Returns all the registered buttons on the layout
Called after the card is activated in a dock.
Called before the card deactivates to check if it is safe to do so
Called after the card is deactivated in a dock.
Called whenever an error occurs while managing the card
Called to restore the state of the card
Called after the card content has loaded
Called when the card is maximized
Called when the card is resized
Called when the card is no longer maximized
Called to save the state of the card
Called before the card content is unloaded
True if card is in Edit mode, false otherwise.
True if card is loaded, false otherwise.
Adds a button to the layout toolbar
Applies Copied Values to Coding Card Fields. Assumed SaveAndNextAsync is called to save fields.
Updates the Relativity Form to be in view mode
Updates the Relativity Form to be in edit mode
Gets the current reference to the coding card's Convenience API.
Gets an envelope with settings and functions to call for Relativity Forms.
Removes a button from the layout toolbar
Saves the current state of the Relativity Forms fields and returns the user to the document list
Returns whether the save and navigation was successful
Saves the current state of the Relativity Forms fields and navigates to the next document in the queue
Returns whether the save and navigation was successful
Saves the current state of the Relativity Forms fields
(optional) Whether to stay in edit mode after Relativity Forms save. Defaults to false
Returns whether the save was successful
Class for the coding card