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Navigation In Relativity Review Interface

In the Review Interface, queues represent an ordered list of items that users can navigate through in the document viewer. This queue is frequently referred to as the review queue, which contains queue items that can be added or removed.

The Relativity Review Interface exposes a set of APIs that you can use to implement document navigation functionality in the viewer through the use of queues.

This page contains following information:

APIs for queues

To learn more about the APIs for queues, see these resources:

Queue items

The review queue contains queue items (IQueueItem), which represent content that users can view, such as the following:

  • Relativity documents - the most common type of queue item.
  • RDO files
  • Short-message conversations

A queue item object must have all the required properties set as per the IQueueItem interface. A queue item may be a member of multiple queues.

Creating queues

To create a queue, use the IQueueService API to call the IQueueService.createQueue function. Pass the following arguments to this function:

  • A string indicating the queue name or ID as the first argument.
  • An array of IQueueItem objects and document Artifact IDs (Array<IQueueItem | number>) as an optional second argument.

The following example illustrates how to create a queue and add an item to it:

reviewapi.on("apiready", function () {
  // Create an empty queue.
  var myQueue = reviewapi.queue.createQueue("my-queue");

  // Create a document item using createDocumentItem(artifactId: number) method on the IQueueService.
  var docItem = reviewapi.queue.createDocumentItem(1234);

  // Add the returned document item to the created queue.

Deleting queues

Use the IQueueService.deleteQueue function to delete a queue. Pass this function the ID of the queue:

reviewapi.on("apiready", function () {
  var result = reviewapi.queue.deleteQueue("my-queue");

Modifying queues

To manage items in a queue, use the IQueueService.getQueueById function to retrieve the IQueue object. The queue object exposes functions to add, remove and get queue items.

var docQueue = reviewapi.queue.getQueueById("my-queue");

// Get specified number of queue items.
var docIds = docQueue.getItems(0, 3);

// Delete a single queue item and return a boolean to indicate success or failure.
var result = docQueue.deleteItemAtIndex(2);

Adding custom data to queues

A custom application may require contextual information related to the queue.

To include custom data on a queue, use queue.customData. The customData variable must be of type CustomData, as illustrated in the code sample:

var customData = reviewapi.queue.customData;
customData.isCustomQueueType = true;
reviewapi.queue.customData = customData;


if (queue.customData.isCustomQueueType) {
    // Do custom workflow here

Queue events

In the Review Interface, the navigation system uses events to coordinate actions between components. In some cases, a component raises a request event, which is handled by another component. The second component raises another request event forwarding the results.

Each queue system component raises the following queue events:

Queue pointers

Queue pointers represent a position in a given queue. You can use multiple queue pointers to track multiple positions in the same queue.

Sample queue use case

Consider the following use case for the queue:

  • A user has the main viewer (viewer collection A) and a the standalone viewer (viewer collection B) open at the same time.
  • This user wants the two viewers unsynced, so that navigating in one viewer doesn't cause a navigation change in the other viewer.

To illustrate this use case, the Review Interface uses queues and queue pointers as follows:

  • Maintain a single queue.
  • Create two separate queue pointers.
  • Assign each viewer collection (IViewerCollection) a different pointer to the same queue.
  • To later synchronize two viewer collections, give the same queue pointer to both collections.

Create a queue pointer (IQueuePointer) after implementing a queue to manage the position of current item in the queue. The IQueuePointer object provides the APIs used to navigate between documents, to determine when to navigate, and to identify the queue item (IQueueItem) that is currently active.

Code samples for the queue pointer object

The following code samples illustrate how to create and use a queue pointer object:

  • Create a queue pointer.

    var docQueue = reviewapi.queue.getQueueById("my-queue");
    var queuePointer = docQueue.createPointer();
  • Access a queue pointer from the IQueue object.

    var docQueue = reviewapi.queue.getQueueById("my-queue");
    var queuePointersArray = docQueue.pointers;
    var queuePointer = queuePointersArray[0];
  • Access a queue pointer from the viewer collection (IViewerService.mainCollection).

    var queuePointer = reviewapi.viewer.mainCollection.queuePointer;
  • Invoke navigation on a queue pointer.

    Note: All the IQueuePointer navigation functions are asynchronous. They return a Promise that resolves to a boolean, indicating whether navigation occurred.

    var queuePointer = reviewapi.viewer.mainCollection.queuePointer;
    // Navigate to the next document in the queue.
      .then(function (navigationOccurred) {
        // Navigation was prevented (false) or complete (true).
      .catch(function (ex) {
        // Navigation encountered an error.
    // Navigate to a previous document in the queue.
      .then(function (navigationOccurred) {
        // Navigation was prevented (false) or complete (true).
      .catch(function (ex) {
        // Navigation encountered an error.
  • Listen to queue pointer events. See QueuePointerEventType for the events that are raised by the IQueuePointer object.

    var queuePointer = reviewapi.viewer.mainCollection.queuePointer;
    // Handle queue pointer updated event
    queuePointer.on("updated", function (event) {
      var currentIndex = event.currentIndex;

    Note: When the viewer collection has a new queue pointer, the IViewerCollection raises an event ViewerCollectionEventType.QueuePointerChanged. You may need to update your event handlers to respond to events from the new IQueuePointer and to disregard events from the legacy IQueuePointer.