Re-production Job Manager (.NET)

A re-production job provides you with the ability to select specific documents from a completed production job and re-run them. After a re-production job finishes running, the modified documents are merged into the original production set. These documents overwrite those that were previously produced. For general information, see Re-production on the Relativity Server 2024 Documentation site.

The Re-production Job Manager API supports the following functionality:

  • Creating re-production jobs
  • Retrieving re-production job IDs
  • Retrieving re-production job statuses

You can also use the Re-production Job Manager API through REST. For more information, see Re-production Job Manager (REST).

See these related pages:

Fundamentals for the Re-production Manager API

The Re-production Manager API contains the following methods, classes, and enumerations.

For reference content, see Class library reference.

Create a re-production job

Use the CreateReproductionJobAsync() method to create a new re-production job. This method is overloaded as follows:

  • Pass a list of document IDs
  • Copy
    ReproductionJobResult result = await reproductionJobManager.CreateReproductionJobAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, 
        ReproductionOptions reproductionOptions,
        List<ProductionRef> productions, 
        List<int> documents);
  • Pass a mass operation token
  • Copy
    ReproductionJobResult result = await reproductionJobManager.CreateReproductionJobAsync(int workspaceArtifactID,
        ReproductionOptions reproductionOptions, 
        List<ProductionRef> productions, 
        Guid massOperationToken);

Retrieve re-production job IDs

Use the GetReproductionJobIDsAsync() method to retrieve the IDs for re-production jobs run in a specified workspace. Pass the Artifact ID of the workspace to this method.

Note: You must have view permissions for productions to retrieve re-production job IDs.

This method returns a list of integers representing re-production job IDs.

Retrieve the status for a re-production job

Use the GetReproductionStatusByReproductionJobIDAsync() method to retrieve the status of a re-production job. For example, you might call this method to determine whether a job has completed after creating and running it.

Pass the following arguments to this method:

  • workspaceArtifactID - the Artifact ID of the workspace containing the re-production job.
  • reproductionJobID - the Artifact ID of the re-production job.

This method returns ReproductionStatusResult object, which includes errors, warnings, and messages. It also includes a ProductionStatus object with properties for Artifact ID and status of each production included in the re-production job. For re-production statuses, see Fundamentals for the Re-production Manager API