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Interface ILoadOptions

Options passed to viewer cards as a part of IQueueItem load


  • ILoadOptions



Optional cancellationToken

cancellationToken: ICancellationToken

Cancellation token for the load

Optional longTextFieldArtifactId

longTextFieldArtifactId: number

Optional long text field artifact ID

Optional productionArtifactId

productionArtifactId: number

Optional production artifact ID

Optional reconvertRequired

reconvertRequired: boolean

Whether or not the viewer should re-convert the document if it has already been converted. Setting this options to true will also force reloadRequired to be true, as well as re-fetch document metadata. Note that some viewers don't require conversions - in that case, reloadRequired will still be set to true, and metadata will be re-fetched, but otherwise this option will have no effect.

Optional reloadRequired

reloadRequired: boolean

Whether or not the viewer should reload the queue item if it has already been loaded