convenienceAPI object
As part of the Relativity Forms API, the convenienceApi object provides methods designed to simplify event handler development. You can use these methods to make service calls, localize content, and perform other tasks. Additionally, you can inject the convenienceApi object into an immediately invoked function expression (IIFE) event handler as a second parameter.
Summary of APIs for convenienceApi object
The following table lists each of the APIs available for use with the convenienceApi object.
API or object |
Description |
Includes methods for creating and updating the contents of an action bar. |
Provides a method for getting additional data. |
Represents an object used to supply application paths specific to Relativity. |
Provides property and methods for creating a console on a page. |
Provides access to certain constants used globally in an application. |
Represents a date-time value formatter. |
Includes methods for quickly accessing and modifying fields. |
Represents an object that contains general settings related to the user viewing a form and the artifact displayed in it. |
Factory that can be used to create ItemListDataProviders which can be used in single and multi-list picker modals |
Includes methods for quickly accessing and modifying item lists. |
Represents an i18n object that contains methods used for application internationalization. |
Modifies layouts. |
Returns an instance of Aurelia logger. |
Provides a service that can be used to open various modals in an application. |
Represents a permission object exposed as a part of the Event Handler API. It is used to check actions allowed for an object of a specific object type in a given workspace. |
Provides a service used to open pop-up windows. |
Provides a collection of methods for utilizing Preview Security mode. |
Provides a factory containing methods for returning promises. |
Includes methods for creating pop-up windows through the Relativity Forms API. |
Provides methods for making requests to Relativity REST services hosted by a Relativity instance. |
Provides methods for programmatically navigating through the review queue. |
Provides properties and methods related to a user. |
Includes various utility functions. |
Represents an object used to aid form validation process. |
Provides methods for creating and updating the contents of an action bar.
Property |
Type |
Description |
containersPromise |
Promise<{ rootElement: HTMLElement, |
An object that contains references to the |
isVisible |
Boolean |
Determines whether the action bar container is visible. The value of this property can be updated in the event handlers. |
See the following subsections for information about these methods:
- createDefaultActionBar()
- destroy()
- generate.button(props: Object)
- generate.dropdown(props: Object)
- generate.massEditTitle()
- generateDefault.actionButtons()
- generateDefault.actionButtonsForAddPopup(popupControlApi: Object; objectTypeName: String)
- generateDefault.actionButtonsForPopup(popupControlApi: Object)
- generateDefault.layoutDropdown()
- generateDefault.objectPager()
Creates a default action bar provided by the application, including these components:
- A default layout drop-down element in the left slot.
- Default action buttons in the center slot.
- A default object pager in the right slot.
Return type
The following code sample adds a single button to the center slot of the action bar:
eventHandlers[eventNames.CREATE_ACTION_BAR] = function() {
convenienceApi.actionBar.createDefaultActionBar().then(function() {
return convenienceApi.actionBar.containersPromise;
}).then(function(containers) {
const button = convenienceApi.actionBar.generate.button({
innerText: "Say Hello" ,
onclick: function() {
alert( "Hello!" );
Removes all action bar contents.
Return type
function populateCustomActionBar(containers) {
const actionBar = convenienceApi.actionBar;
const button = actionBar.generate.button({
innerText: "Say Hello" ,
onclick: function() {
alert( "Hello!" );
const pager = actionBar.generateDefault.objectPager();
function populateDefaultActionBar() {
function createActionBar() {
const actionBar = convenienceApi.actionBar;
const formViewModel = this ;
// Change to an artifact ID of an instance of the
// given object type that exists in your workspace.
return actionBar.destroy().then(function() {
return actionBar.containersPromise;
}).then(function(containers) {
if (formViewModel.artifactId === ARTIFACT_ID_THAT_NEEDS_CUSTOM_ACTION_BAR) {
} else {
const eventHandlers = {};
eventHandlers[eventNames.CREATE_ACTION_BAR] = createActionBar;
eventHandlers[eventNames.UPDATE_ACTION_BAR] = createActionBar;
The following code sample destroys the action bar when a specific artifact ID is encountered during the object switching process:
generate.button(props: Object)
Creates a button styled to fit inside an action bar.
Parameter |
Description |
props: Object |
Translates on a one-to-one basis into the entities that the HTML button element accepts. For more information, see <button>: The Button element on the MDN web docs site. |
Return type
HTMLElement - For more information, see HTMLElement on the MDN web docs site.
The following code sample adds a single button to the center slot of the action bar:
eventHandlers[eventNames.CREATE_ACTION_BAR] = function() {
const actionBar = convenienceApi.actionBar;
const button = actionBar.generate.button({
innerText: "Test button" ,
onclick: function(e) { console.log( "Button clicked!" ); }
actionBar.containersPromise.then(function(containers) {
generate.dropdown(props: Object)
Creates a drop-down element that fits inside the action bar.
Parameter |
Description |
props: Object |
Translates on a one-to-one basis into the entities that the rwc-drop-down-input-field element accepts. |
Return type
HTMLElement - For more information, see HTMLElement on the MDN web docs site.
The following code sample adds a drop-down element with two choices in the right slot of the action bar:
eventHandlers[eventNames.CREATE_ACTION_BAR] = function() {
const actionBar = convenienceApi.actionBar;
const choices = [{
label: "Choice 1",
value: "1"
}, {
label: "Choice 2",
value: "2"
const selectedValue = choices[0].value;
const dropdown = actionBar.generate.dropdown({
id: "ChoiceID",
label: "Choices",
removeNoValueChoice: true
dropdown.value = selectedValue;
dropdown.onchange = function(e) {
console.log( + " was selected!");
actionBar.containersPromise.then(function(containers) {
Generate mass edit title element
Parameter |
Description |
FormViewModel |
formViewModel view-model of the form |
Return type
HTMLElement - generated mass edit title element. For more information, see HTMLElement on the MDN web docs site.
Creates a list that contains default action buttons populated by the application.
Return type
Array<HTMLElement> - For more information, see HTMLElement on the MDN web docs site.
The following code sample adds default buttons to the right slot of the action bar:
eventHandlers[eventNames.CREATE_ACTION_BAR] = function() {
const actionBar = convenienceApi.actionBar;
const buttons = actionBar.generateDefault.actionButtons();
actionBar.containersPromise.then(function(containers) {
// optional, adds spacing between buttons
containers.rootElement.className = "rwa-button-group" ;
buttons.forEach(function(button) {
generateDefault.actionButtonsForAddPopup(popupControlApi: Object; objectTypeName: String)
Creates a list of default action buttons for the Add RDO pop-up window. This method is for use with the relativityFormsPopup API. For more information, see relativityFormsPopup.
Parameter |
Description |
popupControlApi: Object |
Returned by any call. For more information, see popupControlApi object. |
objectTypeName: String |
Specifies name of the RDO object type. |
Return type
Array<HTMLElement> - For more information, see HTMLElement on the MDN web docs site.
The following code sample adds a list of action buttons to a pop-up window:
eventHandlers[eventNames.CREATE_ACTION_BAR] = function() {
const actionBar = convenienceApi.actionBar;
const formSettings = convenienceApi.formSettings;
const buttons = actionBar.generateDefault.actionButtonsForAddPopup(
actionBar.containersPromise.then(function(containers) {
containers.rootElement.className = "rwa-button-group" ;
buttons.forEach(function(button) {
generateDefault.actionButtonsForPopup(popupControlApi: Object)
Generate a default layout dropdown element. This method is for use with the relativityFormsPopup API. For more information, see relativityFormsPopup.
Parameter |
Description |
popupControlApi: Object |
Returned by any call. For more information, see popupControlApi object. |
Return type
HTMLElement - For more information, see HTMLElement on the MDN web docs site.
Obtains a default layout drop-down element populated by the application.
Return type
HTMLElement - For more information, see HTMLElement on the MDN web docs site.
The following code sample adds a default layout drop-down element to the right slot of the action bar:
eventHandlers[eventNames.CREATE_ACTION_BAR] = function() {
const actionBar = convenienceApi.actionBar;
const layoutDropdown = actionBar.generateDefault.layoutDropdown();
actionBar.containersPromise.then(function(containers) {
Obtains a default object pager. See reviewQueueBrowser.
Return type
HTMLElement - For more information, see HTMLElement on the MDN web docs site.
For sample code, see generateDefault.layoutDropdown().
Provides a method for retrieving additional data.
Created specifically for use in a replaceObtainAdditionalData event handler. Creates an array of objects containing the default promise factories for obtaining additional data for fields. If the return value of this method is returned inside replaceObtainAdditionalData, the default behavior will be maintained as if the event handler had not been defined at all. This is useful as you can use it to get the default factories for all fields, then override the behavior for just one field instead of having to replace the process of obtaining additional data for either all fields or just one field.
