Additional Forms API objects
The Relativity Forms API includes objects and functions for pop-up windows. It also includes a class for event names.
Summary of additional Forms API objects and functions
The following table lists additional Forms API objects and functions.
Object |
Description |
Represents the event names used in the Relativity Forms API. |
Provides functionality for closing and accessing properties of a pop-up window. |
Creates event handlers that run within a pop-up window created by invocations of methods on the convenienceApi.relativityFormsPopup. |
Describes the item list column. |
Describes how the item list displays the content of cells in the column |
Defines cell content alignment. |
Represents a column header definition. |
Defines an interface of a column indicator. |
Contains information about a single field. |
Defines the number identification for field types. |
Field Value | The value of a field on the viewModel. The type and structure of this value varies depending on the field type. |
Defines the types of filters that can be used in an item list. |
Contains request details for a query method. |
Represents a single filter applied to a request. |
Represents a single condition of a filter. |
Represents a sort definition. |
Represents a response from the Query method. |
Used by single and multiple list picker components to retrieve data. |
Used by single and multiple list picker components to store and retrieve their item list settings. |
Used by Relativity Forms to determine how to render an item list. |
Contains the current state of the item list. |
Defines types of item list columns. |
Values used to determine how date-time fields should be displayed. |
Represents the structure of a Relativity Choice or Object. |
Represent the field-value data used to populate the form. |
Represents the windows alert dialog. |
Represents specific Relativity configurations that are used for communication between the forms application and Relativity. |
eventNames object
Represents the event names used in the Relativity Forms API. For convenience, the event names on the following object are sorted in property order.
const EVENT_NAMES = {
CREATE_ACTION_BAR: "createActionBar",
CREATE_CONSOLE: "createConsole",
EVENT_HANDLERS_REGISTERED: "eventHandlersRegistered",
HYDRATE_LAYOUT: "hydrateLayout",
HYDRATE_LAYOUT_COMPLETE: "hydrateLayoutComplete",
ITEM_LIST_MODIFY_ACTIONS: "itemListModifyActions",
ITEM_LIST_MODIFY_COLUMNS: "itemListModifyColumns",
ITEM_LIST_RELOADED: "itemListReloaded",<br /> OVERRIDE_PICKER_DATASOURCE: "overridePickerDataSource",
PAGE_INTERACTION: "pageInteraction",
PAGE_LOAD_COMPLETE: "pageLoadComplete",
PAGE_UNLOAD: "pageUnload",
POST_DELETE: "postDelete",
POST_OBTAIN_ADDITIONAL_DATA: "postObtainAdditionalData",
POST_SAVE: "postSave",
PRE_DELETE: "preDelete",
PRE_SAVE: "preSave",
REPLACE_DELETE: "replaceDelete",<br /> REPLACE_FILE_ACTIONS: "replaceFileActions",
REPLACE_GET_NEW_OBJECT_INSTANCE: "replaceGetNewObjectInstance",
REPLACE_OBTAIN_ADDITIONAL_DATA: "replaceObtainAdditionalData",
REPLACE_READ: "replaceRead",
REPLACE_READ_DELETE_DEPENDENCY_LIST: "replaceReadDeleteDependencyList"
REPLACE_SAVE: "replaceSave",<span class="span_1">Item List Types enumeration</span>
TRANSFORM_LAYOUT: "transformLayout",
UPDATE_ACTION_BAR: "updateActionBar",
UPDATE_CONSOLE: "updateConsole",
VALIDATE_SAVE: "validateSave",
VALIDATION: "validation"
popupControlApi object
Provides functionality for closing and accessing properties of a pop-up window.
const popupControlApi = {
closePopup, // Function
isPopupSafeAndLive, // Function
popup // Window
Property |
Description |
function closePopup() |
Closes the pop-up window referenced by popupControlApi.popup object, when it's safe to do so. This function returns an undefined value. |
function isPopupSafeAndLive() |
Indicates whether it's safe to the properties of the pop-up window from within the opening or parent Relativity Form. This function returns a Boolean value, which is false if the pop-up window is already closed or if accessing the properties of the pop-up window cause exceptions. |
Window popup |
Represents the Window object returned by the function called from a relativityFormsPopup method, such as openAdd(), openEdit(), or openView(). For more information, see Window on the MDN web docs site. |
Popup eventHandlerFactory function
Creates event handlers that run within a pop-up window created by invocations of methods on the convenienceApi.relativityFormsPopup.
