The errorApi is sub-set of the relativity.internal API, and it displays error UIs.
Note: Anything on relativity.internal.errorApi which is not listed below should not be used, and should be considered volatile (subject to change or removal without warning).
Supported Surface Area of relativity.internal.errorApi
Displays an error overlay with a message based on the supplied lockoutType. If no lockoutType is specified, the default message is used.
accessDenied(lockoutType?: number) : void
lockoutType - the type of access denied error. The possible types are:
- 2 - Indicates that the user's Relativity account has been disabled
- 6 - Indicates that an assembly needed to verify the Relativity license is missing or has changed
- 7 - Indicates that a Relativity license is missing
- 10 - Indicates that Relativity is temporarily unavailable
// an error overlay is displayed with a message indicating that your account is not configured to use Global.Relativity
Displays an error based on the supplied parameters
init(errorParameter: object|string|number) : void
errorParameter - the parameters of the error to display. The possible inputs here are:
- object - An object containing message and artifactId properties
- artifactId - The artifact ID of the object for which to display an error message. If this number is greater than 0, this method will attempt to retrieve the error details for that particular object.
- message - A message you'd like to display on the error page. The error message to be shown is either the error message from error details, the error message passed here, or a generic "an error has occurred" message.
- string - A message that you'd like to display on the error page
- number - The artifact ID of the object for which you'd like to display an error message
relativity.internal.errorApi.init("Hello! This is the error message I'd like to display.");
// an error overlay is displayed with the supplied error message
Displays an error overlay with a message indicating that no views exist (or the logged in user has no permissions to any views) for the selected object.
noView() : void
// an error overlay is displayed that no views exist for the selected object
Displays an error overlay with a message indicating that the user doesn't have permissions to view this item.
permissionDenied() : void
// an error overlay is displayed that the user doesn't have permissions to view the item
Displays an error overlay with a message indicating that the workspace is not accessible because it hasn't been upgraded to the current version of Relativity.
workspaceVersion() : void
// an error overlay is displayed that the workspace is not accessible because it hasn't been upgraded to the current version of Relativity