Parameter | Type | Description |
fieldsRequiringAdditionalData | Array<Field> | An array of Fields requiring additional data. |
workspaceId | Number | The integer identifier of the workspace where the object type displayed in this form exists. |
Return type
Array<{field: Field, createAdditionalDataPromise: Function: Promise<AdditionalData>}>
See replaceObtainAdditionalData for more detailed information.
This is normally used in the replaceObtainAdditionalData event handler. See replaceObtainAdditionalData for more detailed information.
Represents an object used to supply application paths specific to Relativity.
Property |
Type |
Description |
relativity |
String |
Contains the base path to Relativity application: "/Relativity". |
kepler |
String |
Contains the base path for the Kepler services: "/Relativity.Rest/API". |
relativityRest |
String |
Contains the path to Relativity REST services:"/Relativity.Rest". |
Creates a console on the page. This API exposes the console parent element root container and provides methods that can be used to generate various console elements.
Property |
Type |
Description |
containersPromise |
Promise<{ rootElement: HTMLElement }> |
Contains a reference to the console root element container. |
isVisible |
Boolean |
Determines whether the console container is visible. The value of this property can be updated in the event handlers. |
See the following subsections for information about these methods:
- destroy()
- generate.button(props: Object)
- generate.buttonStyledAsLink(props: Object)
- generate.section(props: Object, children: Array<HTMLElement>)
- generate.sectionTitle(props: Object)
- generate.title(props: Object)
Removes all console contents.
Return type
The following code sample removes all console contents and adds a single title when a specific artifact layout ID is encountered after a layout switch:
function generateDefaultConsoleContent() {
const consoleApi = convenienceApi.console;
const button = consoleApi.generate.button({
innerText: "Test button" ,
onclick: function(e) { console.log( "Button clicked!" ); }
const section = consoleApi.generate.section({}, [
return section;
function generateCustomConsoleContent() {
const consoleApi = convenienceApi.console;
const title = consoleApi.generate.title({
innerText: "Title"
return title;
function createConsole() {
const consoleApi = convenienceApi.console;
// Change to a layout ID for the given object type that exists in your workspace.
let consoleContent;
// Determine the content that should be added to the console
// based on the current layout ID of the form.
if ( this .layoutId === LAYOUT_ID_THAT_NEEDS_CUSTOM_CONSOLE) {
consoleContent = generateCustomConsoleContent();
} else {
consoleContent = generateDefaultConsoleContent();
return consoleApi.destroy().then(function() {
return consoleApi.containersPromise;
}).then(function(containers) {
const eventHandlers = {};
eventHandlers[eventNames.CREATE_CONSOLE] = createConsole;
eventHandlers[eventNames.UPDATE_CONSOLE] = createConsole;
generate.button(props: Object)
Creates a button styled to fit inside the console.
Parameter |
Description |
props: Object |
Translates on a one-to-one basis into the entities that the HTML button element accepts. For more information, see <button>: The Button element on the MDN web docs site. |
Return type
HTMLElement - For more information, see HTMLElement on the MDN web docs site.
Note: We require you to add a tooltip to your button in case your button text is truncated. See the following code sample.
const consoleApi = convenienceApi.console;
const button = consoleApi.generate.button({
innerText: "Do Something",
title: "Do Something", // Tooltip to show if full button text cannot be displayed
onclick: function(e) { console.log( "Button clicked!" ); }
consoleApi.containersPromise.then(function(containers) {
generate.buttonStyledAsLink(props: Object)
Creates a button styled as a link that fits inside the console.
Parameter |
Description |
props: Object |
Translates on a one-to-one basis into the entities that the HTML button element accepts. For more information, see <button>: The Button element on the MDN web docs site. |
Return type
const consoleApi = convenienceApi.console;
const buttonAsLink = consoleApi.generate.buttonStyledAsLink({
innerText: "Test button" ,
onclick: function(e) { console.log( "Button clicked!" ); }
consoleApi.containersPromise.then(function(containers) {
generate.section(props: Object, children: Array<HTMLElement>)
Creates a console section. Use sections to break large consoles into logical groups.
A section or section title isn't always necessary, especially if your console has only one button. See the following examples:
- Do streamline the interface.
- Don't add unnecessary sections.

Parameter |
Description |
props: Object |
Translates on a one-to-one basis into the entities that the HTML div element accepts. |
children: Array<HTMLElement> |
Attached as children of the section based on the order in which they are supplied. For more information, see <div>: The Content Division element on the MDN web docs site. |
Return type
The following code sample creates a section that contains a button:
const consoleApi = convenienceApi.console;
const button = consoleApi.generate.button({
innerText: "Test button" ,
onclick: function(e) { console.log( "Button clicked!" ); }
const section = consoleApi.generate.section({}, [
consoleApi.containersPromise.then(function(containers) {
generate.sectionTitle(props: Object)
Creates an HTML h3 section title that fits inside the console.
Parameter |
Description |
props: Object |
Translates on a one-to-one basis into the entities that the HTML h3 element accepts. For more information, see <h1>–<h6>: The HTML Section Heading elements on the MDN web docs site. |
Return type
const consoleApi = convenienceApi.console;
const sectionTitle = consoleApi.generate.sectionTitle({
innerText: "Test section title"
const section = consoleApi.generate.section({}, [
consoleApi.containersPromise.then(function(containers) {
generate.title(props: Object)
Creates a HTML h2 section title that fits inside the console.
Use the generate.sectionTitle() function unless multiple levels are needed in a console. See the following examples:
- Do use section titles when there's only one level of hierarchy.

- Don't use regular titles when there's only one level of hierarchy.

A top-level console title is rarely necessary. Don't use a console title if it doesn't provide useful information to the user. For example, a console title that restates the name of an RDO is redundant. See the following examples:
- Do use the minimum number of titles.

- Don't add unneeded titles.

Parameter |
Description |
props: Object |
Translates on a one-to-one basis into the entities that the HTML h2 element accepts. For more information, see <h1>–<h6>: The HTML Section Heading elements on the MDN web docs site. |
Return type
const consoleApi = convenienceApi.console;
const title = consoleApi.generate.title({
innerText: "Test section title"
consoleApi.containersPromise.then(function(containers) {
Provides access to certain constants used globally in an application.
Property |
Type |
Description |
Object |
Object |
Object |
Object |
Object |
Object |
Represents a date-time value formatter. This API is part of the data-management modules within the Relativity web components library, which is made directly available via the convenienceApi.
getFormatter(options: <Object>)
Returns a formatter object that can be used to format date-time strings to a given locale
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
options |
Object |
Provides DateTime formatting options and configuration. Contains the following:
Return type
var unformattedDateTimeString = "2009-04-27T18:44:50.217";
var myDateTimeFormatter = convenienceApi.dateTime.getFormatter({
isUTC: true ,
includeSeconds: true ,
includeTime: true
var formattedDateTimeString = myDateTime.format(unformattedDateTimeString);
console.log(formattedDateTimeString); // "4/27/2009, 1:44:50 PM CDT"
Includes methods for quickly accessing and modifying fields. The fieldHelper API will not work properly until the hydrateLayoutComplete stage or later.
The identifier parameter is used to find a field. Each fieldHelper API method takes an identifier parameter. The following table lists supported identifier types:
Parameter |
Description |
Object |
If the identifier is an object, it must include one key-value pair, representing the field property to match. Supported properties include:
The following are valid object shapes: { guid: String }{ displayName: String }{ fieldId: Number } If the object does match one of the valid shapes, a TypeError is thrown. For example, use the following object to retrieve the value of a field with a displayName of Artifact ID: Copy
String | Number |
If the identifier is a string or number, perform the following steps:
For example, use the string Artifact ID to retrieve the value of a field with a displayName of Artifact ID: Copy
See the following subsections for information about these methods:
- getValue(identifier: String|Number|Object)
- setValue(identifier: String|Number|Object, valueToSet: Any)
- getHtmlElement(identifier: String|Number|Object)
- setIsEditMode(identifier: String|Number|Object, isEditMode: Boolean)
- setIsDisabled(identifier: String|Number|Object, isDisabled: Boolean)
- setIsLoading(identifier: String|Number|Object, isLoading: Boolean)
- addAdditionalData(identifier: String|Number|Object, additionalData: List<Object>)
- setIsHidden(identifier: String|Number|Object, isHidden: Boolean)
- setIsRequired(identifier: String|Number|Object, isRequired: Boolean)
- setAriaDescribedBy(fieldId, ariaDescribedby)
- setContextualHelpText(identifier: String|Number|Object, contextualHelpText: String)
getValue(identifier: String|Number|Object)
Retrieves the value of a given field from the view-model. It returns a promise that resolves to the value. The promise resolves to null if the action does not succeed. Choice fields, Object fields and User fields will have a value of a Relativity Object.
Parameter |
Description |
identifier: String|Number |
The identifier to use to look up the field. |
Return type
Promise<FieldValue> - If the field exists, the promise resolves to the value of the field. For more information about possible values of fields, see the Field Value section of the Additional Forms API Object page.