The Add(), Edit(), and View() methods all take an optional eventHandlerFactory: Function property. This mechanism facilitates communication between the opener and pop-up Relativity Forms applications. It exposes the ability to add event handlers to a pop-up instance of Relativity Forms when the window is opened.
The factory function has the following signature:
function eventHandlerFactory(popupControlApi, popupEventNames, popupConvenienceApi)
Parameter |
Description |
popupControlApi: Object |
Returns a popupControlApi Object instance from the relativityFormsPopup { openAdd, openEdit, openView } call to which this factory function is passed. For more information, see popupControlApi object. |
popupEventNames: Object |
The eventNames object supplied by the Relativity Forms application for the pop-up window. The contents of this object are identical to those passed to the event handlers IIFE. However, the source of this object is the Relativity Forms application for the pop-up window rather than the opener. For more information, see eventNames object. |
popupConvenienceApi: Object |
The popup window's Relativity Forms application's instance of a convenienceApi object. |
Return type
An event handler object. See Relativity Forms API for more information.
(function(eventNames, convenienceApi) {
var eventHandlers = {};
eventHandlers[eventNames.PAGE_LOAD_COMPLETE] = function() {
console.log("main PAGE_LOAD_COMPLETE called");
var popupMode = "openView";
// the popup eventHandlerFactory function, passed as a parameter for relativityFormsPopup
var eventHandlerFactory = function(popupControlApi, popupEventNames, popupConvenienceApi) {
var popupEventHandlers = {};
popupEventHandlers[popupEventNames.PAGE_LOAD_COMPLETE] = function() {
console.log("popup PAGE_LOAD_COMPLETE called");
return popupEventHandlers;
var openArgs = {
workspaceId: this.workspaceId,
artifactTypeId: <Number>,
artifactId: <Number>,
parentArtifactId: <Number>,
eventHandlerFactory: eventHandlerFactory
return eventHandlers;
}(eventNames, convenienceApi));
ColumnDefinition class
The base class that describes a column of data. This object is extended by the ItemListColumn class. If Event Handler code is defining a custom ItemListDataProvider.getColumns function, it will need to return column objects in the format described here.
See the syntax sample for ItemListColumn.
Property |
Type |
Description |
id |
String | Null |
The identifier for a column. |
actAsAdvanced |
Boolean |
Set to true if the column acts as advanced, or set to false if it doesn't. |
defaultWidth |
Number |
The default column width. |
content |
CellContent |
The cell content definition. |
contentAlignment |
CellContentAlignment | Null |
The cell content alignment. |
headerContent |
HeaderContent |
The header content. |
highlighted |
Boolean |
Set to true if the column is highlighted, or set to false if it isn't. |
minWidth |
Number |
Minimum column width. |
resizable |
Boolean |
Set to true if the column is resizable, or set to false if it isn't. |
separatorVisible |
Boolean |
Set to true if the right border of the column is visible, set to false if it isn't. |
title |
String | Null |
The column title. |
width |
Number |
The column width. |
wrapped |
Boolean |
Set to true if the content in the column cell is wrapped, or set to false if it isn't. |
ItemListColumn Properties
An ItemListColumn extends the ColumnDefinition class and contains the following additional properties:
Property |
Type |
Description |
filter |
filterable |
Boolean |
If true, the column can be filtered using the item list's column filters. If false, the column cannot be filtered and the filters will be hidden. |
filterAdvanced |
Boolean |
If true, the column can be filtered using the advanced condition flyout. If false, the column advanced filter option will be hidden. |
filterTitle |
String | Null |
Text that is shown when users hover over a drop-down filter. |
sortable |
Boolean |
If true, the column can be sortable via clicking the column header. If false, the sort of the column can not change. |
sortDirection |
SortDirection | Null |
The sort direction of a column. For more information, see Sort class. If Null the column header will appear as if it was not sorted. |
CellContent class
Configuration that describes how the item list displays the content of cells in the column. This may need to be defined in Event Handler code if a custom ItemListDataProvider.getColumns method is being defined since it defines how those columns will show information.
