The ongoing search in the viewer for a search term
Adds new persistent highlight terms to the set and displays corresponding highlights
The persistent highlight set to add to
The persistent highlight terms to add
Changes the expanded property of the highlight set
The highlight set's artifact id
Optional parameter that saves the state to the database
Promise that resolves when the set has been updated
Changes the visibility of all the terms in a persistent highlight set
The highlight set's artifact id
The visible state of all the terms in the set
Optional parameter that saves the state to the database
Promise that resolves when the set's visiblity has been updated
Change the visibility of a term in a persistent highlight set
The highlight term's set artifact id
The highlight term's artifact id
The visible state of the term
Optional parameter that saves the state to the database
Promise that resolves when the term's visiblity has been updated
Clears existing persistent highlight drawer
Clears out the recent search set
Clears out the recent search term that matches the term id
id of term to clear
Clears search term data and highlights
Navigates to the first search term hit
the term to be searched in the document
returns true if the term was found in the document
Navigates to the next search term hit
the term searched in the document
Navigates to the previous search term hit
the term searched in the document
Navigates to the next highlight in the document, set, or by term.
(optional) the highlight set to navigate
(optional) the highlight term to navigate
Navigates to the previous highlight in the document, set, or by term.
(optional) the highlight set to navigate
(optional) the highlight term to navigate
Retrieves latest persistent highlight data from the database and updates the count and visibility
Promise that resolves when data has been retrieved and count and visibility have been updated
Selects the persistent highlight set with the specified artifact id
The artifact id of the persistent highlight set to select
Selects the specified persistent highlight term in the highlight panel and turns on highlights for that term regardless of term/set visibility state.
the term's set artifact id
the persistent highlight term we are selecting
Opens or closes the persistent highlight drawer
(optional) sets the visible state of the drawer
Re-sets selected state of all sets and terms
the PHS data to unselect
Class for handling persistent highlights for a viewer