The core viewer types include the Native, Image, Text, and Production viewers. They support registering event handlers for certain viewer-specific events.
This page contains the following information:
The core viewer types support registering event handlers on the viewer instance object as follows:
const viewerCollection = reviewApi.viewer.mainCollection;
const nativeViewer = viewerCollection.getViewer("native");
const zoomEventHandler = (e) => console.log(e);
nativeViewer.on("zoom", zoomEventHandler);
The following code sample unregisters the previous event handler:"zoom", zoomEventHandler);
Alternatively, you could register the previous event handler as a one-time event handler. It is then automatically unregistered after the first event is emitted:
nativeViewer.once("zoom", zoomEventHandler);
The core viewer types generally share a common set of events with a few exceptions, such as the Text Viewer.
See the following section for information about event types:
The Native, Image, and Production viewers all emit page-related events. These events indicate when the total page count for a document is changed or when the page currently displayed is changed. See Page Change event and Page Count Change event.
Note: The Text Viewer doesn't paginate document content, so it doesn't raise page-related events. Additionally, certain file types don't emit page-related events in the Native Viewer, including email, audio, video, and short-message files.
The Page Change event is emitted when a user successfully navigates to a new page in a specific document as follows:
The following code sample illustrates how an event handler is passed a new 0-based page index:
const viewerCollection = reviewApi.viewer.mainCollection;
const imageViewer = viewerCollection.getViewer("image");
const pageChangeEventHandler = (newPageIndex) => console.log(newPageIndex + 1);
imageViewer.on("pageChange", pageChangeEventHandler);
The Page Count Change event is emitted when the total number of pages changes for a specific document. Conversion streaming causes this change by allowing the Review Interface to begin displaying content for a conversion that is in progress. During conversion streaming, the Review Interface loads new pages and increases the page count for a document until the conversion is complete.
The following code sample illustrates how the event handler is passed a new total page count:
const viewerCollection = reviewApi.viewer.mainCollection;
const nativeViewer = viewerCollection.getViewer("native");
const pageCountChangeEventHandler = (newPageCount) => console.log(newPageCount);
nativeViewer.on("pageCountChange", pageCountChangeEventHandler);
The zoom event is emitted when a user zooms in or out in a viewer.
The event handler is passed a IZoomEvent as an argument. The IZoomEvent includes the current zoom index and the current zoom mode as follows:
const viewerCollection = reviewApi.viewer.mainCollection;
const nativeViewer = viewerCollection.getViewer("native");
const zoomEventHandler = (e) => {
nativeViewer.on("zoom", zoomEventHandler);