Set up your developer environment

These steps describe how to set up your environment for developing with RelativityOne.

Step 1 - Install the Relativity Visual Studio templates

Use these steps to install the Relativity templates through Visual Studio:

Note: Relativity templates are only supported in VS2017 or VS2019.

  1. Open Visual Studio 2017 or 2019.
  1. Click Extensions > Manage Extensions in the menu bar.

    Extensions menu

  2. In the Manage Extensions dialog, complete these steps:
    1. Click Online in the left pane, if it isn't selected.
    2. Enter Relativity Templates in the search bar on the right pane.
    3. Click Download on the matching extension.

      Manage Extensions dialog

  3. Close Visual Studio. The VSIX installer automatically opens.
  4. Complete the steps in the VSIX installer to install the templates.

Step 2 - Set up Relativity Community and DevHelp accounts

Begin your Relativity development experience by setting up the following accounts:

Use the following steps to create your accounts:

  1. Create a Relativity Developer Community account by completing these steps:
    1. Fill out the Relativity Developer Community account form.
    2. Click the password change link and set your password.
    3. Log in to the Relativity Community portal.
    4. Click Groups in the navigation bar to join the Relativity Developer Group.
    5. Click Relativity Developer Group.
    6. Click + Join Group to be added to the group.
  2. Create a Relativity DevHelp Community account by completing these steps:
    1. Go to the Relativity DevHelp Community page.
    2. Click Sign Up to create a new account.
    3. Complete the create account form.

      Be sure to enter the same email address in form as you used when creating your Relativity Developer Community account.