Constant Field names
The Services API supports constant strings for Field names on multiple Relativity objects. Most of these classes extend the base class ArtifactFieldNames. You may also want to consider using enumerations or constants instead of strings in your code. The Services API uses these constant Field names when you enable the StrictMode property or use DTOs. See Best practices for the Services API.
Click on a class to display its constant Field names.

Property | Field Name |
SystemCreatedBy | "System Created By" |
SystemCreatedOn | "System Created On" |
SystemLastModifiedBy | "System Last Modified By" |
SystemLastModifiedOn | "System Last Modified On" |
TextIdentifier | "Relativity Text Identifier" |

Property | Field Name |
ArtifactID | "Artifact ID" |
ArtifactGUID | "Artifact GUID" |
ParentArtifactID | "Parent Artifact ID" |

Property | Field Name |
AssignedTo | "Assigned To" |
BatchNumber | "Batch Number" |
BatchSet | "Batch Set" |
BatchSize | "Batch Size" |
BatchStatus | "Batch Status" |
BatchUnit | "Batch Unit" |
Name | "Name" |
Reviewed | "Reviewed" |

Property | Field Name |
AutoBatch | "Auto Batch" |
AutoCreateRateMinutes | "Auto Create Rate(minutes)" |
BatchDataSource | "Batch Data Source" |
BatchPrefix | "Batch Prefix" |
BatchUnitField | "Batch Unit Field" |
DocumentsToBeBatched | "Documents to be Batched" |
FamilyField | "Family Field" |
LastErrorReported | "Last Error Reported" |
LastSuccessfulRun | "Last Successful Run" |
MaximumBatchSize | "Maximum Batch Size" |
MinimumBatchSize | "Minimum Batch Size" |
Name | "Name" |
ReviewedField | "Reviewed Field" |
Status | "Status" |

Property | Field Name |
ClientNumber | "Client Number" |
Name | "Name" |
Status | "Status" |

Property | Field Name |
ChoiceTypeID | "Choice Type ID" |
HighlightStyleID | "Highlight Style ID" |
Name | "Name" |
ObjectTypeName | "Object Type Name" |
Order | "Order" |
RelativityApplications | "Relativity Applications" |

Property | Field Name |
Batch | "Batch" |
Batch_AssignedTo | "Batch::Assigned To" |
Batch_BatchSet | "Batch::Batch Set" |
Batch_Status | "Batch::Status" |
FileIcon | "File Icon" |
FolderName | "Folder Name" |
HasImages | "Has Images" |
HasInlineTags | "Has Inline Tags" |
HasNative | "Has Native" |
RelativityImageCount | "Relativity Image Count" |
RelativityNativeFileLocation | "Relativity Native File Location" |
RelativityNativeTimeZoneOffset | "Relativity Native Time Zone Offset" |
RelativityNativeType | "Relativity Native Type" |
SupportedByViewer | "Supported By Viewer" |
TimeZoneField | "Time Zone Field" |

Property | Field Name |
FullError | "Full Error" |
Message | "Message" |
SendNotification | "Send Notification" |
Server | "Server" |
Source | "Source" |
URL | "URL" |
Workspace | "Workspace" |

Property | Field Name |
AllowGroupBy | "Allow Group By" |
AllowHTML | "Allow HTML" |
AllowPivot | "Allow Pivot" |
AllowSortTally | "Allow Sort/Tally" |
AssociativeObjectType | "Associative Object Type" |
AutoAddChoices | "Auto Add Choices" |
AvailableInFieldTree | "Available In Field Tree" |
AvailableInViewer | "Available In Viewer" |
Choices | "Choices" |
FieldTreeView | "Field Tree View" |
FieldTypeID | "Field Type ID" |
FilterType | "Filter Type" |
Formatting | "Formatting" |
FriendlyName | "Friendly Name" |
IgnoreWarnings | "Ignore Warnings" |
ImportBehavior | "Import Behavior" |
IncludeInTextIndex | "Include in Text Index" |
IsIdentifier | "Is Identifier" |
IsRelational | "Is Relational" |
IsRequired | "Is Required" |
KeyboardShortcut | "Keyboard Shortcut" |
Length | "Length" |
Linked | "Linked" |
Name | "Name" |
NoValue | "No Value" |
ObjectType | "Object Type" |
OpenToAssociations | "Open to Associations" |
Order | "Pane Order" |
PaneIcon | "Pane Icon" |
PopupPickerView | "Popup Picker View" |
PropagateTo | "Propagate To" |
RelationalView | "Relational View" |
RelativityApplications | "Relativity Applications" |
Unicode | "Unicode" |
Width | "Width" |
Wrapping | "Wrapping" |
YesValue | "Yes Value" |

Property | Field Name |
Name | "Name" |

Property | Field Name |
GroupType | "Group Type" |
Name | "Name" |
Users | "Users" |
WorkspaceGroupIDs | "Workspace Group IDs" |
Workspaces | "Workspaces" |

