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Interface IRelativityFormsEnvelopeSettings

Settings that help configure the Relativity Form


  • IRelativityFormsEnvelopeSettings



Optional actionBar

Settings used to configure the Relativity Form Action Bar

Optional appGuids

appGuids: string[]

Array of application GUIDs to be passed in the X-Kepler-Referrer header for HTTP calls made by Forms in the coding panel. Set to the Hydro GUID by default.

Optional canControlRelativityWindow

canControlRelativityWindow: boolean

Setting that lets Relativity Forms know that it is in an iframe

Optional enableChildAndAssociativeListsInEditMode

enableChildAndAssociativeListsInEditMode: boolean

Settings used to enable child and associative lists in edit mode

Optional enableCompactMode

enableCompactMode: boolean

Settings used to style the relativity form to be in compact mode

Optional enableCopyFromPrevious

enableCopyFromPrevious: boolean

Settings used to enable copy from previous indicators

Optional enablePropagation

enablePropagation: boolean

Tells Relativity Forms whether or not any fields on the layout have propagation turned on. We populate this value from information the convenience API gives us.