Platform change log
This change log represents changes that may affect Relativity Developers, such as changes to APIs, deprecation of APIs, new APIs and other developer-focused changes. See the User Guide for version release notes.
Released Changes
You can use the following table to find changes for a specific Relativity version, API, or other value. To filter the data in the table, select a value from a drop-down in the column header (Release, Type, and Feature) or type in the Search field. To sort, click the column name. For changes prior to 2019-01-01, please refer to the Platform change log (Archive)
Date | Release | Type | Feature | Change |
Date | Release | Type | Feature | Change |
2024-05-20 | CI/CD | Deprecation | API Explorer | The API Explorer application is no longer supported for RelativityOne nor Relativity Server as of May 20, 2024. All supporting documentation and access to the RAP file has been removed, and no further changes will be made to the application. See this post in the developer group for more information. |
2024-01-15 | CI/CD | Enhancement | Documentation | The Relativity Server 2023 Developer Documentation site has been significantly updated to better support Relativity developers. See this announcement for more information. |
2023-09-15 | Server 2023 | Enhancement | NuGet Packages | Effective with the Relativity Server 2023 release, the NuGet packages required to extend core functionality and implement custom applications for Relativity Server are published and maintained separately from the SDKs hosted on the Relativity NuGet Gallery. The latest SDKs for Relativity Server will be hosted in a separate repository, while the Relativity NuGet Gallery is now considered the repository for RelativityOne packages. See the Relativity Server 2023 Developer News topic for more information. |
2023-09-15 | Server 2023 | Deprecated | RSAPI | RSAPI has been removed in the Relativity Server 2023 release. See RSAPI deprecation process for more information, including the replacement APIs |
2023-09-15 | Server 2023 | Deprecated | Classic Viewer |
Classic Viewer has been removed in the Relativity Server 2023 release. Viewer extensions that only work with the Classic Viewer will no longer be functional. If you have not already done so, you will need to migrate your classic viewer extension code to the Review APIs. See Viewer Extension Migration Guide for more details. |
2022-09-28 | N/A | Deprecated | Imaging Set Scheduler | The Imaging Set Scheduler application has been updated to remove RSAPI dependencies, but the application will not be updated further. The source code for Imaging Set Scheduler is now available as an open-source project and available on Github so that you may customize the code to extend your Relativity Server environments. You can access the documentation for Imaging Set Scheduler here. |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Enhancement | Relativity Review API | The Review API and Review Extension framework are now compatible with Relativity Server 2022 (Osier 12.1). For more information, see Review API site. |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Enhancement | Relativity Document Viewer SDK | The new Short Message Viewer Manager API supports programmatically interacting with messages displayed in the Short Message Viewer in the Relativity UI. It exposes methods for retrieving the JSON, attachments, and participant information for short messages. It also provides endpoints for validating the Relativity Short Message Format (RSMF) and creating new documents based on a subset of messages. This versioned API exposes the methods on the IShortMessageViewerManager interface available in the Relativity.DocumentViewer.SDK. The Short Message Viewer Manager service exposes endpoints through REST with the same functionality as available through .NET. For more information, see Short Message Viewer Manager (.NET) and Short Message Viewer Manager (REST). |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Enhancement | Analytics Classification Index API | The new Analytics Classification Index API exposes CRUD operations for working with classification indexes used by the Active Learning application. It also supports submitting, canceling, and checking the statuses of index jobs. It exposes these methods on the IClassificationIndexService interface in the Relativity.Analytics.Classification.<VersionNumber>.Services namespace. Additionally, this service exposes endpoints through REST with the same functionality as available through .NET. For more information, see Analytics Classification Index (.NET) and Analytics Classification Index (REST). |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Enhancement | Analytics Conceptual Index API | The Analytics Conceptual Index API is now versioned. The namespace has been updated to include the business domain and version number, as exemplified by Analytics.Conceptual.V1.Services. The URLs used through REST also include these updates, as exemplified by conceptual-analytics/v1. For more information, see Analytics Conceptual Index (.NET) and Analytics Conceptual Index (REST). |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Enhancement | Audit APIs | The Audit APIs are now versioned. The namespaces have been updated to include the business domain and version number, as exemplified by Relativity.Audit.Services.Interfaces.V1. The URLs used through REST also include these updates, as exemplified by relativity-audit/v1. For more information, see Audit (.NET) and Audit (REST). |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Deprecated | Password Bank API | The Password Bank API is now deprecated. |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Enhancement | ObjectModel. SDK |
The APIs within the ObjectModel.SDK are now versioned. The namespace has been updated to include the business domain and version number, as exemplified by Relativity.ObjectModel.V1. The URLs used through REST also include these updates, as exemplified by relativity-object-model/v1. For more information, see Object Model. |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Enhancement | Infrastructure. SDK |