Promise<null> - If field does not exist, the promise resolves to null.
convenienceApi.fieldHelper.getValue(identifier).then(function (value) {
console.log( "The field has a value of " + value);
setValue(identifier: String|Number|Object, valueToSet: Any)
Sets the value of a given field. It returns a promise that resolves to the value and resolves to null if the set operation does not succeed.
Choice fields and Object fields will have to be set to a value of a Relativity Object.
Parameter |
Description |
identifier: String|Number |
The identifier to use to look up the field. |
valueToSet: FieldValue |
The value that should be assigned to the field. See the Field Value section of the Additional Forms API Object page for more information. |
Return type
Promise<Object|Primitive Type> - If the set operation succeeds, the promise resolves to the value that was set.
Promise<null> - If the set operation fails, the promise resolves to null.
var relativityObject1 = {
ArtifactID: 10010,
Name: "Object1"
var relativityObject2 = {
ArtifactID: 10011,
Name: "Object2"
convenienceApi.fieldHelper.setValue( singleChoiceOrObjectFieldId, relativityObject1||null );
convenienceApi.fieldHelper.setValue( TrueOrFalseFieldId, true);
convenienceApi.fieldHelper.setValue( textFieldId, "string" );
// To clear out the value of a mutli choice.object field, set the value to an empty array
convenienceApi.fieldHelper.setValue( multiChoiceOrMultiObjectFieldId, [relativityObject1, relativityObject2] );
convenienceApi.fieldHelper.setValue( numberFieldId, 1000 );
convenienceApi.fieldHelper.setValue( dateField, "1999-02-01T10:05:00" );
getHtmlElement(identifier: String|Number|Object)
Retrieves the HTML element associated with a field. It returns a promise that resolves to the HTML element of the field and resolves to null if the get operation does not succeed.
Parameter |
Description |
identifier: String|Number|Object |
The identifier to use to look up the field. |
Return type
convenienceApi.fieldHelper.getHtmlElement(identifier).then((element) => {
if (!!element) { "blue" );
setIsEditMode(identifier: String|Number|Object, isEditMode: Boolean)
Enables or disables edit mode for a field. This method returns a Promise that resolves to the new edit mode value for the field after the operation completes. It resolves to null if the operation doesn't succeed.
Note: If you call the setIsEditMode() mode function with isEditMode = true, and the field wasn’t in edit mode, this function automatically loads additional data for the field. This process only occurs when the field requires additional data, but the data hasn’t loaded yet. The returned Promise won’t resolve until any the additional data has finished loading and been applied to the field. If you defined custom additional data loading behavior via the REPLACE_OBTAIN_ADDITIONAL_DATA event handler, custom loading behavior is used. However, setIsEditMode() function won’t trigger a load pipeline, so it doesn’t trigger additional REPLACE_OBTAIN_ADDITIONAL_DATA and POST_OBTAIN_ADDITIONAL_DATA events.
Parameter |
Description |
identifier: String|Number|Object |
The identifier to use to look up the field. |
isEditMode: Boolean |
Indicates whether to enable edit mode for a field based on these values:
Return type
convenienceApi.fieldHelper.setIsEditMode(identifier, false );
setIsDisabled(identifier: String|Number|Object, isDisabled: Boolean)
Sets the isDisabled property on a given field to a specified value. It returns a promise that resolves to the disabled property of the field, and resolves to null if the set operation does not succeed.
Parameter |
Description |
identifier: String|Number|Object |
The identifier to use to look up the field. |
isDisabled: Boolean |
Indicates whether the field is disabled. |
Return type
convenienceApi.fieldHelper.setIsDisabled(identifier, true );
setIsLoading(identifier: String|Number|Object, isLoading: Boolean)
Sets the isLoading property on a given field to a specified value. It returns a promise that resolves to the value of the isLoading state, and resolves to null if the set operation does not succeed.
Parameter |
Description |
identifier: String|Number|Object |
The identifier to use to look up the field. |
isLoading: Boolean |
Indicates whether the field is loading. |
Return type
convenienceApi.fieldHelper.setIsLoading(identifier, true );
addAdditionalData(identifier: String|Number|Object, additionalData: List<Object>|Object)
Sets the additional data property on a given field to a specified value. It also sets the loading state of the field to false after applying the additional data. Typical usage of this is to set custom options for a set of choices or a dropdown (not pickers); note that this will replace any choices that exist in the targeted field. This method returns a promise that resolves to undefined on completion of the addition of data; it will resolve to null if set did not succeed.
This applies choice-like fields, including the following configurations:
- User field displayed as a dropdown
Single choice field displayed as a radio button list or dropdown (i.e. not as a picker)
Multiple choice field displayed as a checkbox list (i.e. not as a picker)
Single object field displayed as a dropdown (i.e. not as a picker)
Parameter |
Description |
identifier: String|Number|Object |
The identifier to use to look up the field. |
additionalData: List<Object>|Object |
Represents a list of objects containing additional data for the field. The function expects a List<Object> for User fields and Object for other fields. When the input is List<Object>, it is an array of dropdown entry objects with the following properties.
When the input is Object, it must have the following properties
Return type
// for non-User fields
var data = [
{ label: "Chicago" , value: 1 },
{ label: "Boston" , value: 2 },
{ label: "New York" , value: 3 }
convenienceApi.fieldHelper.addAdditionalData(nonUserIdentifier, { options: data, limitForUIExceeded: false });
// for User fields
// values are artifact IDs
var userData = [
{ label: "John Doe", value: 1234567 },
{ label: "Jane Smith", value: 8901234 }
convenienceApi.fieldHelper.addAdditionalData(userIdentifier, userData);
setIsHidden(identifier:String|Number|Object, isHidden: Boolean)
Sets the display property on a given field to a specified value. Hidden fields are also flagged so that they are not used in object updates. This method returns a promise that resolves to the value of the hidden property of the field, and resolves to null if the set operation does not succeed.
Parameter |
Description |
identifier:String|Number|Object |
The identifier to use to look up the field. |
isHidden: Boolean |
Indicates whether the field is hidden. |
Return type
convenienceApi.fieldHelper.setIsHidden(identifier, false );
setIsRequired(identifier: String|Number|Object, isRequired: Boolean)
Sets the required property on a given field to a specified value. The method returns a promise that resolves to the value of the required property of the field, and resolves to null if the set operation does not succeed.
Parameter |
Description |
identifier: String|Number|Object |
The identifier to use to look up the field. |
isRequired: Boolean |
Indicates whether the field is required. |
Return type
convenienceApi.fieldHelper.setIsRequired(identifier, true );
setAriaDescribedBy(fieldId, ariaDescribedby)
Sets the aria-describedby attribute to a given field in a layout. This method returns a promise that resolves to the value of aria-describedby attribute. It resolves to null, if set operation fails.
Parameter |
Description |
fieldId: String|Number |
Represents an ID of a field with the aria-describedby property that you want to set. |
ariaDescribedBy: String |
Represents a new value of the aria-describedby property. |
Return type
const objectTypeFieldId = "ObjectType";
const descriptionTextId = "DescriptionStaticText";
// Setting a description text.
convenienceApi.staticTextHelper.setValue(descriptionTextId, "<span id=\"object-type-description\">Please select Object Type value to see other fields.</span>");
// A description text is used to describe the ObjectType field.
convenienceApi.fieldHelper.setAriaDescribedBy(objectTypeFieldId, "object-type-description");
setContextualHelpText(identifier: String|Number|Object, contextualHelpText: String)
Sets the contextual help text for a field. This text displays when a user clicks the contextual help icon next to the field. While contextual help is a useful tool for providing additional information about the UI, we encourage you to use it in moderation for a better user experience.
Parameter |
Description |
identifier: String|Number|Object |
The identifier used to look up a field. For more information, see the identifier description in Parameters. |
contextualHelpText: String |
The contextual help text to set. The default value is an empty string (""). If this parameter is set to an empty string, no contextual help is displayed, and the contextual help icon is hidden. |
Return type
- Promise<undefined> - If the set operation succeeds, the promise resolves to undefined.
- Promise<null> - If the set operation fails, the promise resolves to null.
The following screenshot illustrates how the contextual help displays in the UI:
This code sample illustrates how to display the contextual help in the previous screen:
// Add contextual help to a field
"Field with help",
"Some concise text that quickly explains how to use this field"
Represents an object that contains general settings related to the user viewing a form and the artifact displayed in it.
