Whether the context menu is active
ID of the context menu's parent HTMLElement
Adds an IContextMenuItem to the end of the menu options list
The Context Menu Item to add
Adds an IContextMenuItemConfig to the end of the menu options list
The Context Menu Item to add
Disables the context menu and removes all behavior on the DOM related to that menu
Enables the context menu and adds all behavior for a context menu. This is required for the context menu to show up when right clicking on an element.
Retrieves an IContextMenuItem by name
Name of the item
Checks if an IContextMenuItem exists with the provided name
Name of the item
Whether an item with that name exists or not
Retrieves all IContextMenuItems in the menu
Removes all IContextMenuItems from the menu options list
Removes an IContextMenuItem in the menu options list
Name of the item to remove
Context Menu that allows modification of the menu IContextMenuItems and whether it is active