This DTO has been deprecated as part of the Relativity Services API (RSAPI) Deprecation and is no longer supported. For more information and alternative APIs, see RSAPI deprecation process.

Object Type

An Object Type resource represents a Relativity object type available in a workspace. You can use the REST API to create, read, update, delete, and query object types. You can also interact with object types through the Services API. For general information about object types, see the Relativity objects.

This page contains the following information:

GET method

You can use the GET method to retrieve a single Object Type or a collection of all Object Types in a workspace. You can find a general overview of this functionality in Retrieve resources.

Retrieve all Object Types in a workspace

You can retrieve a collection of all Object Types in a workspace with a GET method.

Sample URL

The URL indicates that you are retrieving a collection of Object Type resources. You don't need to provide a body with this GET request.

/Relativity.REST/Workspace/1014823/Object Type


Retrieve a single Object Type

When you retrieve a single Object Type, you must supply a unique identifier (such as a GUID or ArtifactID) for the resource.

Sample URL

The URL contains the identifier for a Object Type resource. You don't need to provide a body with a GET request.

/Relativity.REST/Workspace/1014823/Object Type/1038579


POST method

You can use the POST method to perform complex queries or to create resources. For more information, see Perform queries and Create resources.

Query for a Object Type resource

You can set conditions used to query for a Object Type resource.

Sample URL

/Relativity.REST/Workspace/1014823/Object Type/QueryResult



Create a Object Type resource

You can create a Object Type with the POST method. For more information, see Create resources.

Sample URL

/Relativity.REST/Workspace/1014823/Object Type



PUT method

You can use the PUT method to update properties on a Object Type. For more information, see Create and update resources.

Sample URL

/Relativity.REST/Workspace/1014823/Object Type/1038909



DELETE method

You can use the Delete method to remove a Object Type from a Relativity workspace. You don't need to provide a body with a DELETE request.

Sample URL

/Relativity.Rest/Workspace/1014823/Object Type/1038909
