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Interface HighlightStyle

Style information for Highlight objects


  • HighlightStyle




borderColor: string | null

The border color. This property is ignored for text highlights and for any highlights where borderLineType is LineType.none.

The value of this string may be any valid CSS color value, as defined here:


If not specified, the inverse of the fill color will be used. The border color for a highlight may be changed at any time by setting the [[Highlight.borderColor]] property.


borderLineType: LineType

The border line type. This property is ignored for text highlights.

If not specified, the default value of LineType.none will be used (resulting in no border). The line type for a highlight may be changed at any time by setting the [[Highlight.borderLineType]] property.


borderWidth: number

The border width in pixels. This property is ignored for text highlights and for any highlights where borderLineType is LineType.none.

If not specified, the default value of 1 pixel will be used. The line type for a highlight may be changed at any time by setting the [[Highlight.borderLineType]] property.


cssClass: string | null

A CSS class or space-separated list of classes to apply to the highlighted text. This property is ignored for cell and rectangular highlights.

Note that this property must be used very carefully to avoid affecting the layout of the text. Any CSS properties that change the box size or visibility of the text will cause layout issues in the viewer.

If not specified, the CSS class for the text will not be altered by the highlight. The CSS class for a highlight may be changed at any time by setting the [[Highlight.cssClass]] property.


enableDelete: boolean

Controls whether the user is able to delete the highlight by pressing the DELETE key while the highlight is active.

If not specified, defaults to false. This value may be changed at any time by setting the [[Highlight.enableDelete]] property.


enableMove: boolean

Controls whether the user is able to move the highlight using the mouse, touch, or keyboard while the highlight is active. This property is ignored for text highlights.

If not specified, defaults to false. This value may be changed at any time by setting the [[Highlight.enableMove]] property.


enableResize: boolean

Controls whether the user is able to resize the highlight using the mouse, touch, or keyboard while the highlight is active. This property is ignored for text highlights.

If not specified, defaults to false. This value may be changed at any time by setting the [[Highlight.enableResize]] property.


fillColor: string | null

The background fill color for text and rectangular highlights. The value of this string may be any valid CSS color value, as defined here:


If not specified, the default will be based on the highlight properties: white (#fff) for cross redactions black (#000) for other redactions transparent yellow (rgba(255,255,0,0.5)) for highlights

The fill color for a highlight may be changed at any time by setting the [[Highlight.fillColor]] property.


The image to draw over the highlight. This property is ignored for text highlights.

The only supported value is "cross", which draws a diagonal cross and outline over the highlight in the inverse of the highlight color.

If not specified, no image will be drawn. The highlight image may be changed at any time by setting the [[Highlight.image]] property.


label: string

A string value specifying a label to attach to each highlight. This property is ignored for text highlights.

If not specified, the highlight will no label. The label may be changed at any time by setting the [[Highlight.label]] property.


labelColor: string | null

The color for text labels. This property is ignored for text highlights and highlights without labels.

The value of this string may be any valid CSS color value, as defined here:


If not specified, the inverse of the fill color will be used. The label color for a highlight may be changed at any time by setting the [[Highlight.labelColor]] property.


labelFontFace: string

The label font name. This property is ignored for text highlights and for any highlights without a label.

If not specified, defaults to "Arial". The label font may be changed at any time by setting the [[Highlight.labelFont]] property.


labelFontSize: FontSizeOrAuto

The label font size. This property is ignored for text highlights and for any highlights without a label.

May be a numeric value in points, a FontSize object with a size in either points or pixels, or "auto" to automatically scale the label with the size of the highlight.

If not specified, defaults to "auto". The label size may be changed at any time by setting the [[Highlight.labelFontSize]] property.


labelFontWeight: FontWeight

The label font weight. This property is ignored for text highlights and for any highlights without a label.

If not specified, defaults to FontWeight.normal. The label font weight may be changed at any time by setting the [[Highlight.labelFontWeight]] property.


strokeColor: string | null

The stroke color for cross redactions. This property is ignored for other highlight types.

The value of this string may be any valid CSS color value, as defined here:


If not specified, the inverse of the fill color will be used. The stroke color for a highlight may be changed at any time by setting the [[Highlight.strokeColor]] property.


textColor: string | null

The text color for text highlights. The value of this string may be any valid CSS color value, as defined here:


If not specified, the text color will not be altered by the highlight. The text color for a highlight may be changed at any time by setting the [[Highlight.textColor]] property.