In addition, their products may appear on the list of products in the Relativity Ecosystem. The program is designed for software providers, litigation support professionals, and independent consultants who want to build and integrate applications that extend Relativity functionality.
- Improve Relativity - Contribute to improving Relativity by submitting your ideas.
- See the topic Debugging custom applications and support for custom applications for guidance on troubleshooting custom applications and when and how to contact Relativity Support for help.