Application Install (.NET)

The Application Install API includes methods for installing applications into one or more workspaces, cancel pending installations, as well as retrieving the status of application installations. Additionally, it supports conflict resolution for failed application installations.

You can also use the Application Install API through REST. For more information, see Application Install service.

Guidelines for the Application Install API

Review the following guidelines for working with the Application Install API.

Admin-level context

The value for the workspaceID parameter in the path should always be -1. Any other value will return an error.

Actions and pagination

The Application Install API has several methods that use on an optional parameter called includeActions. These methods include SearchAsync(), SearchApplicationAsync(), and GetAvailableWorkspacesAsync().

The includeActions parameter controls whether the pagination properties are populated, such as FirstPage, NextPage, and others. If your workflow requires iterating through pages of results using these properties, you need to include the includeActions parameter in your method call with the value set true on in the request.

Review these guidelines for setting this includeActions parameter:

  • True - When the includeActions parameter is set to true, several objects then include additional properties that you can use as follow-up steps to queries. For example, the InstallStatus objects contain the GetDetailsAction property, which provides detailed information about the installation of a single application.
  • False - When the API is called without the parameter, the default value of the includeActions parameter is false.


For all endpoints in the IApplicationInstall API, users are required to be system administrators in order to have sufficient permissions.

Sample use cases

The Application Install API can be used by R1 Operations or ISVs to manage third-party applications in their Relativity instances. For example, a provisioning pipeline may update a new environment with supported third-party applications. Note that this API can be used in conjunction with the Library Application API.

Create a proxy

The Application Install API includes the following endpoints. To set up a proxy to interact with the IApplicationInstall API, call the CreateProxy() method on the object returned by the GetServiceManager() method.

Install an application library to specific workspaces

To install an application from the library into one or more workspaces, use the InstallApplicationAsync() method of the IApplicationInstallManager interface. The response reports the installation status for each workspace, and a failure to queue an installation request for one workspace will not prevent the others from being queued.

Install an application library to all workspaces

To install an application into all workspaces or upgrade all workspaces where the application is already installed, use the InstallApplicationAllAsync() method of the IApplicationInstallManager interface.

Retrieve the installation status of an application

To query for the status of a particular application installation request, use the GetStatusAsync() method of the IApplicationInstallManager interface. After invoking InstallApplicationAsync, clients are required to poll until the installation status reaches a terminal state (completed or failed) before the application can be consumed in the target workspace. 

Retrieve the number of workspaces with an outdated application

To retrieve the total number of workspaces containing an outdated version of a specified application, use the GetOutdatedWorkspacesCount() method. A version is considered "outdated" if it is lower than the version installed in the Application Library.

Cancel pending application installations

To cancel one or more pending application installations, use the CancelAsync() method of the IApplicationInstallManager interface. If an installation is already in progress or complete, its corresponding result object will indicate an unsuccessful cancellation with a message explaining why.

Retrieve installation details for an application

To retrieve the installation details for a specified application and application installation ID, use the GetApplicationInstallDetailsAsync() method of the IApplicationInstallManager interface.

Generate an installation report

Use the GetApplicationInstallDetailsReportAsync() method to retrieves the the installation details for a specified application and application installation ID and creates a CSV report.

Cancel pending application installations

Use the CancelAllAsync() method to cancel all pending application installs associated with a specified application.

Retrieve installation status by workspace

Use the SearchAsync() method to returns the installation status of one or more applications by workspace. Callers can provide a condition string (with the same format as Object Manager) and a list of sort fields as search criteria. The results are paged using the provided page start index and length.

Note: The includeActions parameter controls whether the pagination properties are populated. If your workflow requires iterating through pages of results using these properties, you need to include the includeActions parameter in your method call with the value set true on in the request. For more information, see Actions and pagination.