Property |
Type |
Description |
LoggedInUserID |
Number |
Represents the unique identifier for the currently active user. |
ChoiceLimitForUI |
Number |
Indicates the maximum number of choices or single objects, which can appear in a checkbox, drop-down, or radio button list before the UI is switched to a pop-up picker. |
IsLoggedInUserSystemAdmin |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the currently active user is a system administrator. |
IsSystemType |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the current artifact type is a system type. |
IsDynamicType |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the current artifact type is a dynamic type, such as a RDO. |
DownloadHandlerApplicationPath |
String |
Contains the default URL referencing the code responsible for making downloaded files available to users. |
TimeSettings |
Object |
Contains time settings, including the following:
See the following subsections for information about these methods:
- create(string providerType, Object options);
create(string providerType, Object options)
Parameter |
Description |
providerType: String |
Type of the data provider to create. Accepts the following strings "choice", "object", and "user". |
options: Object |
Data provider-specific options to be passed to the provider. options properties for "choice":
options properties for "object":
options properties for "user":
Return type
// Use ItemListDataProviderFactory to get an ItemListDataProvider instance that can be customized
const option = {
objectTypeId: artifactTypeId,
workspaceId: workspaceID,
textIdentifierColumnName: "ArtifactID",
viewArtifactId: viewToDisplayID
const customItemListDataProvider = convenienceApi.itemListDataProviderFactory.create("object", option);
// Override the query method to define a custom data source for the list
customItemListDataProvider.query = function customQuery(request){
const customData = [
{ "col1": "row1 col1 value", "col2": "row1 col2 value" },
{ "col2": "row2 col1 value", "col2": "row2 col2 value" }
return {
Results: customData,
TotalCount: customData.length;
CurrentStartIndex: 0
// Define the modal for a list picker that references our custom item list data provider
const listPickerModalModel = {
label: "My custom picker modal",
itemListDataProvider: customItemListDataProvider
// Open the modal;
Includes methods for quickly accessing and modifying item lists. Like fieldHelper API, the itemListHelper API doesn't function properly until the hydrateLayoutComplete stage or later.
setCommandColumnType(itemListIdentifier: String | Number, itemListCommandColumnType: ITEM_LIST_COMMAND_COLUMN_TYPE)
Sets the command column type for an item list. The command column of an item list lets users select items so they can perform operations on them. It usually contains checkboxes or radio buttons, but it may be hidden. You can use the setCommandColumnType method to override the default behavior of the command column.
Parameter | Description |
itemListIdentifier: String | Number | The identifier used to look up the item list.
commandColumnType: ITEM_LIST_COMMAND_COLUMN_TYPE | Indicates the ITEM_LIST_COMMAND_COLUMN_TYPE to use. See convenienceApi.constants.ITEM_LIST_COMMAND_COLUMN_TYPE. |
Return type
- Promise<undefined> - when the operation completes successfully.
- Promise<null> - when the operation fails.
The following example illustrates how you ensure a user selects only one object at a time from the item list called Associated Documents.
(function(eventNames, convenienceApi) {
var ASSOCIATED_DOCUMENTS_LIST_NAME = "Associated Documents";
eventHandlers[eventNames.HYDRATE_LAYOUT_COMPLETE] = function() {
var itemListHelper = convenienceApi.itemListHelper;
return eventHandlers;
})(eventNames, convenienceApi);
Property | Type | Description |
The item list can have the following settings:
Represents an i18n object that contains methods used for application internationalization.
See the following subsections for information about these methods:
- tr(key: String)
- getLocale()
- nf(options: Object|null, locale: String)
- df(options: Object|null, locale: String)
- addResources(locale: String, items: Object)
tr(key: String)
Looks up a key and returns the localized string for the current locale.
Parameter |
Description |
key: String |
Indicates the localized string to return. |
Return type
var localizedButtonName = "action_bar.edit" );
console.log(localizedButtonName); // "Edit" if locale is set to "en-US"
// "Editar" if locale is set to "es-ES"
Returns a string for the current browser's language code.
Return type
The following code sample illustrates how to retrieve the browser's language code:
var currentLocale = convenienceApi.i18n.getLocale();
console.log(currentLocale); // "en"
Note: To retrieve the browser's locale, use window.navigator.language instead.
nf(options: Object|null, locale: String)
Returns an Intl.NumberFormat object for the given locale, with the specified options applied. The returned object contains a format() method used for number localization. For more information, see Intl.NumberFormat on the MDN web docs site.
Parameter |
Description |
options: Object|null |
The "options" passed to a NumberFormat constructor, as described in MDN, or null. For a full list of options for number formatting, refer to the "options" description on MDN. |
locale: String |
Indicates a country, origin, or language setting. |
Return type
// Get an object that formats to the current locale.
var numberOptions = {
style: "currency" ,
currency: "EUR"
var numberFormatter =, convenienceApi.i18n.getLocale());
// Format
var localizedNumber = numberFormatter.format(123456.123);
console.log(localizedNumber); // "€123,456.123" if locale is set to "en-US".
// "123.456,123 €" if locale is set to "de-DE".
df(options: Object|null, locale: String)
Returns an Intl.DateTimeFormat object for the given locale, with the specified options applied. The returned object contains a format() method used for date localization. For more information, see Intl.DateTimeFormat on the MDN web docs site.
Parameter |
Description |
options: Object|null |
The "options" passed to a DateTimeFormat constructor, as described in MDN, or null. For a full list of datetime formatting options, refer to the "options" description on MDN. |
locale: String |
Indicates a country, origin, or language setting. |
Return type
// Get an object that formats to the current locale.
var dateOptions = {
year: 'numeric' ,
month: '2-digit' ,
day: '2-digit'
var dateFormatter = convenienceApi.i18n.df(dateOptions, convenienceApi.i18n.getLocale());
// Format
var localizedDate = dateFormatter.format( new Date(2017, 5, 1));
console.log(localizedDate); // "05/01/2017" if locale is set to "en-US".
// "01.05.2017" if locale is set to "de-DE".
addResources(locale: String, items: Object)
Adds custom translations. When this method is used with the tr() method, it eliminates the need for manual locale resolution.
Parameter |
Description |
locale: String |
Indicates a country, origin, or language setting. |
items: Object |
Object which is a key-value pair dictionary, where the key is the localization key, and value is the localized string corresponding to the key, for the given locale. |
Return type
convenienceApi.i18n.addResources( "en" , {
"console_title" : "Batch Set" ,
"console_section_manageBatches.title" : "Manage Batches"
Modifies layouts.
Although the following methods are available in convenienceApi.Layout, we don't recommended using them. Instead, use the convenienceApi.fieldHelper.getHtmlElement() convenienceApi.fieldHelper. For more information, see fieldHelper.
- getElementByFieldId
- getElementByFieldName
removeFieldFromLayout(layoutData: Object, id: String|Number)
Removes a given field from a layout. This method returns the field object that was removed, or null if the field wasn't found.
Parameter |
Description |
layoutData: Object |
An object containing layout information. For more information, see Layout representation for Relativity forms. |
id: String|Number |
The field id. |
Return type
var removedObject = convenienceApi.layout.removeFieldFromLayout( layoutData, "LastModifiedOn");
if(removedObject == null) {
console.log("Object was not deleted.");
else {
console.log("Object was deleted.");
Provides a collection of functions that can be used to create loggers.
getLogger(id: String)
Returns an instance of Aurelia logger.
Parameter |
Description |
id: String |
This value gets echoed as a prefix on all logging done by the resultant logging object. |
Return type
var logger = convenienceApi.logFactory.getLogger( "arbitrary-log-identifier" ); "Info-level message!" )
Provides a service that can be used to open various modals in an application.
Note: To refresh the contents of a Relativity Forms page, Relativity recommends using the refreshLayout() method on the this Binding instead of performing a hard reload (i.e. window.location.reload()).
See the following subsections for information about these methods:
- confirm(model: Object, openModalHandler: Function)
- openProgressModal(model: Object, openModalHandler: Function)
- openCustomModal(model: Object, openModalHandler: Function)
- openAdvancedConditionModal(model: Object, openModalHandler: Function)
- openDeleteModal(model: Object, openModalHandler: Function)
- openMultiListPickerModal(model: Object, openModalHandler: Function)
- openSingleListPickerModal(model: Object, openModalHandler: Function)
confirm(model: Object, openModalHandler: Function)
Opens a confirmation modal. This method returns a dialog promise that resolves to the dialog close result. For more information, see Accessing The DialogController API on the Aurelia web site.
Parameter |
Description |
model: Object |
This parameter accepts the following properties: Copy
openModalHandler: Function |
An optional callback function executed immediately after the modal opens. Parameters
Return type
var model = {
title: "Confirmation Modal Example",
acceptAction: function acceptAction() {
console.log("Accept button was clicked");
cancelAction: function cancelAction() {
console.log("Cancel button was clicked");
openProgressModal(model: Object, openModalHandler: Function)
Opens a progress modal. This method returns a dialog promise that resolves to the dialog close result. For more information, see Accessing The DialogController API on the Aurelia web site.
