Developer Tutorials

These tutorials will help you get started with building your own applications, or writing code that extends the functionality provided by the Relativity Platform. Each tutorial is independent, and you can complete them in any sequence.

Integrating with Relativity

These short tutorials cover the basics of building your own (self-hosted) applications that integrate with Relativity.

Tutorial Concepts covered
Storing and using external API credentials Learn how to connect to APIs hosted outside of Relativity from an extensibility point (agent, event handler, Custom Page, or Kepler API) and pass credentials to the external API.

Extending Relativity

These short tutorials cover the basics of writing code (hosted on the Relativity Platform) that extends the standard functionality provided by Relativity.

Tutorial Concepts covered
Set up a developer environment Learn how to set up a developer environment to get started with writing code that extends Relativity.
Build your first Relativity application in the UI Create a simple Relativity application that includes two Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs) with a many-to-many relationship, and then export the application as a RAP file that you can use to install the application in another workspace.
Build your first custom page Create a simple custom page available from an external tab in Relativity.
Build your first event handler Create a simple event handler that updates the Name field on a Relativity Dynamic Object (RDO).
Build your first agent Create a simple agent that raises the message: Hello World! The current time is: <time>.
Storing and using external API credentials Learn how to connect to APIs hosted outside of Relativity from an extensibility point (agent, event handler, Custom Page, or Kepler API) and pass credentials to the external API.
Advanced Tutorials

In this series of lessons you will use the Application Deployment System (ADS) to build an application that imports data from Wikipedia into Relativity. You will:

  • Use Relativity APIs to create, read, update, delete, and query data on the server.
  • Use Relativity APIs to obtain context information about an application.
  • Work with Relativity extensibility points, including event handlers, agents, custom pages, and the Kepler framework for creating custom services

Advanced tutorials

This series of lessons covers different aspects of developing on Relativity. You can follow these lessons to learn how to build your first Relativity application by integrating with Relativity APIs and extending the platform. You will implement a complete application that imports data from Wikipedia into Relativity. You will use the Application Deployment System (ADS), interact with Relativity APIs, and work with Relativity extensibility points (including event handlers, agents, custom pages, and the Kepler framework for creating custom services).