Processing Set Manager (REST)
This topic describes the processing-sets endpoint, which is used to access the Processing Set Manager service. The Processing Set Manager service supports read and save operations on processing set objects.A processing set object links a processing profile to one or more data sources. For more information, see Processing sets on the Relativity Documentation site.
Create a processing set
To create a processing set, send a POST request to the following URL
<host>/Relativity.Rest/API/relativity-processing/v1/workspaces/{your workspace id}/processing-sets
Request Body Example
The response returns the Artifact ID of the processing set that was created or updated, such as the integer 1046784.
Read a processing set
To read a processing set, send a GET request to the following URL
<host>/Relativity.Rest/API/relativity-processing/v1/workspaces/{your workspace id}/processing-sets/{your set Artifact ID}
Update a processing set
To update a processing set, send a PUT request to the following URL
<host>/Relativity.Rest/API/relativity-processing/v1/workspaces/{your workspace id}/processing-sets/{your set Artifact ID}
Request Body Example
"Name":"update set name"
Retrieve document aggregates
To retrieve document aggregates and other information about processing sets with the status of Completed or Completed with errors in a specific workspace, send a GET request to the following URL
<host>/Relativity.Rest/API/relativity-processing/v1/workspaces/{your workspace id}/processing-sets/documents?skip=0&top=10&sortColumnName={sort column name, for example ProcessingSetName}&sortDescending={true or false}
Retrieve processing set summary data
To retrieve processing set summary data in a specific workspace (such as environment errors, discover and publish status) send a GET request to the following URL
<host>/Relativity.Rest/API/relativity-processing/v1/workspaces/{your workspace id}/processing-sets/{your set Artifact ID}/summary