Parameter |
Description |
model: Object |
This parameter accepts the following properties: Copy
openModalHandler: Function |
An optional callback function executed immediately after the modal opens. Parameters
Return type
var model = {
title: "Progress Modal Example",
value: 0,
cancelAction: function cancelAction() {
console.log( "Cancel button was clicked" );
var fakeAfterModalOpeningHandler = function fakeAfterModalOpeningHandler() {
// This sets the progress value to 100 after 1 second.
setTimeout(function () {
model.value = 100;
}, 1000);
convenienceApi.modalService.openProgressModal(model, fakeAfterModalOpeningHandler);
openCustomModal(model: Object, openModalHandler: Function)
Opens a custom modal. This method returns a dialog promise that resolves to the dialog close result. For more information, see Accessing The DialogController API on the Aurelia web site.
Parameter |
Description |
model: Object |
This parameter accepts the following properties: Copy
openModalHandler: Function |
An optional callback function executed immediately after the modal opens. Parameters
Other variables At the time the openModalHandler is called, the model object passed to openCustomModal function is enriched with functions for interacting with the modal when it's opened.
Return type
// Create custom modal content container.
var contentContainer = document.createElement("div");
// Create custom modal model. Initially, display it in loading state.
var model = {
isLoading: true,
theme: convenienceApi.constants.MODAL_THEMES.CONFIRMATION,
contentElement: contentContainer
convenienceApi.modalService.openCustomModal(model).then(function (closeResult) {
if (closeResult.wasCancelled) {
console.log("Custom modal was cancelled");
} else {
console.log("Custom modal was accepted");
// This section could be an async data load for custom modal content.
setTimeout(function () {
// Disable loading state.
model.isLoading = false;
// Populate DOM content.
contentContainer.innerText = "Loaded content";
// Define actions for the custom modal.
model.actions = [
text: "Ok" ,
click: function click() {
model.accept("Accept payload");
text: "Disabled action" ,
disabled: true
text: "Cancel" ,
click: function click() {
model.cancel("Cancel payload");
}, 1000);
openAdvancedConditionModal(model: Object, openModalHandler: Function)
Opens a modal for entering advanced filtering conditions. This method returns dialog promise that resolves to the dialog close result. For more information, see Accessing The DialogController API on the Aurelia web site.
Parameter |
Description |
model: Object |
Accepts various properties, such as title and conditions. Copy
openModalHandler: Function |
An optional callback function executed immediately after the modal opens. Parameters
Return type
var modalData = {
title: "Demo advanced condition",
conditions: []
convenienceApi.modalService.openAdvancedConditionModal(modalData).then(function (action) {
if (!action.wasCancelled) {
console.log("Advanced condition entered");
// Action.output holds an array of Condition objects.
} else {
console.log("Advanced condition entering cancelled");
openDeleteModal(model: Object, openModalHandler: Function)
Opens a delete modal. It does not delete anything; it just asks the user if they're sure if they want to delete something. This method returns dialog promise that resolves to the dialog close result. For more information, see Accessing The DialogController API on the Aurelia web site.
Parameter |
Description |
model: Object |
This parameter accepts the following properties: Copy
For more information about DependencyObject, refer to its entry in the Additional Forms API Object page. |
openModalHandler: Function |
An optional callback function executed immediately after the modal opens. Parameters
Return type
var modalData = {
objectTypeName: "Object Type Name"
convenienceApi.modalService.openDeleteModal(modalData).then(function (action) {
if (!action.wasCancelled) {
console.log("Delete the thing here");
} else {
console.log("Cancelled, so don't delete the thing");
openMultiListPickerModal(model: Object, openModalHandler: Function)
Opens a multi-list picker modal. This method returns dialog promise that resolves to the dialog close result. For more information, see Accessing The DialogController API on the Aurelia web site.
Parameter |
Description |
model: Object |
This parameter accepts the following properties: For more information about the itemListDataProvider and itemListSettingPersistenceService objects, see the Additional Forms API objects page.
openModalHandler: Function |
An optional callback function executed immediately after the modal opens. Parameters
Return type
The following sample illustrates how to open a multi-list picker modal: (sample in progress)
var mockData = [
"Name": "test1 name",
"ArtifactID": 1039665
"Name": "test2 name",
"ArtifactID": 1039666
// Create item list data provider instance.
var itemListDataProvider = {
getFieldMetadata: function (fieldName) {
// not used in this example, but it is an example of what the return shape looks like
return {
artifactID: 0,
artifactViewFieldID: 0,
associativeObjectTypeID: 0,
columnName: "Name",
fieldTypeID: 0, // fixed length text
filterType: "None",
headerName: null,
itemListType: "Text",
isSystem: false
getColumns: function (itemListReloadHandler) {
var toolbarContentElement = document.createElement("span");
toolbarContentElement.innerText = "Content of Toolbar Content element";
var noop = function () {};
return convenienceApi.promiseFactory.resolve([
id: "0",
actAsAdvanced: false,
defaultWidth: 150,
content: {
comparer: null,
dataLocation: "ArtifactID", // key to look for in each data entry
formatDefinition: null,
formatters: null
contentAlignment: null,
headerContent: {
clickable: false,
indicators: null,
title: null,
toolbarContent: toolbarContentElement
highlighted: false,
minWidth: 75,
resizable: true,
separatorVisible: true,
title: "Artifact ID",
width: 150,
wrapped: true,
filter: null,
filterable: false,
filterAdvanced: false,
filterOperators: null,
filterTitle: null,
filterAriaLabel: null,
filterOperatorAriaLabel: null,
sortable: false,
sortDirection: null,
sortTitle: null,
containerClass: null,
prepareForGrid: noop,
generateFilterElement: noop
id: "1",
actAsAdvanced: false,
defaultWidth: 150,
content: {
comparer: null,
dataLocation: "Name", // key to look for in each data entry
formatDefinition: null,
formatters: null
contentAlignment: null,
headerContent: {
clickable: false,
indicators: null,
title: null,
toolbarContent: toolbarContentElement
highlighted: false,
minWidth: 75,
resizable: true,
separatorVisible: true,
title: "Name",
width: 150,
wrapped: true,
filter: null,
filterable: false,
filterAdvanced: false,
filterOperators: null,
filterTitle: null,
filterAriaLabel: null,
filterOperatorAriaLabel: null,
sortable: false,
sortDirection: null,
sortTitle: null,
containerClass: null,
prepareForGrid: noop,
generateFilterElement: noop
getTextIdentifierColumnName: function () {
return "Name";
query: function (request, columns) {
var filteredData = mockData.slice();
if (request.idsToExclude !== void 0) {
// exclude certain values from result
filteredData = filteredData.filter(function (entry) {
var includeEntry = true;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < request.idsToExclude.length; ++i) {
if (request.idsToExclude[i] === entry.ArtifactID) {
includeEntry = false;
return includeEntry;
if (request.idsToInclude !== void 0) {
// include certain values in result
filteredData = filteredData.filter(function (entry) {
var includeEntry = false;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < request.idsToInclude.length; ++i) {
if (request.idsToInclude[i] === entry.ArtifactID) {
includeEntry = true;
return includeEntry;
return convenienceApi.promiseFactory.resolve({
"Results": filteredData,
"TotalCount": filteredData.length,
"CurrentStartIndex": 1
getValuesByIds: function (ids) {
// not used in this example; dummy data only to show shape of response
return convenienceApi.promiseFactory.resolve(mockData.slice());
// Create item list setting persistence service.
var itemListSettingPersistenceService = {
getItemListState: function (itemListKey) {
// read item list state from persistence based on itemListKey
return {
startIndex: 1,
totalItems: 1,
pageSize: 10,
data: [],
filters: [],
sorts: [],
columnWidths: {}
getItemListStateOrDefault: function (itemListKey, columnWidthsKey) {
var state = this.getItemListState(itemListKey);
var columnWidths = this.getItemListColumnWidths(columnWidthsKey);
if (!state) {
state = {
startIndex: 1,
totalItems: 0,
pageSize: 10,
data: [],
filters: [],
sorts: [],
columnWidths: {}
state.columnWidths = columnWidths;
return state;
setItemListState: function (itemListKey, itemListStateValue) {
// write item list state to persistence based on itemListKey
getFiltersVisible: function (itemListKey, workspaceId) {
// read filters boolean from persistence or remotely based on itemListKey or workspaceId
return convenienceApi.promiseFactory.resolve(false);
setFiltersVisible: function (itemListKey, filtersVisibleValue) {
// write filters boolean to persistence based on itemListKey
getGridStyle: function () {
// read grid style from persistence or remotely based on itemListKey
return convenienceApi.promiseFactory.resolve(false);
setGridStyle: function (gridStyleValue) {
// write grid style boolean to persistence
getItemListColumnWidths: function (columnWidthsKey) {
// read item list column widths from persistence based on columnWidthsKey
return {};
setItemListColumnWidth: function (itemListKey, columnKey, width) {
// write item list column width to persistence based on itemListKey and columnKey
var model = {
label: "MLP sample",
persistenceKey: "MY_PERSISTENCE_STRING",
rowKeyName: "ArtifactID", // determines the key of each row (used in itemListDataProvider.query)
selectedValues: [],
itemListDataProvider: itemListDataProvider,
itemListSettingPersistenceService: itemListSettingPersistenceService,
workspaceId: -1,
objectTypeId: 0
// could put this in an onclick event for a button, for example
convenienceApi.modalService.openMultiListPickerModal(model).then(function (action) {
if (!action.wasCancelled) {
console.log("Multiple items selected");
// action.output contains the artifact IDs of selected items.
