Processing Document Manager
This topic describes the IProcessingDocumentManager interface, which is used to access the Processing Document Manager service. The Processing Document Manager service includes methods for working with documents in a publishing set.
Note: See the topic Get started with the Processing API for general guidance on the Processing API, and links to documentation for the other interfaces and services in this API.
Retrieve metadata fields and values for a document
- Method
- GetDocumentMetadataAsync: Gets all of the metadata fields and values for the requested Document.
- Parameters
- <int>workspaceID: ID of workspace that file belongs to.
- <long> fileID: ID of requested file.
- Returns
- ProcessingMetadataResponse object
- <long>ProcessingFileID
- <int> WorkspaceArtifactID
- <string>MetadataJson: A JSON-serialized dictionary of Metadata and DocMetadata. The dictionary has two keys, "Metadata" and "DocMetdata". For each top-level key, the value is a dictionary of the metadata Name: Value
- <List<string>> Errors: A list of all Metadata fields that represents errors
- ProcessingMetadataResponse object
Retrieve error history for a document
- Method
- GetDocumentErrorHistoryAsync: Gets error history for the requested document.
- Parameters
- <int>workspaceID: ID of workspace that file belongs to.
- <long>fileID: ID of requested file.
- <int>skip: The starting index to retrieve documents errors.
- <int>top: The number of documents errors to retrieve.
- Returns
- ProcessingDocumentErrorHistoryResponse object
- <int>TotalCount
- <List<ProcessingDocumentErrorInfo>> DocumentErrorHistory
- <DateTime>TimeStamp
- <string> Category
- <string>ErrorMessage
- <string>ErrorPhase
- <string>RetryStatus
- ProcessingDocumentErrorHistoryResponse object
Retry deleting documents
- Method
- RetryDeleteDocumentAsync: Send a request to retry deleting documents.
- Parameters
- <int>workspaceID: ID of workspace that the files belong to.
- documentsRequest: ProcessingDocumentsRequest object
- <List<long>>ProcessingFileIDs: The FileIDs of the requested documents.
- <string>Expression: Expression that needs to be applied on the FileIDs
Retry document errors
- Method
- RetryDocumentErrorsAsync: Send a request to retry document errors.
- Parameters
- <int>workspaceID: ID of workspace that the files belong to.
- documentsRequest: ProcessingDocumentsRequest object
- <List<long>>ProcessingFileIDs: The FileIDs of the requested documents.
- <string>Expression: Expression that needs to be applied on the FileIDs
Publish documents
- Method
- PublishDocumentsAsync: Send a request to publish documents.
- Parameters
- <int>workspaceID: ID of workspace that the files belong to.
- documentsRequest: ProcessingDocumentsRequest object
- <List<long>>ProcessingFileIDs: The FileIDs of the requested documents.
- <string>Expression: Expression that needs to be applied on the FileIDs
Retrieve count of publishable documents
- Method
- RetrievePublishableDocumentCountAsync: Retrieve information regarding the publishing request.
- Parameters
- <int>workspaceID: ID of workspace that the files belong to.
- documentsRequest: ProcessingDocumentsRequest object
- <List<long>>ProcessingFileIDs: The FileIDs of the requested documents.
- <string>Expression: Expression that needs to be applied on the FileIDs
- Returns
<long>: representing the number of publishable documents