The APIs within the Infrastructure.SDK are now versioned. The namespace has been updated to include the business domain and version number, as exemplified by Relativity.Infrastructure.V1. The URLs used through REST also include these updates, as exemplified by relativity-infrastructure/v1. For more information, see Infrastructure. |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Enhancement | Identity SDK | The APIs within the Identity SDK are now versioned. The namespace has been updated to include the business domain and version number, as exemplified by Relativity.Identity.V1.Services . The URLs used through REST also include these updates, as exemplified by relativity-identity/v1. For more information, see Identity (authentication and user accounts). |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Enhancement | Mass Operations Manager API | The Mass Operations Manager API is now versioned. The namespace has been updated to include the business domain and version number, as exemplified by Relativity.Extensibility.V1.MassOperations. The URLs used through REST also include these updates, as exemplified by relativity-Extensibility/v1. For more information, see Mass Operation Manager (.NET) and Mass Operation Manager (REST). |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Enhancement | Object Rule Manager API | The Object Rule Manager API is now versioned. The namespace has been updated to include the business domain and version number, as exemplified by DataVisualization.v1.ObjectRule. The URLs used through REST also include these updates, as exemplified by relativity-data-visualization/v1. For more information, see Object Rule Manager (.NET) and Object Rule Manager (REST). |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Enhancement | Workspace Manager API | The Workspace Manager API is now versioned. The namespace has been updated to include the business domain and version number, as exemplified by Relativity.Environment.V1.Workspace. The URLs used through REST also include these updates, as exemplified by relativity-environment/v1. For more information, see Workspace Manager (.NET) and Workspace Manager (REST). |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Enhancement | Instance Setting Manager API | The Instance Setting Manager API is now versioned. The namespace has been updated to include the business domain and version number, as exemplified by Relativity.Services.Environment.V1.InstanceSetting. The URLs used through REST also include these updates, as exemplified by relativity-environment/v1. For more information, see Instance Setting Manager (.NET) and Instance Setting Manager (REST). Due to the versioning of the Instance Setting Manager API, all of the endpoints have been updated with a new format that includes versioning information and the changes in the previous table. Additionally, the REST URLs have been updated to include the integer for the admin-level context part of the URL In the Instance Setting Manager API, the method signatures on the IInstanceSettingManager interface have been deprecated. They no longer require a workspace ID set to -1 to indicate the admin-level context. Deprecated methods and their replacements: - Task<int> CreateAsync( int workspaceID, InstanceSettingRequest instanceSetting ) replaced with Task<int> CreateAsync(InstanceSettingRequest instanceSetting) - Task DeleteAsync( int workspaceID, int instanceSettingID ) replaced with Task DeleteAsync(int instanceSettingID) - Task<InstanceSettingResponse> ReadAsync( int workspaceID, int instanceSettingID ) replaced with Task<InstanceSettingResponse> ReadAsync(int instanceSettingID) - Task UpdateAsync( int workspaceID, InstanceSettingRequest instanceSetting ) replaced with Task UpdateAsync(InstanceSettingRequest instanceSetting) - Task UpdateAsync( int workspaceID, InstanceSettingRequest instanceSetting, DateTime lastModifiedOn ) replaced with Task UpdateAsync(InstanceSettingRequest instanceSetting, DateTime lastModifiedOn) |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Breaking Change | Instance Setting Manager API | In the Instance Setting Manager API, the signatures for all methods on the IInstanceSettingManager interface no longer require a workspace ID set to -1 to indicate the admin-level context. The REST URLs include a similar update that makes the integer for the admin-level context part of the URL. |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Enhancement | Tab Manager API | The Tab Manager API is now versioned. The namespace has been updated to include the business domain and version number, as exemplified by DataVisualization.v1.Tab. The URLs used through REST also include these updates, as exemplified by relativity-data-visualization/v1. Additionally, new methods include GetEligibleObjectTypesAsync() and GetEligibleParentTabsAsync(). For more information, see Tab Manager (.NET) and Tab Manager (REST). |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Enhancement | Script Manager API | Script Manager is now updated to use versioned namespace paths. The namespace has been updated to include the business domain and version number as exemplified by Extensibility.v1.Scripts. The ID parameter in various methods was renamed to Identifier. Additionally, this API contains the following new methods that allow you to: - Queue a script to run - Retrieve status of a script - Query action results - Export action results - Export script report - Clean up script results For more information, see Script Manager (.NET) and Script Manager (REST). |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Enhancement | Error Manager API | Error Manager is now updated to use versioned namespace paths. The namespace has been updated to include the business domain and version number as exemplified by Environment.V1.Error. This API allows you to expose a single endpoint for creating errors. For more information, see Error Manager (.NET) and Error Manager (REST). |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Breaking Change | Tab Manager API | The Tab Manager API contains several methods that have been renamed or deprecated. - ITabManager.GetAvailableObjectTypesAsync() replaced with GetEligibleObjectTypesAsync() - ITabManager.GetAvailableParentsAsync() replaced with GetEligibleParentTabsAsync() - ITabManager.GetDependencyList() replaced with GetDependencyListAsync() on the Object Manager API Due to the versioning of the Tab Manager API, all of the endpoints have been updated with a new format that includes versioning information and the changes in the list above.. For more information, see Tab Manager (.NET). |
2022-03-21 | Server 2022 | Enhancement | Production API | The Production API is now versioned. The namespaces have been updated to include the business domain and version number, as exemplified by Services.V1.IProductionManager. The URLs used through REST also include these updates, as exemplified by relativity-productions/v1. Additionally, the Production Manager API includes the following new methods: CancelReproductionJobAsync(), CreateSingleAsync(), DeleteSingleAsync(), GetAllAsync(), GetProductionImagesAsync(), GetProductionImagesTokenAsync(), ReadSingleAsync(), RerunProductionAsync(), RunProductionAsync(), and StageProductionAsync(). The Production Data Source Manager API includes the new GetProductionDataSourceDefaultFieldValues() method. The Production Placeholder Manager API includes the new GetProductionPlaceholderDefaultFieldValues() method. The new Production Queue Manager API exposes methods used to cancel a single or multiple production jobs, to retry multiple jobs, and to set the priority for them. These enhancements are available through .NET and REST. For more information, see Production. |
Note: For changes prior to 2019-01-01, please refer to the Platform change log (Archive)