Property |
Type |
Description |
dataLocation |
String | Null |
The data location property for the column that is in the item list row data. For example, if the item list is given row data in this format: Copy
Setting the dataLocation value to "col_A" will mean the item list column will show the value "row_N col_A value". |
formatDefinitions |
Array<Object> | Null |
(Optional) An array of configuration objects that transform the value of the cell in the item list row data to the content displayed in the cell. Formatting chains can be defined by defining an array of objects here. There are a number of built-in formatters that can be used on a column in the item list:
CellContentAlignment enumeration
Defines cell content alignment.
Name |
Value |
Description |
0 |
Indicates left alignment. |
1 |
Indicates center alignment. |
2 |
Indicates right alignment. |
HeaderContent class
Represents a column header definition. When creating your own ItemListDataProvider.getColumns method and need to fill in this field, it is recommended to set the indicators parameter to Null, as IColumnIndicator instances cannot be created manually.
var toolbarHeaderContentElement = document.getElementById("header");
var headerContent = {
clickable: true,
indicators: Null,
title: "Title",
toolbarContent: toolbarHeaderContentElement
Property |
Type |
Description |
clickable |
Boolean |
Set to true if the column header is clickable, or set to false if it isn't clickable. |
indicators |
Array<IColumnIndicator> | Null |
A list of column indicators. |
title |
String | Null |
The header cell title. |
toolbarContent |
Element |
The column header toolbar content. |
IColumnIndicator interface
Defines an interface of a column indicator. Column indicators are typically used to add indicator icons to column headers, such as sort and filter icons. This cannot be manually created by users, but it is detailed here for when you're creating your own ItemListDataProvider.getColumns method. Instead, it is used internally to generate sort and filter icons for column headers for applicable item lists.
Returns an indicator element as a value suitable for the consumption of Hyperscript function of SkateJS.
Return type
String | HTMLElement | Array | Null
FieldMetadata class
Contains information about a single field.
var fieldMetadata = {
artifactID: 0,
artifactViewFieldID: 0,
associativeObjectTypeID: 0,
columnName: "Name",
fieldTypeID: 0, // fixed length text
filterType: "Choice",
headerName: "Header",
itemListType: "Text",
isSystem: false
Property |
Type |
Description |
artifactID |
Number | Null |
The artifact ID of a field. |
artifactViewFieldID |
Number | Null |
The artifact ID of the view field. |
associativeObjectTypeID |
Number | Null |
The object type ID of an associated object. It is used for single or multiple object fields. |
columnName |
String | Null |
The name of a column. |
fieldTypeID |
Number | Null |
The field type ID. For a list of valid values, see Field Type ID enumeration. |
filterType |
String | Null |
A filter type. For a list of valid values, see Filter Types enumeration. |
headerName |
String | Null |
A header name. |
itemListType |
String | Null |
An item list type. For a list of valid values, see Item List Types enumeration. |
isSystem |
Boolean | Null |
Set to true if the field is a system field, or set it to false if it isn't a system field. |
Field Type ID enumeration
Defines the number identification for field types.
Name |
Value |
Description |
0 |
Fixed length text field |
1 |
Whole number field |
2 |
Date/time field |
3 |
Yes/No field |
4 |
Long text field |
5 |
Single choice field |
6 |
Decimal field |
7 |
Currency field |
8 |
Multiple choice field |
9 |
File field |
10 |
Single object field |
11 |
User field |
12 |
Layout text |
13 |
Multiple object field |
Field Value
The type and structure of a field's 'value' property varies depending on the field type.
