Retrieves the IAnnotationHistoryData for the selected annotation.
Current Workspace ID
Current Document ID
Selected Annotation ID
Active Markup Set ID
Client ID
Retrieves the local annotation visibility
Retrieves the annotation visibility from session storage
If it is invalid it defaults it to AnnotationVisibilityType.Visible and updates sessionStorage
Retrieves the default IMarkupSet the user has access to based on the Order field
Promise that resolves to the default markup set
Retrieves the IAnnotations for a specific IMarkupSet
The artifact ID of the document
The markup set to use
Retrieves the available IMarkupSets the user has access to in the workspace
Promise that resolves to an array of markup sets
Retrieves the default redaction text for the user
Promise that resolves to the default redaction text
Retrieves the default RedactionTextSize for the user
The user's default redaction text size
Saves the specified markup set Artifact ID to the User Preferences cache and table as the user's default.
Artifact ID of the markup set to persist.
Sets the annotation visibility in sessionStorage and locally
Updates the user's default redaction text
New default redaction text
Updates the user's default RedactionTextSize
New default redaction text size
Class for working with IAnnotations and IMarkupSets