Indicates whether or not the application has been activated
Notifies the application and extensions that the Review Interface application has become user-interactive.
This will raise the ReviewInterfaceEventType.Activated event.
Requests that the application become non-interactive
True if deactivation was approved adn false if deactivation was unapproved
Invokes the provided callback and then notifies the application and extensions that deactivation occurred.
This will raise the ReviewInterfaceEventType.CanDeactivate and ReviewInterfaceEventType.Deactivated events.
Optional callback to be invoked after deactivation approval and before the application is deactivated
Promise that resolves to true if the deactivation was approved and false if deactivation was un-approved
Requests application deactivation, and (if approved) navigates to specified return url or Relativity Document List
Promise that resolves to true if the user was returned to the Relativity Document List and false if deactivation was un-approved
Requests application deactivation, and (if approved) navigates to the url
URL to navigate to.
Promise that resolves to true if the user was returned to the Relativity Document List and false if deactivation was un-approved
Requests application deactivation, and (if approved) returns the user to the Relativity Document List
Promise that resolves to true if the user was returned to the Relativity Document List and false if deactivation was un-approved
Sets the Relativity URL to return to when exiting the review interface.
API for working with the application lifecycle