Query Class

Relativity Services API
Describes conditions, sorts and fields to be returned for an ObjectQueryManager.Query call
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Relativity.Services.ObjectQuery
Assembly:  Relativity.Services.Interfaces (in Relativity.Services.Interfaces.dll) Version: 045207d562027f7bb0eaa843477ebb7cba5b9f0a

public class Query

The Query type exposes the following members.


Public methodQuery
Initializes a new instance of the Query class

Public propertyActiveArtifactId
Result page criterion to override start position if available in query results.
Public propertyCondition
Gets or sets the search critera. This can be a simple, single-field condition or a more complex criteria expression by combining conditions together.
Public propertyConvertNumberFieldValuesToString
Public propertyExecutingSavedSearchId
ID of the currently executing saved search.
Public propertyExecutingViewId
ID of the currently executing view.
Public propertyFields
Fields to be included in the query results.
Public propertyIncludeIdWindow
Public propertyIsAdHocQuery
Determines whether or not the query is to be run as a built in saved search query or an ad hoc query.
Public propertyQueryHint
Gets or sets the QueryHint of the currently executing search. It is used to optimize the view.
Public propertyRankSortOrder
Sorting direction ASC or DESC of the Rank column
Public propertyRelationalField
Represents a string identifying a relational field. A query containing a relational field returns any matching fields and all documents that share this field.
Public propertyRowCondition
Gets or sets the row condition criteria. This can be a simple, single-field condition or a more complex criteria expression by combining conditions together. This criteria will limit the result set returned after applying all other conditions and including the relational field.
Public propertySampleParameters
Public propertySearchProviderCondition
Contains the necessary parameters to execute a Search Provider search.
Public propertySorts
Represents an array of fields. You indicate the sort order by specifying ASC or DESC after the field name, such as Relativity Text Identifier ASC. By default, ASC is the sort order on a field.
Public propertyTruncateTextFields

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also