Field Type |
FieldValue |
Fixed-Length Text |
String |
Whole Number |
Number |
Date | String |
Boolean (Yes/No) |
Boolean|Undefined If the field is not set, FieldValue is undefined |
Long Text |
Note: Do not use the value of this field to save to the database. The value will be truncated if it is longer than the value of the MaximumNumberOfCharactersSupportedByLongText instance setting. The full value must be fetched via an additional API call. We do this because the values of long text fields can be several megabytes or even gigabytes long. |
Single Choice Object |
Object Copy
Decimal | String |
Currency | String |
Multiple Choice |
Object Copy
File |
Object Copy
Single Object |
Object Copy
User |
Object Copy
Custom Text | String |
Multiple Object |
Object Copy
Filter Types enumeration
Defines the types of filters that can be used in an item list.
Name |
Value |
Description |
"Boolean" |
Boolean filter |
"Choice" |
Choice filter |
"CustomOnly" |
Custom filter only |
"List" |
List filter |
"None" |
None |
"Popup" |
Popup picker |
"Search" |
Search |
QueryRequest class
Contains request details for an item list query.
var QueryRequest = {
startIndex: 0,
pageSize: 0,
filters: [filter1, filter2],
sorts: [sort1, sort2],
idsToInclude: [0, 1, 2],
idsToExclude: [3, 4, 5]
Property |
Type |
Description |
startIndex |
Number |
The index of the first item to return. |
pageSize |
Number |
The number of items to return. |
filters |
Array<Filter> |
A list of filters to apply. See Filter class. |
sorts |
Array<Sort> |
A list of sort properties to apply. See Sort class. |
idsToInclude |
Array<Number> |
The identifiers for items to include in a query. |
idsToExclude |
Array<Number> |
The identifiers for items to exclude from a query. |
Filter class
Represents a single filter applied to a request.
var filter = new rwc.dataManagement.conditions.Filter("advancedText", [condition], true);
Property |
Type |
Description |
field |
String |
A field name. |
condition |
Condition | Array<Condition> |
The filter conditions. |
isAdvanced |
Boolean |
Set to true from an advanced condition modal, or set to false from other modals. |
Condition class
Represents a single condition of a filter.
var condition = {
operator: "is less than",
value: 10,
displayValue: "is less than 10"
Property |
Type |
Description |
operator |
String |
A condition operator. Possible values: Operators
value |
Number | String | Array<Number | String> | Null |
A condition value or a list of values. |
displayValue |
String | Array<String> |
A display value or a list of display values. |
Sort class
Represents sort definition.
var sort = {
column: "Name",
direction: "asc"
Property |
Type |
Description |
column |
String |
A column name. |
direction |
String |
A sort direction. Valid values: Sort Direction
QueryResponse class
Represents a response from the Query method. The entries in the Objects field are mapped to the Results field such that every entry has the ArtifactID along with any requested fields (e.g. Name) as its properties.
var queryResponse = {
Results: [
"Name": "test1 name",
"ArtifactID": 1039665
"Name": "test2 name",
"ArtifactID": 1039666
TotalCount: 2,
CurrentStartIndex: 1,
Field |
Type |
Description |
Results |
Array<Object> |
An array of objects. Each object represents a record in the result set. |
TotalCount |
Number |
The total count of the items returned. |
CurrentStartIndex |
Number |
The index of the first item returned. It starts at one. |
itemListDataProvider object
The itemListDataProvider is a part of the multi/single-list picker component that is used to retrieve data and provide the information required to render its inner lists.