} else {
console.log("Selection of multiple items cancelled");
openSingleListPickerModal(model: Object, openModalHandler: Function)
Opens a single list picker modal. This method returns dialog promise that resolves to the dialog close result. For more information, see Accessing The DialogController API on the Aurelia web site.
Parameter |
Description |
model: Object |
This parameter accepts the following properties: For more information about the itemListDataProvider and itemListSettingPersistenceService objects, see the Additional Forms API objects page. |
openModalHandler: Function |
An optional callback function executed immediately after the modal opens. Parameters
Return type
The following sample illustrates how to open a single list picker modal:
// Create item list data provider instance and item list setting persistence service. (see openMultiListPickerModal sample above for details)
var itemListDataProvider = // ...
var itemListSettingPersistenceService = // ...
var model = {
label: "SLP sample",
persistenceKey: "MY_PERSISTENCE_STRING",
rowKeyName: "ArtifactID",
selectedValue: 0,
itemListDataProvider: itemListDataProvider,
itemListSettingPersistenceService: itemListSettingPersistenceService,
workspaceId: -1,
objectTypeId: 0
convenienceApi.modalService.openSingleListPickerModal(model).then(function (action) {
if (!action.wasCancelled) {
console.log("Item selected");
// action.output contains ArtifactID of selected item
} else {
console.log("Item selection cancelled");
Represents a permission object exposed as a part of the Event Handler API. It is used to check actions allowed for an object of a specific object type in a given workspace.
Property |
Type |
Description |
canAdd |
Boolean |
Indicates whether a create action is allowed. |
canDelete |
Boolean |
Indicates whether a delete action is allowed. |
canEdit |
Boolean |
Indicates whether an edit action is allowed. |
canSecure |
Boolean |
Indicates whether a secure action is allowed. |
canView |
Boolean |
Indicates whether a view action is allowed. |
canViewAudit |
Boolean |
Indicates whether a view audit action is allowed. |
Provides a service used to open pop-up windows.
open(url: String, title: String, options: Object)
Opens a pop-up window with the specified options. For more information, see on the MDN web docs site.
Parameter |
Description |
url: String |
The URL of the resource to load in the pop-up window. |
title: String |
The title of the pop-up window. |
options: Object |
(Optional) An object containing key-value pairs of window features to apply to the pop-up window. See the Window Features documentation on the WDN web docs site for a full list of how the pop-up window can be configured. |
Return type
Example "" , "Google" , {
width: 200,
height: 200
Provides a collection of methods for utilizing Preview Security mode. For more information, see Preview security on the Relativity Documentation site.
openForGroup(groupArtifactId: Number)
Opens the Preview Security page in the same window for a specific group artifact ID.
Parameter |
Description |
groupArtifactId: Number |
The artifact ID of a specific group. |
Return type
var groupArtifactId = 1015028;
Provides a factory containing methods for returning promises.
See the following subsections for information about these methods:
Returns one of the following promises depending on the parameter passed to the method:
- An already resolved promise when it is passed an iterable parameter, such as an array or an object, which is empty.
- Asynchronously resolved promise when the iterable passed contains no promises.
- A pending promise in all other cases.
For more information, see Promise.all() on the MDN web docs site.
Return type
var promise1 = convenienceApi.promiseFactory.resolve(3);
var promise2 = 42;
var promise3 = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(resolve, 100, 'tests' );
var promise = convenienceApi.promiseFactory.all([promise1, promise2, promise3]);
promise.then(function (values) {
console.log(values); // [3, 42, "tests"]
Returns a promise that is rejected with a specific reason. For more information, see Promise.reject() on the MDN web docs site.
Return type
The following code sample illustrates how to return a rejected promise:
var promise = convenienceApi.promiseFactory.reject( "rejection" );
promise.then(function(resolvesTo) {
console.log(resolvesTo); // Never called.
}, function(rejectsTo) {
console.log(rejectsTo); // "rejection"
Returns a promise that is resolved with a specific value. For more information, see Promise.resolve() on the MDN web docs site.
Return type
var promise = convenienceApi.promiseFactory.resolve( "resolution" );
promise.then(function(resolvesTo) {
console.log(resolvesTo); // "resolution"
Includes methods for creating pop-up windows running the Relativity Forms API. For additional information about pop-up windows, see the following:
- Communicating between Relativity form pages
- popupControlApi object
- Popup eventHandlerFactory function
See the following subsections for information about pop-up windows:
Opens a Relativity Forms API pop-up window for given artifact type in add mode.
workspaceId: Number,
artifactTypeId: Number,
parentArtifactId: Number,
associatedArtifactId: Number, // optional
connectorFieldArtifactId: Number, // optional
eventHandlerFactory: Function // optional
Parameter |
Description |
workspaceId: Number |
The artifact ID of the workspace in which the new object will be created. |
artifactTypeId: Number |
The artifact ID of the object type to be created. |
parentArtifactId: Number |
The artifact ID of the object to be used as the parent of the object being created. |
associatedArtifactId: Number |
The existing object to which the newly created object will be associated. |
connectorFieldArtifactId: Number |
The artifact ID of the Field (in the object being created) by which the newly created object will be associated to the existing object. |
eventHandlerFactory: Function |
An optional Function property. See Popup eventHandlerFactory function. |
Return type
Opens a Relativity Forms API pop-up window for a given object in edit mode.
workspaceId: Number,
artifactTypeId: Number,
artifactId: Number,
eventHandlerFactory: Function // optional
Parameter |
Description |
workspaceId: Number |
The artifact ID of the workspace in which the object being edited resides. |
artifactTypeId: Number |
The artifact ID of the object type to be edited. |
artifactId: Number |
The artifact ID of the object to be edited. |
eventHandlerFactory: Function |
An optional Function property. See Popup eventHandlerFactory function. |
Return type
Opens a Relativity Forms API pop-up window for a given object in view mode.
workspaceId: Number,
artifactTypeId: Number,
artifactId: Number,
eventHandlerFactory: Function // optional
Parameter |
Description |
workspaceId: Number |
The artifact ID of the workspace in which the object being viewed resides . |
artifactTypeId: Number |
The artifact ID of the object type to be viewed. |
artifactId: Number |
The artifact ID of the object to be viewed. |
eventHandlerFactory: Function |
An optional Function property. See Popup eventHandlerFactory function. |
Return type
Provides methods for making requests to Relativity REST services hosted by the Relativity instance. All requests are made as the currently logged in user.
See the following subsections for information about these methods:
- get(url: String, requestOptions: Object)
- post(url: String, payload: Object, requestOptions: Object)
- put(url: String, payload: Object, requestOptions: Object)
- delete(url: String, requestOptions: Object)
keplerGet(url: string, requestOptions?: AxiosRequestConfig<any>, metricKey?: string)
keplerPost(url: string, payload: any, requestOptions?: AxiosRequestConfig<any>, metricKey?: string)
keplerPatch(url: string, payload: any, requestOptions?: AxiosRequestConfig<any>, metricKey?: string)
- makeRelativityRelativeUrl(url: String)
- makeRelativityBaseRequestOptions(extendWith: Object)
- makeRelativityRestRelativeUrl(url: String)
- makeRelativityRestBaseRequestOptions(extendWith: Object)
patch(input: string | Request, payload?: any, requestOptions?: RequestInit)
get(url: String, requestOptions: Object)
Makes an HTTP GET request to the given URL.
In general, execute a read operation for a resource by invoking a fetch of a specific URL and a requestOptions object with the GET method. For more information, see WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.fetch() on the MDN web docs site.
Note: IE11 doesn't natively support Fetch and Promise, but Promise and Response on the MDN web docs site contain accurate information for Relativity Forms and IE11. Relativity Forms uses a polyfill to provide support for this functionality.
Parameter |
Description |
url: String |
A URL for a request. |
requestOptions: Object |
Optional request options object. It defaults to an empty object, and the method is overwritten to a GET request. |
Return type
Promise - resolves to a Fetch API Response object. For more information, see Promise and Response on the MDN web docs site.
var url = "any/url";
var requestOptions = {
cache: "no-store",
headers: {
"header-name": "header-value"
var responseJsonPromise = convenienceApi.relativityHttpClient.get(url, requestOptions)
.then(function (response) { return response.json(); });
post(url: String, payload: Object, requestOptions: Object)
Makes an HTTP POST request to the given URL.
In general, create a resource by invoking a fetch of a specific URL and a requestOptions object with the POST method. The request body contains a specified payload. For more information, see WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.fetch() on the MDN web docs site.
