Called after the card is activated in a dock.
If provided, this function will be called to build custom viewer tab options for the viewer card.
If no function is provided, a default tab will be created based on the card title.
If provided, this function will be called to build custom viewer toolbar options for the viewer card.
Called before the card deactivates to check if it is safe to do so
Called when the viewer collection needs a card to show when the viewer does not support the item. A default placeholder is shown if this method is not provided.
Called after the card is deactivated in a dock.
Called whenever an error occurs while managing the card
Called to restore the state of the card
Called after the card content has loaded
Called when the card is maximized
Called when the card is resized
Called when the card is no longer maximized
Called to save the state of the card
Called before the card content is unloaded
Unique viewer instance ID
Viewer type - this should match the viewer type from the configuration object
If provided, this defines the viewer's tab title when the viewer does not support the current queue item.
If not provided, the title will default to "No
Called when the viewer card should load a new queue item
Queue item to be loaded
Load options
Promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether or not the load was successful
Viewer card instance information