The intention is for users to construct the object themselves and then use the custom provider to build SingleListPickerModal or MultiListPickerModal.
itemListDataProvider = {
getFieldMetadata, // function
getColumns, // function
getTextIdentifierColumnName, // function
query, // function
getValuesByIds // function
See the following subsections for information about these methods:
- getFieldMetadata(String: fieldName)
- getColumns(Function: itemListReloadHandler)
- getTextIdentifierColumnName()
- query(Object: request, Array<Object>|Null: columns)
- getValuesByIds(Array<Number>: ids)
getFieldMetadata(String: fieldName)
This method returns a FieldMetadata object for a given field name. The multi-list picker component uses this method to retrieve information about fields.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
fieldName |
String |
The field name to get the metadata for. |
Return Type
var itemListDataProvider = {
// ...
getFieldMetadata: function(fieldName) {
var metaData = {
artifactID: 0,
artifactViewFieldID: 0,
associativeObjectTypeID: 0,
columnName: "Name",
fieldTypeID: 0, // fixed length text
filterType: "None",
headerName: Null,
isSystem: false
itemListType: "Text",
return convenienceApi.promiseFactory.resolve(metaData);
// ...
getColumns(Function: itemListReloadHandler)
This method returns an array of ItemListColumn objects. These objects are used by the inner item lists of the multi-list picker component to render columns. The itemListReloadHandler reloads item list data when invoked.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
itemListReloadHandler |
Function |
If defined, this function is intended to reload the item list associated with this data provider. itemListReloadHandler should be called if this ItemListDataProvider needs to reload the item list after getting columns. |
Return Type
var itemListReloadHandler = function() {
console.log("Reloading item list");
var itemListDataProvider = {
// ...
getColumns: function(itemListReloadHandler) {
var toolbarContentElement = document.createElement("span");
toolbarContentElement.innerText = "Content of Toolbar Content element";
var noop = function () {};
var itemListColumn1 = {
id: "0",
actAsAdvanced: false,
defaultWidth: 150,
content: {
comparer: Null,
dataLocation: "ArtifactID", // key to look for in each data entry
formatDefinition: Null
contentAlignment: Null,
headerContent: {
clickable: false,
indicators: Null,
title: Null,
toolbarContent: toolbarContentElement
highlighted: false,
minWidth: 75,
resizable: true,
separatorVisible: true,
title: "Artifact ID",
width: 150,
wrapped: true,
filter: Null,
filterable: false,
filterAdvanced: false,
filterTitle: Null,
sortable: false,
sortDirection: Null,
return convenienceApi.promiseFactory.resolve([
// ...
// ...
var itemListReloadHandler = function(value) {
console.log("itemListReloadHandler called with value: " + JSON.stringify(value));
itemListDataProvider.getColumns(itemListReloadHandler).then(function(itemListColumn) {
console.log("itemListColumn: " + JSON.stringify(itemListColumn));
This method returns the name of the column that is the identifier of the row, usually the first column that is seen. For example Name or ArtifactID.
Return Type
var itemListDataProvider = {
// ...
getTextIdentifierColumnName: function() {
return "Name";
// ...
var textIdentifierColumnName = itemListDataProvider.getTextIdentifierColumnName();
query(Object: request, Array | Null: columns)
This method returns a promise that resolves to an object that has a shape which is the same as QueryResponse. A request variable is an object that represents the body of the query. The columns variable is an array of objects that defines columns to include in the result set.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
request |
Object<QueryRequest> |
The item list data requestQueryRequest that can drive the query logic. |
columns |
Array<temListColumn> | Null |
An array of column data that can be used to drive the query logic. |
Return Type
var itemListDataProvider = {
// ...
query: function(request, columns) {
var results = [
"Name": "test1 name",
"ArtifactID": 1
"Name": "test2 name",
"ArtifactID": 2
return convenienceApi.promiseFactory.resolve({
"Results": results,
"TotalCount": results.length,
"CurrentStartIndex": 1
// ...
itemListDataProvider.query(request, columns).then(function(result) {
console.log("results: " + JSON.stringify(result));
getValuesByIds(Array<Number>: ids)
This method returns a promise that resolves to an array of data items having given identifiers.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
ids |
Array<Number> |
The object identifiers |
Return Type
var itemListDataProvider = {
// ...
