Child items
These are displayed on the right when a user hovers over this item
When set to true this will disable and gray out the item
The name of the icon that will display for the item
Callback invoked when the IContextMenu is built
The item will not show up in the IContextMenu if this returns null. Use this callback to decide when to show the item in the menu, or change components of the option on the fly. For instance, you could disable the item on specific conditions. The callback will have access to some useful data on reviewData like documentId or workspaceId. It will also have access to the full public API.
Callback invoked when the item is clicked
The callback will have access to some useful data on reviewData like documentId or workspaceId. It will also have access to the full public API.
Order in the list of context menu items
Permission Check object
The text that will display for the item
The options for a item in a Context Menu. It encapsulates the jquery-context-menu option.