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Interface IHighlightSetListenerAdd

Listener function for the [[RangeHighlightSet]], [[TermHighlightSet]] and [[AllHighlights]] add events. This event is fired when one or more new highlights have been added to the set.

The arguments to this event listener are as follows:

  • highlightSet: The [[RangeHighlightSet]], [[TermHighlightSet]] or [[AllHighlights]] object
  • highlights: An array of affected Highlight objects
  • Additional arguments that were passed in to onadd or onaddonce.


  • IHighlightSetListenerAdd


  • Listener function for the [[RangeHighlightSet]], [[TermHighlightSet]] and [[AllHighlights]] add events. This event is fired when one or more new highlights have been added to the set.

    The arguments to this event listener are as follows:

    • highlightSet: The [[RangeHighlightSet]], [[TermHighlightSet]] or [[AllHighlights]] object
    • highlights: An array of affected Highlight objects
    • Additional arguments that were passed in to onadd or onaddonce.


    Returns void