getValuesByIds: function(ids) {
return [
"Name": "test1 name",
"ArtifactID": 1
"Name": "test2 name",
"ArtifactID": 2
// ...
itemListDataProvider.getValuesByIds(ids).then(function(values) {
console.log("values: " + JSON.stringify(values));
itemListSettingPersistenceService object
Used by single and multiple list picker components to store and retrieve their item list settings.
itemListSettingPersistenceService = {
getGridStyle, // function
getFiltersVisible, // function
getItemListState, // function
getItemListStateOrDefault, // function
getItemListColumnWidths, // function
setGridStyle, // function
setFiltersVisible, // function
setItemListState, // function
setItemListColumnWidth, // function
See the following subsections for information about these methods:
- getGridStyle()
- getFiltersVisible(String: itemListKey, Number: workspaceId)
- getItemListState(String: itemListKey)
- getItemListStateOrDefault(String: itemListKey, String: columnWidthsKey)
- getItemListColumnWidths(String: columnWidthsKey)
- setGridStyle(Boolean: gridStyleValue)
- setFiltersVisible(String: itemListKey, Boolean: filtersVisibleValue)
- setItemListState(String: itemListKey, Object: itemListStateValue)
- setItemListColumnWidth(String: itemListKey, String: columnKey, Number: width)
Gets the grid style setting for a particular item list.
Return type
Promise<Boolean> - returns the grid style setting.
var itemListSettingPersistenceService = {
// ...
getGridStyle: function() {
return convenienceApi.promiseFactory.resolve(false);
// ...
console.log("The grid style is currently set to" + value);
getFiltersVisible(string itemListKey, number workspaceId)
Gets the filters visible setting for a particular item list.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
itemListKey |
String |
A unique identifier string for the item list. |
workspaceId |
Number |
The current workspace ID. |
Return type
var itemListSettingPersistenceService = {
// ...
getFiltersVisible: function(itemListKey, workspaceId) {
return convenienceApi.promiseFactory.resolve(false);
// ...
itemListSettingPersistenceService.getFiltersVisible(itemListKey, this.workspaceId).then(function(value){
console.log("The filter visibility setting is currently set to " + value);
getItemListState(string itemListKey)
Gets the item list state.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
itemListKey |
String |
A unique identifier string for the item list. |
Return type
An Item List State object.
var itemListSettingPersistenceService = {
// ...
getItemListState: function(itemListKey) {
return convenienceApi.promiseFactory.resolve(false);
// ...
var itemListState = itemListSettingPersistenceService.getItemListState(itemListKey);
itemListState = {
sorts: Array<Sort>,
filters: Array<Filter>,
data: Array<Object>,
startIndex: Number,
pageSize: Number,
columnWidths: Number
getItemListStateOrDefault(string itemListKey, string columnWidthsKey)
Gets item list state or a new instance of the state object.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
itemListKey |
String |
A unique identifier string for the item list. |
columnWidthsKey |
String |
A unique identifier string for the persisted columns. |
Return type
An Item List State object.
var itemListSettingPersistenceService = {
// ...
getItemListStateOrDefault: function(itemListKey, columnWidthsKey) {
return convenienceApi.promiseFactory.resolve(false);
// ...
var itemListState = itemListSettingPersistenceService.getItemListStateOrDefault(itemListKey, columnWidthsKey);
itemListState = {
sorts: Array<Sort>,
filters: Array<Filter>,
data: Array<Object>,
startIndex: Number,
pageSize: Number,
columnWidths: Number
getItemListColumnWidths(string columnWidthsKey)
Persists item list column width.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
columnWidthsKey |
String |
A unique identifier string for the item list. |
Return type
Map<String, Number> | Null - returns the column width.
var itemListSettingPersistenceService = {
// ...
getItemListColumnWidths: function(columnWidthsKey) {
return convenienceApi.promiseFactory.resolve(false);
// ...
