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Interface ICardConfig

Configuration object for defining new cards




Optional appGuid

appGuid: string

The application GUID an extension card is associated with

Optional appVersion

appVersion: string

The version of the application an extension card is created with

Optional autoRestore

autoRestore: boolean

Controls auto restore behavior for the card. By default, or if this property is true, when a card is added to the review interface, the dock it is added to is automatically restored. If this property is false, the dock will not be restored. This can be useful when the card loading process is lengthy or costly, to prevent the card from loading until the user activates it.

Optional category

category: string

Optional string representing the card group or category this card belongs to.

Optional categoryOrder

categoryOrder: number

Optional number representing the rank or order of the card. Defines where this card is to be placed in the same category of cards

Optional createInstance

createInstance: function

If specified, this function will be called to create an ICardInstance object to be bound to an ICard. Alternately, the ICard.bindInstance() method may be used.

Type declaration

Optional defaultHeight

defaultHeight: number

The default height for the card (as rem units)

Optional defaultWidth

defaultWidth: number

The default width for the card (as rem units)

Optional extends

extends: string

Optional string parameter that sets up a custom outsidein viewer. This overrides the ICardConfig.loader and ICardConfig.toolbarsConfig properties.


Optional icon

icon: ICardIcon

The icon to display in the card title bar


id: string

Unique card type ID

This should be globally unique, like a GUID or company identifier.



Information for loading the card content

Optional location

location: ICardLocation

The default location for the card

Optional minHeight

minHeight: number

The minimum height of the card (as rem units)

Optional minWidth

minWidth: number

The minimum width of the card (as rem units)

Optional order

order: number

An optional index to use when sorting the tabs for the cards in a dock. Defaults to 0.

Optional singleton

singleton: boolean

If true, only one instance of the card will be allowed.

Optional skeleton

skeleton: ICardSkeleton

Custom skeleton loader. If specified, this skeleton will replace the default skeleton loader.

Optional supportsPopout

supportsPopout: boolean

Optional boolean indicating whether or not the card supports being popped out into a new window. Defaults to false. This flag is used by the experimental ICard.popout and ICard.popin APIs.



title: string

The human-readable card title

Optional toolbarsConfig

Indicates the toolbars to create within the card. The resulting toolbars may be accessed via the ICard.toolbars property. Toolbars may also be created via the ICard.createToolbar() method.