Event raised when the application has been activated and the user can interact with it.
Event raised when the public {@link IRelativityReviewApi} is available for use.
This event is raised during application startup, before the {@link ApplicationEventType.Ready} event is raised.
Event raised when the application is about to be deactivated.
You can listen to this event to prevent the application from being deactivated. Returning a string from your event handler will prevent application deactivation. Any other return value will allow application deactivation. Note: This event does not guarantee that the ApplicationLifecycleEventType.Deactivated event will be raised.
Event raised when the application is about to be torn down.
You can listen to this event to prevent the application from being torn down. Returning a string from your event handler will prevent application teardown. Any other return value will allow application teardown to occur. Note: This event does not guarantee that the ApplicationLifecycleEventType.Teardown event will be raised.
Event raised when the application has been deactivated and the user can no longer interact with the application.
Note: The application is still running in the background.
Event raised when the IViewerService.mainCollection has been bootstrapped and the first document has been loaded into the active {@link IViewerInstance}.
At this point the active {@link IViewerInstance}'s API can be used and an IQueueItem is being shown to the user. Note: If a navigation is requested before the initial queue item is loaded, this event will be raised before an item is shown to the user.
Event raised when the application is being torn down.
This event indicates that the application is being stopped. You may perform synchronous HTTP calls in your event handlers to support saving any changes that need to be persisted. Note: Event hander capabilities here are limited by browser restrictions. The behavior that is allowed in your event handlers for this event may change in the future, if web browsers change those restrictions.
Top-level event types raised by {@link IRelativityReviewApi}