var columnWidths = itemListSettingPersistenceService.getItemListColumnWidths(columnWidthsKey);
if (!!columnWidths) {
columnWidths.forEach(function(value, key) {
console.log("key: " + key + ", value: " + value);
setGridStyle(boolean gridStyleValue)
Persists grid style value for all item lists.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
gridStyleValue |
Boolean |
The grid-style value to persist. |
Return type
var itemListSettingPersistenceService = {
// ...
setGridStyle: function(gridStyleValue) {
// write grid style value boolean to persistence
// ...
setFiltersVisible(itemListKey: String, filtersVisibleValue: Boolean)
Persists filter visibility for a specific item list.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
itemListKey |
String |
A unique identifier string for the item list. |
filtersVisibleValue |
Boolean |
The filter visibility value to persist. |
Return type
var itemListSettingPersistenceService = {
// ...
setFiltersVisible: function(itemListKey, filtersVisibleValue) {
// write filters visible value boolean to persistence based on itemListKey
// ...
itemListSettingPersistenceService.setFiltersVisible(itemListKey, true);
setItemListState(string itemListKey, object itemListStateValue)
Persists item list state.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
itemListKey |
String |
A unique identifier string for the item list. |
itemListStateValue |
Object |
An item list state to persist. |
Return type
var itemListSettingPersistenceService = {
// ...
setItemListState: function(itemListKey, itemListStateValue) {
// write item list state object to persistence based on itemListKey
// ...
var itemListState = {
filters: Array<Filter>,
pageSize: Number,
sorts: Array<Sort>,
startIndex: Number
itemListSettingPersistenceService.setItemListState(itemListKey, itemListState);
setItemListColumnWidth(string itemListKey, string columnKey, number width)
Persists item list column width.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
itemListKey |
String |
A unique identifier string for the item list. |
columnKey |
String |
A unique identifier string for the column. |
width |
Number |
The column width. |
Return type
var itemListSettingPersistenceService = {
// ...
setItemListColumnWidth: function(itemListKey, columnKey, width) {
// write item column width value to persistence based on itemListKey and columnKey
// ...
itemListSettingPersistenceService.setItemListColumnWidth(itemListKey, columnKey, 10);
ItemListMetadata object
An object that tells Liquid how to render an item list. At minimum, a FieldCollection is required. The other properties are optional.
Property |
Type |
Description |
FieldCollection |
Array<ViewField> |
Any array of ViewFields to display in the item list. Each ViewField represents a column. |
ActiveView |
Object | Null |
Object describing the active view. The FieldIds: Array<Number> property will be used for setting the visible fields in the item list. See Layout representation for Relativity forms. If not set, then only the TextIdentifier field will be shown in the list. |
ViewFieldWidthCollection |
Object |
An object containing ViewField.AvfID: Width key:value pairs. Example: Copy
Item List State class
An object that contains the current state of the item list including sort, filter, and pager information.
var itemListState = {
startIndex: 1,
pageSize: 1,
filters: [{
field: "Name",
condition: {
operator: "is less than",
value: 10,
displayValue: "is less than 10"
isAdvanced: false
sorts: [{
column: "Column Name",
direction: "asc"
data: [
"Name": "test1 name",
"ArtifactID": 1
"Name": "test2 name",
"ArtifactID": 2
columnWidths: new Map(
["one", 100],
["two", 200]
Property |
Type |
Description |
startIndex |
Number |
The index of the first item to return. |
pageSize |
Number |
The number of items to return. |
filters |
Array<Filter> |
The filters to apply. For more information, see Filter class. |
sorts |
Array<Sort> |
The sort properties to apply. For more information, see Sort class. |
data |
Array<Object> |
An array of data objects to be displayed in the grid. |
columnWidths |
Map<String, Number> |
A map for looking up a column width by its key. |
Item List Types enumeration
Defines types of item list columns.
