Script properties
Properties are the metadata XML tag attributes used to populate the script information, including the name, description, category, and version. Enter any of these metadata values directly into your XML script. If you don't give a value to the property, it's blank.
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The following table lists the available script properties.
Name | Type | Description |
script | element | the top XML element in the Relativity script body. |
name | element | names (and populates the Name column of) the script. |
category | element | helps you define the script type. |
description | element | used to populate the description column of the script. |
key | element | a key is a mechanism used to lock a script within Relativity. |
security | element | enables you to reference the current user ACL lists in your scripts. |
acl | element | pulls back a list of ACL ID's for the current user based on the attributes values so you can reference them inside a script. |
id | attribute | the ID for the field you want to reference inside the Relativity script. |
typeartifactid | attribute | the Artifact ID for the object type that the ACL ID's are referencing. |
typeartifactguid | attribute | the Artifact Guid for the object that the ACL ID's are referencing. |
type | attribute | the permission type for the ACL ID's. |
action | element | pulls back more than one data table from SQL. |
timeout | attribute | defines how long the script can run. This value is in seconds and defaults to 30 seconds. |
returns | attribute | defines how query results are returned. |
displaywarning | attribute | allows a pop-up warning message to appear when running the script. |
allowhtmltagsinoutput | attribute | allows HTML tags to be interpreted by the browser instead of rendered as markup. |
name | attribute | the name used to reference the scripts in the item list drop-down menu as well as to populate the subreport header when displayed as a report. |
version | element | tracks the internal script version. |
display | element | gives you a place holder to add child attributes like "Assembly", which gives you the ability to add attributes to the overall script. |
settings | element | defines certain attributes about your report. Currently you can define reporttitle. |
type | attribute | declares what data type the output should be when the script is executed. |
input | element | allows you to define the orientation of your report as well as define various attributes about your report. |
orientation | attribute | allows you to determine how the Relativity script's run page's layout renders. Valid values: |
constant | element | values (either static or user input) that get passed into the SQL action section. |
id | attribute | defines how the field or constant is referenced in the script's SQL action section. |
name | attribute | defines how the field or constant appears to the user when the Relativity script runs. |
type | attribute | determines what sorts of input field(s) render on the script run screen. |
option | attribute | limits the available inputs of the constant to the list of options specified. Its entry in the input section is rendered as a drop-down list. |
value | attribute | defines the display value (label) for the option if it is different from the actual value. |
required | attribute | the acceptable values for this attribute are true and false. If not set, the script interprets it as true. If the input is marked as required, its input section field is rendered as required. |
sql | element | populates a drop-down menu with the return value of an inline SQL statement. |
id | attribute | defines how the field is referenced in the SQL action section of the script. |
name | attribute | defines how the field appears to the user when the Relativity script runs. |
required | attribute | the acceptable values for this attribute are true and false. If not set, the script interprets it as true. If the input is marked as required, its input section field is rendered as required. |
field | element | allows you to reference Relativity case fields. |
id | attribute | determines how the field is referenced in the SQL action section of the script. |
name | attribute | determines how the field appears to the user when the Relativity script runs. |
required | attribute | the acceptable values for this attribute are true and false. If not set, the script interprets it as true. If the input is marked as required, its input section field is rendered as required. |
filters | element | the types of fields in the drop-down menu are designated by a filter. |
type | element | defines which Relativity field types appear in the drop-down menu. |
category | element | allows you to narrow the field type to a sub-set, based on a specific attribute. |
search | element | populates a drop-down list of saved searches in the inputs section. |
id | attribute | determines how the field is referenced in the SQL action section of the script. |
name | attribute | determines how the field appears to the user when the Relativity script runs. |
required | attribute | the acceptable values for this attribute are true and false. If not set, the script interprets it as true. If the input is marked as required, its input section field is rendered as required. |
searchprovider | element | populates a drop-down list of search providers in the case. |
id | attribute | determines how the field is referenced in the SQL action section of the script. |
name | attribute | determines how the field appears to the user when the Relativity script runs. |
required | attribute | the acceptable values for this attribute are true and false. If not set, the script interprets it as true. If the input is marked as required, its input section field is rendered as required. |
object | element | populates the specified display type with the current instances of the specified object type. |
id | attribute | determines how the field is referenced in the SQL action section of the script. |
name | attribute | determines how the field appears to the user when the Relativity script runs. |
required | attribute | controls whether or not the object field is required for the script to run. |
typeartifactid | attribute | the Artifact ID of the object field that you want to use inside of the Relativity script |
rdoviewartifactid | attribute | the Artifact ID of the view for the object field that you want to appear inside the Relativity script. |
displaytype | attribute | controls how the object renders inside the Relativity script. |
typeartifactguid | attribute | specifies the object type's Artifact GUID. |
rdoviewartifactguid | attribute | specifies the view's Artifact GUID. |