Called after the card is activated in a dock.
If provided, this function will be called to build custom viewer tab options for the viewer card.
If no function is provided, a default tab will be created based on the card title.
If provided, this function will be called to build custom viewer toolbar options for the viewer card.
Called before the card deactivates to check if it is safe to do so
Called when the viewer collection needs a card to show when the viewer does not support the item. A default placeholder is shown if this method is not provided.
Called after the card is deactivated in a dock.
Called whenever an error occurs while managing the card
Called to restore the state of the card
Called after the card content has loaded
Called when the card is maximized
Called when the card is resized
Called when the card is no longer maximized
Called to save the state of the card
Called before the card content is unloaded
Contextual Search View
Gets the current page index.
Gets the current page name
Unique viewer instance ID
Populated with error when loadSuccessful is false. Otherwise, undefined.
Returns true, if document was loaded into view without error.
Gets the current number of loaded pages for the current document.
The Thumbnail viewer for the view
The Timeline viewer for the view
The Transient Highlight Manager for the view
Viewer type - this should match the viewer type from the configuration object
If provided, this defines the viewer's tab title when the viewer does not support the current queue item.
If not provided, the title will default to "No
Called when the viewer card should load a new queue item
Queue item to be loaded
Load options
Promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether or not the load was successful
Checks the OI Aqua API to see whether the viewer's current state can support the specified feature
The ViewFeature (enum) being checked
Whether or not the viewer can support the specified feature
Creates a CellRangeMemento representing the cell or range of cells at the specified spreadsheet or database table, row(s), and column(s).
The 0-based index of the page containing the range
The 0-based index of the leftmost column of the range
The 0-based index of the topmost row of the range
CellRangeMoment object built with the provided arguments
Creates a RectRangeMemento representing a rectangle on the specified page
The 0-based index of the page containing the range
The left edge of the rectangular range
The top edge of the rectangular range
RectRangeMoment object built with the provided arguments
Creates a TextRangeMemento corresponding to the specified ACC (actual character count) range
The first character of the ACC range (inclusive)
The last character of the ACC range (non-inclusive)
Returns Outside In Show/Hide hidden Items status
The status of hidden content shown in the viewer (On or Off)
The height of the page, in pixels, at 100% zoom and 0 degrees rotation
Optional - if provided, will get height of page at designated index, otherwise will get height of current page
The width of the page, in pixels, at 100% zoom and 0 degrees rotation
Optional - if provided, will get width of page at designated index, otherwise will get width of current page
Get the current selection mode
Checks if the current document supports page navigation
Moves to the next page on the OI Doc
Moves to pageIndex if exists in the OI document.
Index of target page. This index is 0-based.
Moves to the previous page on the OI Doc
Opens the About Viewer Modal
Opens the Confirm Delete Images modal
Opens the Save as PDF Modal
Opens the Single File Upload modal
Makes the specified cell range the active selection
Specifies the cell range to select
true if the selection changed, false if it did not change
Makes the specified rect range the active selection
Specifies the rect range to select
true if the selection changed, false if it did not change
Makes the specified text range the active selection
Specifies the text range to select
true if the selection changed, false if it did not change
Returns a range memento representing currently selected text, rect, or cell
Range representing the currently selected text, rect, or cell
Sets the page layout mode for the current OI View using the passed in value
scroll mode setting
Set a new selection mode
Mode to set: rect, text, cell, or none
Show or hide hidden content in the document
Toggles the filter viewer drawer
Whether the drawer should be opened or not
DO NOT DELETE -- Called by embedded Shows or hides the OI Thumbnail view
Show or Hide the thumbnail view.
returns the total number of pages on the current document
Increases the zoom factor of the current view.
The zoom factor after zooming.
Decreases the zoom factor of the current view.
The zoom factor after zooming.
Zooms the current view based on the ViewerZoomMode enum value provided.
The Viewer Zoom Mode enum for the view.
The zoom factor after zooming.
Zooms the current view to the factor provided, rounded to the nearest integer. If the zoomIndex provided is greater than the maximum valid zoom factor, the document is zoomed to the maximum valid zoom factor. If the zoomIndex provided is less than the minimum valid zoom factor, the document is zoomed to the minimum valid zoom factor.
The new zoom factor for the view.
The zoom factor after zooming.
OutsideIn viewer instance interface
This provides a special bootstrap method that can take in an OutsideIn View instance.