Name |
Value |
Description |
ACLAwareStaticField |
The edit column |
Boolean |
Yes/No column |
CodeText |
Code text column |
DateTime |
Date and time column |
DateTimeSystem |
Date and time column where the time contains timezone information. |
File |
File column |
FileIcon |
File icon column |
FullText |
Full-text field column |
MultiText |
Multiple text column |
MultiValueText |
Multiple value text column |
Number |
Number column |
Security |
Security column |
Text |
Text column |
User |
User column |
Date Formats
DateTime items support multiple formats in forms. One letter values correspond to different date formats.
Value |
Type |
Description |
d |
String |
Short date format, ie "M/d/yyyy". |
D |
String |
Full date format, ie "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy". |
g |
String |
Short date-time format, ie "M/d/yyyy, h:mm tt". |
G |
String |
Full date-time format, ie "M/d/yyyy, h:mm:ss tt". |
t |
String |
Short time format, ie "h:mm tt". |
Relativity object
Represents the structure of a Relativity Choice or Object.
Property |
Type |
Description |
ArtifactID |
Number |
Represents the artifact ID of a Relativity Object or Choice. |
Name |
String|Number|Null |
Represents the name that will be displayed for an Object or Choice field value. (Only used in the UI, the name will not be saved). |
ReadData object
Represent the field-value data used to populate the form.
Property |
Type |
Description |
modelData |
Object |
A key-value Object where the Object's keys are fieldIds whose values are the fieldId's field values. For example, if you were to use the Object Manager REST API to fetch information, you would take every entry in the Object.FieldValues property and create an object where the key is a Field's ArtifactID and the value is the Field's Value. For more information about Fields in the Object Manager, see the sample JSON responses in Retrieve field values for a Document object or RDO from Object Manager API in REST. The end result should look like this: Copy
Item SecurityFor single and multiple object fields, if the value or one of the values is an object the current user does not have access to, it will have the property "ItemSecured" with a value of true. So if your modelData looks similar to the following data, the value of that field will display as "[Item Secured]" for Single Object fields and "[Items(s) Secured]" (in addition to any items you do have access to) for Multiple Object fields. In edit mode, if a multi-object field has secured items, it will not be editable. Copy
ExitDialog class
Represents the window alert dialog that is displayed when navigating away from and edit/add form that contains unsaved changes.
See the following subsections for information about these methods:
activate(message: String)
Sets an ExitDialog with a message that will be displayed when the user navigates from edit/add form page with unsaved data on it. This uses the activate Aurelia hook.
Parameter |
Description |
message: String |
The text that the dialog will display. |
Return type
(function(eventNames, convenienceApi) {
var eventHandlers = {};
eventHandlers[eventNames.PAGE_LOAD_COMPLETE] = function() {
this.exitDialog.activate("Unsaved Data!!! Continue?");
return eventHandlers;
}(eventNames, convenienceApi));
trigger(message: String)
Displays the browser's confirmation dialog on the page and returns whether or not the user clicked the confirmation button in the dialog. The execution of JavaScript is stopped until the user confirms or cancels the dialog.
Parameter |
Description |
message: String |
The text that the dialog will display. |
Return type
(function(eventNames, convenienceApi) {
var eventHandlers = {};
eventHandlers[eventNames.PAGE_LOAD_COMPLETE] = function() {
var continue = this.exitDialog.trigger("Error Occurred. Do you wish to continue??");
// Do something to try to resolve error.
console.log("Error Resolved");
return eventHandlers;
}(eventNames, convenienceApi));
RuntimeConfig class
Represents specific Relativity configurations that are used for communication between the forms application and Relativity. These properties are read-only.
Property |
Type |
Description |
restBaseUrl |
String |
The base path for Relativity.Rest service endpoints. This does not include the hostname. For most environments, this will be /Relativity.Rest/ |
relativityBaseUrl |
String |
The base path for all of Relativity. This does not include the hostname. For most environments, this will be /Relativity/ |
csrfTokenFromPage |
String |
The CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery prevention) token. This should be used as the "X-CSRF-Header" when making HTTP requests to Relativity APIs |
currencySymbol |
String |
The symbol that will be shown next to currency values. For example, '$' or '€' |