Serialization and streaming
The Kepler framework includes functionality necessary for converting data to formats that can easily be transferred between client and server. It provides a default serializer that uses JSON for HTTP requests, while also offering options to implement custom serializers and deserializers for your specific data model. Additionally, the Kepler framework offers options for custom streaming implementations.
The Kepler framework supports serializing objects as JSON representations using the JsonMediaTypeFormatter class available through .NET. This class uses the Json.NET library to perform serialization, so it handles only JSON formatted data. The default serializer provided by the Kepler framework is designed to meet the needs of most use cases. For more information, see JSON Media-Type Formatter on the Microsoft website and Json.NET in the Json.NET Documentation site.
Custom serializers
You can implement custom serializers specifically for data models in your Kepler service.
This example illustrates how to implement custom serializer for the ResponseDTO model. See the following code sample illustrating the data model.
public Task<ResponseDTO> DataRequestAsync(RequestDTO requestObj)
var response = new ResponseDTO();
response.Data = "ABC";
response.ID = 42;
return Task.FromResult(response);
Through the Kepler framework, the default JSON serializer converts the ResponseDTO model to the following JSON:
However, you can implement a serializer that converts the same ResponseDTO to the following JSON:
The following code sample illustrates how to implement the TransformForSerialize() method on the IModelSerializer interface for your custom serializer:
// Namespace containing the IModelSerializer<T> interface.
using Relativity.Kepler.Serialization;
// The IModelSerializer interfaces require you to implement
// the object TransformForSerialize(T model) and the
// T TransformForDeserialize(object data) methods.
public class ResponseDTOSerializer : IModelSerializer<ResponseDTO>
// Custom serialization
public object TransformForSerialize(ResponseDTO model)
string name = model.Name;
int id = model.ID;
string customSerialization = String.Format("{0}|{1}", name, id);
return customSerialization;
// Because this model is only sent from the server and
// never received, you don't need to handle deserialization.
public ResponseDTO TransformForDeserialize(object data)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Custom deserializer
Additionally, you can implement a custom deserializer for your specific data model. The following code sample illustrates a custom deserializer for the RequestDTO model. It handles the custom deserialization of our RequestDTO on the server-side. See the code sample for the data model:
// Request DTO from the reference service
public class RequestDTO
string Name;
int ID;
The client serializer converts the RequestDTO to the following JSON
The following code sample illustrates how to implement the TransformForDeserialize() method for your custom deserializer:
public class RequestDTOSerializer : IModelSerializer<RequestDTO>
// Since this data model is only received by the server
// and never sent, you don't need to handle serialization.
public object TransformForSerialize(RequestDTO model)
throw new NotImplementedException();
// Custom deserialization
public RequestDTO TransformForDeserialize(object data)
string modelData = (String)data;
string[] values = modelData.Split('|');
var model = new RequestDTO();
model.Name = values[0];
model.ID = Int.Parse(values[1]);
return model;
You can add I/O streams to a service by using the KeplerStream class, which derives from IKeplerStream interface. With this implementation, your Kepler service can return a System.IO.Stream object or take a System.IO.Stream object as a parameter. For more information, see Stream Class on the Microsoft website.
The following code sample illustrates the KeplerStream class with its constructors, properties, and method:
public class KeplerStream : IKeplerStream
public KeplerStream(System.IO.Stream sendStream)
public KeplerStream(Func<System.IO.Stream, Task> sendStream)
public async Task<System.IO.Stream> GetStreamAsync()
public string ContentType { get; set; }
public string ContentDisposition { get; set; }
public string CacheControl { get; set; }
Constructors for KeplerStream class
The KeplerStream class includes the following constructors:
- KeplerStream(System.IO.Stream sendStream) - this constructor takes a System.IO.Stream object as an argument to instantiate a basic KeplerStream object. When using this constructor, don't call the Dispose() method on the System.IO.Stream object, that you used to instantiate the KeplerStream object. The Kepler framework automatically closes the stream when you call the Dispose() method on the IKeplerStream object from the client-side.
- KeplerStream(Func<System.IO.Stream, Task> sendStream) - this constructor takes a Func delegate to as an argument to instantiate a basic KeplerStream object. The delegate then provides control of the stream.
Properties on KeplerStream class
When you use the KeplerStream class, it also provides the option to the set the ContentType, ContentDispositon, and CacheControl properties used in HTTP headers. See the following content on MDN web docs:
Method on KeplerStream class
Because KeplerStream derives from the IKeplerStream interface, it implements the GetStreamAsync() method, which uses the stream provided via the constructors.
Special considerations for streaming
Review the following special considerations for using steaming when implementing Kepler services:
- The IKeplerStream interface is only supported as an input parameter and a return type.
- The IKeplerStream interface isn't supported within another object as a parameter or return type. See the following example:Copy
MyObject() { public IKeplerStream Stream { get; set; } }
- The Kepler framework controls the settings for the Content-Type header. It permits only certain content types, such as application/json.
- RESTful routes don't support file paths passed in the URI without a higher level of encoding. We recommend usingbase64 for URL encoding, because it is translated back to the original path by the the server failing your request.
- The IIS may limit the upload time and request length. To increase this values, modify the httpRuntime and maxRequestLength settings in the Relativity.REST web.config file. By default, the maxRequestLength setting is 1GB, while the maximum transfer size is 2GB.
- The default value in Relativity.REST is currently set to 1GB. This has been tested increasing the maximum transfer to 2GB. The current version of IIS appears to cap this setting at 2GB.
- The maximum download size is 100GB.