Short Message Viewer Manager (REST)

In Relativity, the Short Message Viewer displays messages sent through SMS such as iMessage and instant messenger services such as Skype Messenger, Slack, and others. For more information, see Short Message Viewer on the Relativity Documentation site.

The Short Message Viewer API exposes endpoints for retrieving the JSON, attachments, and participant information for short messages. It also provides endpoints for validating the Relativity Short Message Format (RSMF).

You can also use the Short Message Viewer Manager service through .NET. For more information, see Short Message Viewer Manager (.NET).

Guidelines for using the Short Message Viewer Manager service

Review the following guidelines for working with the Short Message Viewer service.


The URLs for REST endpoints contain path parameters that you need to set before making a call:

  • Set {versionNumber} to the version of the API, using the format lowercase v and the version number, such as v2.
  • Set other path parameters in the URLs to the Artifact ID of a given entity, such as {workspaceID} to the Artifact ID of a workspace.

For example, you can use the following URL to retrieve the JSON representation for a short message document:


Set the path parameters as follows:

  • {versionNumber} to the version of the service, such as v2.
  • {workspaceID} to the Artifact ID of the workspace containing the short message conversation.
  • {documentID} to the Artifact ID of the short message document.

Retrieve the JSON for a short message

To retrieve the JSON representation for a short message document, send a GET request with a URL in the following format:


The fields in the JSON response correspond to those in the rsmf_manifest.json file. For field definitions, see rsmf_manifest.json file on the Relativity Documentation site.

Retrieve attachment information for a short message

To retrieve attachment information associated with a short message document, send a POST request with a URL in the following format:


Retrieve entity information for a participant in a short message document

You can retrieve entity information for a participant in a short message conversation. An Entity object links people, companies, organizational groups, and their metadata. For more information, see Entity object on the Relativity Documentation site.

Send a POST request with a URL in the following format:


Validate the RSMF for a file or document

You can verify whether a specific file or document has a valid RSMF. For more information, see Relativity Short Message Format on the Relativity Documentation site.

Validate the RSMF for a file

To validate the RSMF for a file, send a POST request with a URL in the following format:


Validate the RSMF for a document

To validate the RSMF for a document, send a GET request with a URL in the following format:


The request body is empty.