Property | Field Name |
Name | "Name" |
ObjectType | "Object Type" |
Order | "Order" |
OverwriteProtection | "Overwrite Protection" |
RelativityApplications | "Relativity Applications" |

Property | Field Name |
Name | "Name" |
Order | "Order" |
RedactionText | "Redaction Text" |

Property | Field Name |
CopyInstancesOnWorkspaceCreation | "Copy Instances On Workspace Creation" |
DescriptorArtifactTypeID | "Descriptor Artifact Type ID" |
Dynamic | "Dynamic" |
Name | "Name" |
ParentArtifactTypeID | "Parent ArtifactTypeID" |
Pivot | "Pivot" |
RelativityApplications | "Relativity Applications" |
SnapshotAuditingEnabledOnDelete | "Snapshot Auditing Enabled On Delete" |
ViewEnabled | "View Enabled" |

Property | Field Name |
Name | "Name" |

Property | Field Name |
AgentTypes | "Agent Types" |
ApplicationFields | "Fields" |
ApplicationInstallationStatus | "Application Installation Status" |
ApplicationIsDirty | "Application Is Dirty" |
Choices | "Choices" |
CustomPages | "Custom Pages" |
EventHandlers | "Event Handlers" |
LastExported | "Last Exported" |
Layouts | "Layouts" |
Locked | "Locked" |
Name | "Name" |
ObjectRules | "Object Rules" |
ObjectTypes | "Object Types" |
OriginSignature | "Origin Signature" |
RelativityScripts | "Relativity Scripts" |
TabDisplay | "Tab Display" |
Tabs | "Tabs" |
Version | "Version" |
Views | "Views" |

Property | Field Name |
Body | "Body" |
Category | "Category" |
Description | "Description" |
Key | "Key" |
Name | "Name" |
RelativityApplications | "Relativity Applications" |
Version | "Version" |

Property | Field Name |
ExternalLink | "External Link" |
IsDefault | "Is Default" |
IsVisible | "Is Visible" |
LinkType | "Link Type" |
Name | "Name" |
ObjectType | "Object Type" |
Order | "Order" |
RelativityApplications | "Relativity Applications" |
TabDisplay | "Tab Display" |

Property | Field Name |
AdvancedSearchPublicByDefault | "Advanced Search Public By Default" |
AuthenticationData | "Authentication Data" |
BetaUser | "Beta User" |
ChangePassword | "Change Password" |
ChangePasswordNextLogin | "Change Password Next Login" |
ChangeSettings | "Change Settings" |
Client | "Client" |
DataFocus | "Data Focus" |
DefaultSelectedFileType | "Default Selected File Type" |
DocumentSkip | "Document Skip" |
EmailAddress | "Email Address" |
EnforceViewerCompatibility | "Enforce Viewer Compatibility" |
FirstName | "First Name" |
FullName | "Full Name" |
Groups | "Groups" |
InvalidLoginAttempts | "Invalid Login Attempts" |
ItemListPageLength | "Item List Page Length" |
KeyboardShortcuts | "Keyboard Shortcuts" |
LastName | "Last Name" |
MaximumPasswordAge | "Maximum Password Age" |
NativeViewerCacheAhead | "Native Viewer Cache Ahead" |
Password | "Password" |
PasswordAction | "Password Action" |
PasswordLastResetOn | "Password Last Reset On" |
RelativityAccess | "Relativity Access" |
SendPasswordTo | "Send Password To" |
ShowFilters | "Show Filters" |
SkipDefaultPreference | "Skip Default Preference" |
TrustedIPs | "Trusted IPs" |
Type | "Type" |
Workspaces | "Workspaces" |
WorkspaceUserIDs | "Workspace User IDs" |

Property | Field Name |
DisplayField | "Display Field" |
GroupDefinitionField | "Group Definition Field" |
IndentationDefinitionField | "Indentation Definition Field" |
IsVisible | "Is Visible" |
Name | "Name" |
ObjectType | "Object Type" |
Order | "Order" |
RelativityApplications | "Relativity Applications" |
RenderLinks | "Render Links" |
VisibleInDropdown | "Visible In Dropdown" |
VisualizationType | "Visualization Type" |

Property | Field Name |
Accessible | "Accessible" |
Client | "Client" |
DatabaseLocation | "Database Location" |
DefaultCacheLocation | "Default Cache Location" |
DefaultFileLocation | "Default File Location" |
DownloadHandlerApplicationPath | "Download Handler Application Path" |
MatterID | "Matter ID" |
Name | "Name" |
ResourcePoolID | "Resource Pool ID" |
RootFolderID | "Root Folder ID" |
ServerID | "Server ID" |
SQLFullTextLanguageCodeID | "SQL Full Text Language Code ID" |
Status | "Status" |