Supported Condition Fields

Field Name Data Type
Application Text
Application Artifact ID Integer
Application GUID GUID
Case Artifact ID Integer
Client Name Text
Completed On Date
Current Application Install ID Integer
Installed By Text
Is Installed Boolean
Library Origin Signature Text
Library Version GUID
Matter Name Text
Message Text
Origin Signature GUID
Started On Date
Status Code Integer
Version Text
Workspace Text

Note: Acceptable values for Status Code are 1 (Pending), 2 (InProgress), 3 (Failed), 4 (Completed), and 5 (Canceled).

Query for application installations by identifier

The SearchApplicationAsync() method returns the installation status by workspace, but it further filters the results by a supplied application identifier. The application filter is a common use case that warrants its own endpoint. The condition string, sort fields, and paging work like SearchAsync.

Note: The includeActions parameter controls whether the pagination properties are populated. If your workflow requires iterating through pages of results using these properties, you need to include the includeActions parameter in your method call with the value set true on in the request. For more information, see Actions and pagination.

Validate new artifact names

Use IsNameAvailable() method to validates any new names requested for artifacts causing name or friendly name conflicts.

Query for application installations with additional fields

Use the GetAvailableWorkspacesAsync() method to retrieve a list of workspaces and indicates whether or not the specified application is installed in each workspace. If the application is installed, the version, status, and other installation information will be populated. This endpoint shares the request and response contracts with the SearchAsync and SearchApplicationAsync endpoints.

Note: The includeActions parameter controls whether the pagination properties are populated. If your workflow requires iterating through pages of results using these properties, you need to include the includeActions parameter in your method call with the value set true on in the request. For more information, see Actions and pagination.

Workflow-Based code samples

The following code samples provide example scenarios on how the Application Install API and Library Application API endpoints can be used together.

Test case name Ingestion time Text extraction time
ArgumentException "Workspace ID must be -1" All endpoints require an admin-level context. To resolve this error, ensure that the workspace ID parameter in the path is set to -1.
ArgumentException "You must provide a valid option for the application install target." To resolve this error, ensure that at least one workspace ID is provided in the InstallApplicationAllRequest.
InvalidInputException "The RAP file provided for the Library Application is invalid." When calling Create or Update, ensure that the file sent with the request is a valid Relativity RAP file.
InvalidInputException "The workspace ID is not valid." The workspace ID passed in the request is either invalid or points to a workspace that no longer exists.
InvalidInputException "Global applications cannot be installed into a workspace." The specified application is a global application. Global applications cannot be installed into workspaces if the DeveloperMode instance setting is set to false.
InvalidInputException "You must provide at least one workspace." At least one workspace ID must be provided in the request for the attempted operation.
InvalidInputException "You must provide a valid option for the application install target." The two available application install target options are ForceInstall or UpgradeOnly.
InvalidInputException "There are already pending or in-progress installs for this Library Application." To resolve this error for the attempted operation, ensure that there are no pending or in-progress installations queued for the specified application and workspace.
InvalidInputException "The supplied installation status identifier is out of date for this application." To resolve this error, ensure that the application installation ID passed in the request represent the latest installation of that application.
InvalidInputException "The supplied installation status identifier is not valid for the specified application." The application installation ID passed in the request does not match any installation records associated with the specified application.
InvalidInputException "This value must be greater than zero." For operations that involve pagination, ensure that both the index of the first result and the number of results to return in a single page are set to a value greater than zero.
InvalidOperationException "Unknown value for InstallOutcome ..." If the system is unable to determine whether to proceed or skip queuing an application installation, the system will throw an InvalidOperationException. To resolve this error, ensure that the application has a valid version and origin signature.
NotFoundException "The object does not exist or you do not have permission to access it." As the exception message states, one or more of the objects requested (i.e. a specified workspace, a specified application, a specified application installation ID, a specified validation result ID, etc.) does not exist.
PermissionDeniedException "One or more of the objects requested do not exist or you do not have permission to access them." As the exception message states, either the objects requested (i.e. a specified workspace, a specified application, a specified application installation ID, a specified validation result ID, etc.) do not exist, or the user does not have sufficient permissions to perform the action. The most basic permissions that all users must have include the ViewAdminRepository