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Interface HighlightMemento





activationMode: HighlightActivationMode

Controls how the highlight is rendered when it is active and inactive.

Optional activeStyle

activeStyle: HighlightStyle

The style to use for the highlight when it is active

Optional allowDelete

allowDelete: boolean

Determines if the highlight can be deleted, default is false

Optional allowMove

allowMove: boolean

Determines if the highlight can be moved, default is false

Optional allowResize

allowResize: boolean

Determines if the highlight can be resized, default is false

Optional compound

compound: boolean


highlightId: string


inverse: boolean

If true, the highlight will be treated as an inverse redaction - that is, the full page will be redacted except or the highlight range. If there are multiple inverse redactions on the page, they will each be subtracted from the full page redaction.

This property is only supported for rectangular redactions. If specified for any other type of highlight, it will be ignored.

If not specified, defaults to false. The inverse flat may not be changed once a highlight is created.


The range affected by the highlight


redaction: boolean

If true, the highlight will be treated as a redaction.

If not specified, defaults to false. The redaction flag may not be changed once a highlight is created.

Optional userData

userData: UserDataMap

User data to apply to any highlights created using this PartialRangeHighlightConfig. The individual properties in this userData object are copied by value to each highlight.

Optional visible

visible: boolean