Processing Job Manager (REST)
This topic describes the processing-jobs endpoint, which is used to access the Processing Job Manager service. The Processing Job Manager service includes methods for executing inventory, discovery, and publishing jobs. It also includes a method for canceling any of these jobs for a processing set.
Client code sample
You can use the following .NET code as a sample client for submitting a discovery job.
public void SubmitDiscoveryJob(int workspaceId, int processingSetID)
string endpoint = $"relativity-processing/v1/workspaces/{workspaceId}/processing-jobs/{processingSetID}/discover";
HttpResponseMessage response = SendProcessingKeplerPostRequest(endpoint);
if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string genericErrorMessage = "Failed to update external mapping.";
throw ConstructHttpException(genericErrorMessage, response);
private HttpResponseMessage SendProcessingKeplerPostRequest(string apiEndpoint)
string relativityRestApi = ExtensionPointServiceFinder.ServiceUriProvider.RestUri().AbsoluteUri;
string fullEndpoint = $"{relativityRestApi}/{apiEndpoint}";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
Credentials credentials = new BearerTokenCredentials(ClaimsPrincipal.Current.Claims.AccessToken());
string credentialParameter = credentials.GetAuthenticationHeaderValue().Replace("Bearer ", "");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", credentialParameter);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(Constants.CSRF_HEADER_NAME, "");
return SendPostRequest(client, fullEndpoint);
private HttpResponseMessage SendPostRequest(HttpClient client, string fullEndpoint)
HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsync(fullEndpoint, null).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
throw new System.Web.HttpException("Unable to complete POST Processing request, service is not up or unreachable.");
return response;
Submit a discovery job
After you create a processing set and add a data source to it, you can initiate a discovery or processing job. During a job run, the processing engine discovers files in the data source based on the values specified in the processing set. For more information, see
To submit a discovery job, send a POST request to the following URL
<host>/Relativity.Rest/API/relativity-processing/v1/workspaces/{your workspace id}/processing-jobs/{your processing set Artifact ID}/ discover
Submit a inventory job
Before you run a discovery job, you may want to exclude irrelevant raw files from your data set, such as eliminating NIST file types. You can perform this task by executing an inventory job. You can only run an inventory job on processing sets that haven't been discovered. If you want to apply filtering to your data, set your filters through the Relativity UI after the inventory job completes. For more information, see
To submit a inventory job, send a POST request to the following URL
<host>/Relativity.Rest/API/relativity-processing/v1/workspaces/{your workspace id}/processing-jobs/{your processing set Artifact ID}/inventory
Submit a publish job
Use the SubmitPublishJobsAsync endpoint to run publishing jobs. You can provide reviewers in Relativity with access to process data by publishing it to a workspace after it has been discovered. You must run a discovery job on the data before you can run a publishing job on it. For more information, see
To submit a publish job, send a POST request to the following URL
<host>/Relativity.Rest/API/relativity-processing/v1/workspaces/{your workspace id}/processing-jobs/{your processing set Artifact ID}/publish
Cancel job
You can use the cancel endpoint to cancel inventory, discovery, and publishing jobs for a specific processing set.
To cancel a job, send a POST request to the following URL
<host>/Relativity.Rest/API/relativity-processing/v1/workspaces/{your workspace id}/processing-jobs/{your processing set Artifact ID}/cancel