Data transfer APIs

The Relativity platform provides several APIs for importing and transferring data. Review the descriptions of these APIs to learn more about how you can use them as part of your current development goals.

Import API

The Relativity Import API provides functionality that helps you import large numbers of documents, images, and Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs) into a Relativity workspace programmatically. It facilitates the development of custom import utilities by providing methods for retrieving production sets, workspace fields, and performing other tasks. The Import API also supports the same settings that are available through the Relativity Desktop Client (RDC) for importing documents and images.

The Import API is a service that can be used over HTTP or HTTPS to bridge external data systems to Relativity. This means that you can use it to develop utilities for tasks such as importing data from a staging database, which eliminates the need to export the data to a load file before adding it to Relativity. You can also use it to import data from multiple, separate databases into Relativity. The service performs bulk insertion of documents, natives, images, RDOs, and metadata into the database. The Import API supports .NET implementations.

For information about key classes, methods, properties, and other members of the Import API, see these related pages:

  • Import API class - provides functionality for importing documents, images, production sets, and RDOs.
  • ImportBulkArtifactJob class - provides functionality for adding a large number of Artifact objects to a Workspace.

For detailed information about classes, methods, properties, and other members of the Import API, see the Import API reference.

Related HTTP APIs


The ARM API provides a REST service that supports multiple operations required to archive, restore, and move Relativity workspace data. You can also use the ARM API to view information on current ARM jobs in progress or list available workspaces or ARM archives. For example, you could use this service to populate a custom dialog in your application with scheduled ARM archive jobs. A number of commonly used Powershell scripts are also provided. See ARM Overview for more information on the ARM application and what it does.

See for detailed information on using this API.

Processing API

The Processing API supports the automation of your processing workflows. You can programmatically use this API to create and update custodians, data sources, and processing sets required for processing, rather than manually creating them through the Relativity UI. You can also use the Processing API to run inventory, discovery, and publish jobs. For more information, see Get started with the Processing API.

Relativity Integration Points API

The Relativity Integration Points API provides a framework for developing custom providers for importing data to Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs) or other types of objects. It supports the integration of custom providers that ingest data in XML, JSON, SQL databases, or other formats. This framework leverages the standard features available in the Application Deployment System (ADS), such as custom pages and event handlers. It also includes the Relativity Integration Points API, which includes multiple namespaces containing the classes and interfaces necessary to interact with framework components. For example, the kCura.IntegrationPoints.Contracts.Models namespace includes classes and enumerations for mapping data from source fields to workspace fields. For more information, see Relativity Integration Points.

Transfer API

You can use the Transfer API (TAPI) to build application components that connect to Relativity and stream data from external sources into Relativity storage using different transfer protocols, for example, SMB and Aspera. You can also stream data from Relativity. The API enables optimized data transfer with extensible client architecture and event model using Relativity authentication and logging. For example, you can use the Transfer API to develop an application that loads case data into Relativity for subsequent processing. Unlike the Import API, TAPI does not create Relativity objects associated with the data, for example, documents and RDOs. For more information, see Transfer API.