This DTO has been deprecated as part of the Relativity Services API (RSAPI) Deprecation and is no longer supported. For more information and alternative APIs, see RSAPI deprecation process.


An Error resource represents an error written to the Relativity error log. Relativity displays these messages on the Error tab in the UI. You can use the REST API to create Error objects. For more information, see on Errors in the Relativity Documentation site.

You can also interact with Error objects through the Relativity Services API. For more information, see Error under RSAPI reference for .NET.

Create an Error resource

You can use the POST method to perform to create an Error object. For more information, see Create and update resources.

Sample URL



You can set the Message, Server, Source, and URL fields for an Error.

   "Artifact Type ID":18,
   "Artifact Type Name":"Error",
   "Parent Artifact":{  
      "Artifact ID":1015644
   "Message":"Event handler for my custom application failed",
   "Server":"My Server",
   "Source":"My Custom Application",
   "URL":"Custom application event handler"


The following JSON is returned when an Error is successfully created.

         "Message":"1016774 created successfully.",
   "Message":"Creation succeeded.",