Note: IE11 doesn't natively support Fetch and Promise, but Promise and Response on the MDN web docs site contain accurate information for Relativity Forms and IE11. Relativity Forms uses a polyfill to provide support for this functionality.
Parameter |
Description |
url: String |
A URL for a request. |
payload: Object|Array |
A JSON serializable object to send in the request body. |
requestOptions: Object |
Optional request options object. It defaults to an empty object, and the method is overwritten to a POST request. The body is overwritten with the stringified payload. |
Return type
Promise - resolves to a Fetch API Response object. For more information, see Promise and Response on the MDN web docs site.
var url = "any/url";
var payload = {
any: "parameter"
var requestOptions = {
cache: "no-store",
headers: {
"header-name": "header-value"
var responseJsonPromise =, payload, requestOptions)
.then(function (response) { return response.json(); });
put(url: String, payload: Object, requestOptions: Object)
Makes an HTTP PUT request to the specified URL.
In general, update a resource by invoking a fetch of a specific URL and a requestOptions object with the PUT method. The request body contains a specified payload. For more information, see WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.fetch() on the MDN web docs site.
Note: IE11 doesn't natively support Fetch and Promise, but Promise and Response on the MDN web docs site contain accurate information for Relativity Forms and IE11. Relativity Forms uses a polyfill to provide support for this functionality.
Parameter |
Description |
url: String |
A URL for a request. |
payload: Object|Array |
A JSON serializable object to send in the request body. |
requestOptions: Object |
Optional request options object. It defaults to an empty object, and the method is overwritten to a PUT request. The body is overwritten with the stringified payload. |
Return type
Promise - resolves to a Fetch API Response object. For more information, see Promise and Response on the MDN web docs site.
var url = "any/url";
var payload = {
any: "parameter"
var requestOptions = {
cache: "no-store",
headers: {
"header-name": "header-value"
var responseJsonPromise = convenienceApi.relativityHttpClient.put(url, requestOptions)
.then(function(response) { return response.json(); });
delete(url: String, requestOptions: Object)
Makes an HTTP DELETE request to the specified URL.
In general, remove a resource by invoking a fetch of a specific URL and a requestOptions object with the DELETE method. For more information, see WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.fetch() on the MDN web docs site.
Note: IE11 doesn't natively support Fetch and Promise, but Promise and Response on the MDN web docs site contain accurate information for Relativity Forms and IE11. Relativity Forms uses a polyfill to provide support for this functionality.
Parameter |
Description |
url: String |
A URL for a request. |
requestOptions: Object |
Optional request options object. It defaults to an empty object, and the method is overwritten to a DELETE request. |
Return type
Promise - resolves to a Fetch API Response object. For more information, see Promise and Response on the MDN web docs site.
var url = "any/url";
var requestOptions = {
cache: "no-store",
headers: {
"header-name": "header-value"
var deleteCompletePromise = convenienceApi.relativityHttpClient.delete(url, requestOptions);
patch(input: string | Request, payload?: any, requestOptions?: RequestInit)
Calls fetch with request method set to PATCH.
Parameter |
Description |
input: string | Request |
The resource that you wish to fetch. Either a Request object or a string containing the URL of the resource. |
payload? : any | |
requestOptions?: RequestInit |
Return type
Promise - a Promise for the Response from the fetch request. For more information, see Promise and Response on the MDN web docs site.
keplerGet(url: string, requestOptions?: AxiosRequestConfig<any>, metricKey?: string)
Invoke a GET request to a kepler service.
Parameter |
Description |
url: string |
URL to request |
requestOptions?:AxiosRequestConfig<any> | Object with request options to keplerjs. See AxiosRequestConfig. |
metricKey?: string | The key to identify the api call in metrics |
Return type
Promise<void | T>. On 200 response the promise resolves to the de-serialized JSON object of the response body. On any other response it rejects to an object containing the response details - status code, headers & body.
keplerPost(url: string, payload: any, requestOptions?: AxiosRequestConfig<any>, metricKey?: string)
Invoke a POST request to a kepler service.
Parameter |
Description |
url: string |
URL to request |
payload: any | JSON serializable object to send in the request body |
requestOptions?:AxiosRequestConfig<any> | Object with request options to keplerjs. See AxiosRequestConfig. |
metricKey?: string | The key to identify the api call in metrics |
Return type
Promise<void | T>. On 200 response the promise resolves to the de-serialized JSON object of the response body. On any other response it rejects to an object containing the response details - status code, headers & body.
keplerPut(url: string, payload: any, metricKey?: string)
Invoke a PUT request to a kepler service.
Parameter |
Description |
url: string |
URL to request |
payload: any | JSON serializable object to send in the request body |
metricKey?: string | The key to identify the api call in metrics |
Return type
Promise<void | T>. On 200 response the promise resolves to the de-serialized JSON object of the response body. On any other response it rejects to an object containing the response details - status code, headers & body.
keplerDelete(url: string, metricKey?: string)
Invoke a DELETE request to a kepler service. The request cannot be cancelled and does not report progress.
Parameter |
Description |
url: string |
URL to request |
metricKey?: string | The key to identify the api call in metrics |
Return type
Promise<void | T>. On 200 response the promise resolves to the de-serialized JSON object of the response body. On any other response it rejects to an object containing the response details - status code, headers & body.
keplerPatch(url: string, payload: any, requestOptions?: AxiosRequestConfig<any>, metricKey?: string)
Invoke a PATCH request to a kepler service.
Parameter |
Description |
url: string |
URL to request |
payload: any | JSON serializable object to send in the request body |
requestOptions?:AxiosRequestConfig<any> | Object with request options to keplerjs. See AxiosRequestConfig. |
metricKey?: string | The key to identify the api call in metrics |
Return type
Promise<void | T>. On 200 response the promise resolves to the de-serialized JSON object of the response body. On any other response it rejects to an object containing the response details - status code, headers & body.
keplerCallLRP(hub: string, operation: string, payload: any, progressCallback: any, cancellationToken: any, requestOptions?: AxiosRequestConfig<any>, httpMethod?: string, signalRHub?: string, metricKey?: string)
Call to a kepler service to perform a long running operation
Parameter |
Description |
hub: string |
Url for the Kepler service |
operation: string | Name of the method on the Kepler service to call |
payload: any | The body of the request |
progressCallback: any | Function called when the long running operation posts a status update. It's called with an object with the type of the IProgress parameter defined in the Kepler endpoint |
cancellationToken: any | Instance of keplerjs.CancellationToken - returned from the getCancellationToken() function - to cancel the long running operation |
requestOptions?:AxiosRequestConfig<any> | Object with request options to keplerjs. See AxiosRequestConfig. |
httpMethod?: string | HTTP method for the call. Defaults to "POST", if omitted |
signalRHub?: string | The path to the SignalR hub to use (for progress and cancel). If not specified, the default Object Manager hub is used |
metricKey?: string | The key to identify the api call in metrics |
Return type
Promise<void | T>: Promise resolves to the result of the long running operation
Get a new instance of a keplerjs.CancellationToken. For use when calling the keplerCallLRP function.
Return type
CancellationToken: instance of keplerjs.CancellationToken. See CancellationToken
makeRelativityRelativeUrl(url: String)
Returns a String, which is the specified relative URL. However, it is prefixed with the base URL of the current Relativity instance.
Parameter |
Description |
url: String |
A URL for a request. |
Return type
var relativityUrl = makeRelativityRelativeUrl( "some/path/and/service.asmx" );
makeRelativityBaseRequestOptions(extendWith: Object)
Generates a base requestOptions object in calls against services on Relativity.
Parameter |
Description |
extendWith: Object |
Optional request options object. It defaults to an empty object, and the method is overwritten to a GET request. |
Return type
var requestOptions= makeRelativityBaseRequestOptions({
cache: "no-store",
headers: {
"header-name": "header-value"
var responsePromise = convenienceApi.relativityHttpClient.get("any/relativity/url", requestOptions);
makeRelativityRestRelativeUrl(url: String)
Prefixes the specified URL with the base URL for Relativity.REST.
Parameter |
Description |
url: String |
A URL for a request. |
Return type
var relativityRestUrl = makeRelativityRestRelativeUrl( "/Workspace/3040506/Custodian" );
makeRelativityRestBaseRequestOptions(extendWith: Object)
Generates a base requestOptions object for use in calls against the Relativity.REST services.
Parameter |
Description |
extendWith: Object |
Optional request options object. It defaults to an empty object, and the method is overwritten to a GET request. |
Return type
var requestOptions= makeRelativityRestBaseRequestOptions({
cache: "no-store",
headers: {
"header-name": "header-value"
var responsePromise = convenienceApi.relativityHttpClient.get("any/relativity/rest/url", requestOptions);
Provides functionality similar to the navigational controls on the page. It provides methods to move through the objects of the queue, such as going to first, previous, next, and last objects. It also provides properties for the index of the current object and information about the queue as a whole.
