Learn about Relativity development

You can follow these lessons to learn how to build your first Relativity application by integrating with Relativity APIs and extending the platform. You will:

  • Implement a complete application that imports data from Wikipedia into Relativity.
  • Use the Application Deployment System (ADS) to build the application. The ADS includes multiple extensibility points that assist you in the development of your custom applications.
  • Use Relativity APIs to create, read, update, delete, and query data on the server.
  • Use Relativity APIs to obtain context information about an application.
  • Work with Relativity extensibility points, including event handlers, agents, custom pages, and the Kepler framework for creating custom services.

Note: These tutorials are based on using a RelativityOne Sandbox environment.

Audience for this tutorial

This series of tutorials is designed for:

  • New Relativity developers - Developers with no Relativity experience and a basic understanding of C#. REST APIs, and virtual machines (VM). The tutorial lessons introduce new concepts that build upon each other.
  • Experienced Relativity developers - Developers that only need to review Relativity features, look over code samples and screenshots in a lesson. The tutorial provides enough information to become familiar with a Relativity concept.

How to complete the tutorial

Since the lessons build on each other, complete them in order if you want to implement the entire application. Each lesson uses different functionality in your Relativity instance.

Estimated completion time

You must set up Community accounts and a development environment before you can begin the tutorial. For more information, see Set up your developer environment. You can generally complete the tutorial in about 12 hours after your accounts have been approved and you have set up your development environment.


  • Custom Applications in the Repository workspace are prohibited