Property |
Type |
Description |
currentQueueIndex |
Number |
The 0-based index of the current review queue object. The value is -1 if the current element isn't present in the queue. |
reviewQueueInformation |
Object |
An object that contains information about the current review queue and the queue itself: Copy
See the following subsections for information about these methods:
- navigate.first()
- navigate.previous()
- navigate.last()
- navigate.byIndex(index: Number)
Navigates to the first object in the review queue. This method returns a resolved promise if navigation occurred, and a rejected promise if navigation couldn't be performed.
Return type
The following sample illustrates how to navigate to the first object on every page interaction:
exampleTypeEventHandlers[eventNames.PAGE_INTERACTION] = function() {
const reviewQueueBrowser = convenienceApi.reviewQueueBrowser;
function() { console.log("navigated to the first index") },
function(err) { console.error(err) }
Navigates to the previous object in the review queue. This method returns a resolved promise if navigation occurred, and a rejected promise if navigation couldn't be performed.
Return type
The following sample illustrates how to navigate to the previous object on every page interaction:
exampleTypeEventHandlers[eventNames.PAGE_INTERACTION] = function() {
const reviewQueueBrowser = convenienceApi.reviewQueueBrowser;
function() { console.log("navigated to " + reviewQueueBrowser.currentQueueIndex) },
function(err) { console.error(err) }
Navigates to the next object in the review queue. This method returns a resolved promise if navigation occurred, and a rejected promise if navigation couldn't be performed.
Return type
The following sample illustrates how to navigate to the next object on every page interaction:
exampleTypeEventHandlers[eventNames.PAGE_INTERACTION] = function() {
const reviewQueueBrowser = convenienceApi.reviewQueueBrowser;
function() { console.log("navigated to " + reviewQueueBrowser.currentQueueIndex) },
function(err) { console.error(err) }
Navigates to the last object in the review queue. This method returns a resolved promise if navigation occurred, and a rejected promise if navigation couldn't be performed.
Return type
The following sample illustrates how to navigate to the last object on every page interaction:
exampleTypeEventHandlers[eventNames.PAGE_INTERACTION] = function() {
const reviewQueueBrowser = convenienceApi.reviewQueueBrowser;
function() { console.log("navigated to the last index") },
function(err) { console.error(err) }
navigate.byIndex(index: Number)
Navigates to a specified object in the review queue. This method returns a resolved promise if navigation occurred, and a rejected promise if navigation couldn't be performed.
Parameter | Description |
index: Number | A number indicating the location of an object in the review queue. |
Return type
The following sample illustrates how to navigate to the 3rd object on every page interaction:
exampleTypeEventHandlers[eventNames.PAGE_INTERACTION] = function() {
const reviewQueueBrowser = convenienceApi.reviewQueueBrowser;
function() { console.log("navigated to the 3rd object") },
function(err) { console.error(err) }
Provides properties and methods related to a user.
getCurrentAclUserId(workspaceId: <Number>)
Retrieves the current access control list (ACL) identifier.
Parameter | Description |
workspaceId: <Number> | The artifiact ID of a specific workspace. |
Return type
convenienceApi.user.getCurrentAclUserId(workspaceId).then(function (userId) { someCallback(userId);});
Includes various utility functions.
See the following subsections for information about these methods:
- getHtmlEventTarget(htmlEvent: Object)
- getRelativityPageBaseWindow()
- keyValueArrayToJsonArrayTransformer(arrayToTransform: Array, inputValueKey: String)
- reload()
getHtmlEventTarget(htmlEvent: Object)
Gets the target of an HTML element. The target is dependent on the browser. For example, IE uses __target.
Parameter | Description |
htmlEvent: Object | HTML Event to retrieve the target. |
Return type
var htmlEvent = { target: 1, __target: 2 };
var target = convenienceApi.utilities.getHtmlEventTarget(htmlEvent);
/* Console output:
* 2
Returns the window with the Relativity context. Use this method to access the Relativity window from within a pop-up window.
Return type
Window object
The following code sample illustrates how to access a function on the Relativity window via the window object returned by getRelativityPageBaseWindow method.
var relativityWindow = convenienceApi.utilities.getRelativityPageBaseWindow();
console.log(relativityWindow.GetRelativityApplicationWebResourceFile("some-guid", "latest", "file.txt"));
/* Console output:
* "/Relativity/RelativityApplicationWebResourceFile/some-guid/latest/file.txt"
keyValueArrayToJsonArrayTransformer(arrayToTransform: Array, inputValueKey: String)
Converts an array of name-value pairs into an array with values for a specified key.
Parameter | Description |
arrayToTransform: Array | Array to be transformed into a dictionary. |
inputValueKey: String | The name of the object of the value key in array elements. |
Return type
var someArray = [
{ Order: 1, Letter: "A" },
{ Order: 2, Letter: "B" },
{ Order: 3, Letter: "C" },
{ Order: 4, Letter: "D" }
var arr = convenienceApi.utilities.keyValueArrayToJsonArrayTransformer(someArray, "Order" );
/* Console output:
* [1, 2, 3, 4]
Reloads the form and triggers event handlers.
Return type
Represents an object used to facilitate the form validation process by creating data structures required by the validationArray.
See the following subsections for information about these methods:
- getFailedSummaryObject(validationMessage: String|List<String>)
- getFailedFieldObject(fieldId: String|Number, validationMessage: String)
- getDefaultSummaryErrorForAction(actionName: String)
getFailedSummaryObject(validationMessage: String|List<String>)
Creates a summary-level validation error object. This method returns a validation object that represents a summary error.
Parameter | Description |
validationMessage: String|List<String> | A string specifying a validation message. |
Return type
An object for representing the result of a validation check in the format expected by the validation service.
scope: { // an object that will make a validation object show failures against a particular field
id: String or Number, // id of the field that owns the validation object
result: List<String>, // list of validation messages
success: bool, // result of validation check
errors: List<String> // list of error messages
* 1. Single message example
function validateSaveHandler(response, validationArray) {
* For example, a response from the save request contains error object of the following shape:
* response = {
* success: false,
* message: "Name already exists."
* }
if (!response.success) {
var errorSummary = convenienceApi.validation.getFailedSummaryObject(response.message); // Create a validation object for displaying the given error message below the action bar.
validationArray.push(errorSummary); // Append it to the validationArray for the application to display.
Example Error Message Output - Single error message
The application displays this error message below the action bar:
* 2. Multiple message example
function validateSaveHandler(response, validationArray) {
var multipleMessages = [ "First error" , "Second error" , "Third error" ];
var errorSummary = convenienceApi.validation.getFailedSummaryObject(multipleMessages); // Create a validation object for displaying the given error message below the action bar.
validationArray.push(errorSummary); // Append it to the validationArray for the application to display.
Example Error Message Output - Multiple error messages
The application displays this error message below the action bar:
getFailedFieldObject(fieldId: String|Number, validationMessage: String)
Creates a field-level validation error object. This method returns a validation object that represents a single-field error.
Parameter | Description |
fieldId: String|Number | ID of the field that owns the validation object |
validationMessage: String | Message to display in the field error |
Return type
An object for representing the result of a validation check in the format expected by the validation service.
scope: { // an object that will make a validation object show failures against a particular field
id: String or Number, // id of the field that owns the validation object
result: List<String>, // list of validation messages
success: bool, // result of validation check
errors: List<String> // list of error messages
function validateSaveHandler(response, validationArray) {
* For example, a response from the save request contains error object of the following shape:
* response = {
* success: false,
* messages: [
* { propertyName: "Name", message: "Field is mandatory" }
* ]
* }
if (!response.success) {
for (var i = 0; i < response.messages.length; i++) {
var message = response.messages[i];
var fieldId = this.fieldNameToFieldIdMap.get(message.propertyName);
var fieldError = convenienceApi.validation.getFailedFieldObject(fieldId, message.message); // Create a validation object for displaying the given error message below a field.
validationArray.push(fieldError); // Append it to the validationArray for the application to display.
Example Error Message Output - failed field error
The application displays these error messages below the fields they belong to:
getDefaultSummaryErrorForAction(actionName: String)
Retrieve a localized default summary error message for a specific action, such as save.
Parameter | Description |
actionName: String | A string indicating the name of the action. See ACTIONS constant for possible values. |
Return type
function validateSaveHandler(response, validationArray) {
if (!response.success) {
var summaryMessage = convenienceApi.validation.getDefaultSummaryErrorForAction(convenienceApi.constants.ACTIONS.SAVE);
// When localized to EN, summaryMessage = "Cannot Save."
// When localized to ES, summaryMessage = "No puede Salvar."
var errorSummary = convenienceApi.validation.getFailedSummaryObject(summaryMessage); // Create a validation object for displaying the default save error message in the current localization
validationArray.push(errorSummary); // Append it to the validationArray for the application to display.